Water for blood thinning

Water is an indispensable component of every cell and body fluids. All protein and electrolyte particles can only maintain their metabolism by being dissolved or absorbed along with it. This is reflected in the hemostatic (clotting) properties of the blood.

Redox potential of water

One of the most important characteristics of water is its ORP (redox potential). This indicator indicates how much it is able to restore the structure of tissues, including blood. It can fluctuate between negative and positive values, measured in millivolts. If, it is listed with a plus sign, this indicates that such water oxidizes the environment into which it enters. In the case of a negative ORP, water is the receiver of electrons of negative cell energy due to the destructive action of an acidic environment. Thus, the normal structure is restored.

Applied to blood clotting abilities, this looks about the same as in other tissues, since one of the triggers for blood clotting is the sludge phenomenon of formed elements associated with acidification of the internal environment. This means that under the action of free radicals (high ORP) the structure of erythrocytes and platelets is disturbed. As a result, their immobility and accumulation in narrowed areas of the vascular bed, which becomes the causes of microcirculation disorders and blood clotting.

ORP in the internal environment of our body: -70, so the body expends energy to convert the water it receives.

Acidic or alkaline water

Another important characteristic of water in relation to clotting is its pH and electrolyte-mineral composition. Acidic or alkaline water is not the same concept as ORP. If the first is due to organic and inorganic components and impurities, then the second is due to the electrolyte composition. This is not to say that they are not related to each other at all, since alkaline water has a more beneficial ORP (negative) than acidic (positive).

Modern medicine has already proven that the body requires slightly alkaline water, it is she who helps him fight acidification and blood viscosity.

Hard and soft water

The composition of electrolytes also affects the hardness of water. The greater the concentration and variety of ions in water, the more rigid it is. First of all, this concerns compounds and salts of calcium, chlorine, magnesium and sodium. It has been recorded that the ORP in water with high hardness is higher than in soft water, although its acidity tends to the alkaline side due to the presence of hydrocarbonate ions.

However, hard water does not mean healthy. On the contrary, it will make your vessels just as “hard” and hard. Therefore, soft water is useful for the body, containing useful minerals in ionic form, but not containing inorganic minerals that are only deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing hypertension, stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system over time.

Surface tension

When considering the effect of water on the blood coagulation system, one cannot but pay attention to its ability such as surface tension. This property is responsible for the degree of digestibility of water, for how easily or vice versa it is difficult to digest by our body.

In the modern world, there are also special preparations that reduce the surface tension of water, for example, “hydrosel” from the company “coral club”

Practical advice

Summing up the conclusions of the effect of water on blood clotting, we can give the following practical advice:

  1. Water with low surface tension, slightly alkaline reaction, negative redox potential is the most favorable and curative for human health.

  2. Water is an indispensable substance that must be regularly supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. It cannot be a remedy for thickening of the blood, as it has a gradual effect. Its purpose is to prevent and minimize the conditions for the occurrence of such a condition;

  3. Daily water intake should be controlled by the feeling of thirst, the presence of edema and the amount of urine. The approximate norm is about two liters. It is unacceptable to exceed it in persons with signs of heart or kidney failure, hypertension, regardless of the composition and nature of the water;

  4. The best blood thinner is water with a low ORP. At home, it is melt water. You can prepare it by collecting ordinary purified water in a container and boiling it. Then it is completely frozen. Before drinking, the water is thawed, leaving the central part of the ice, which contains all the oxidizers.

  5. Purified water is considered the most suitable for continuous drinking. It has the characteristics of a neutral environment and is sufficiently enriched with electrolytes, which keeps the blood in a liquid state without harm to the body as a whole. All other types of water: alkaline, mineral, acid should be used occasionally;

  6. Water must be consumed on an empty stomach in the morning, as well as between meals. Do not drink it immediately after eating;

  7. A sign of water hardness is the accumulation of lime deposits on the walls of the kettle during boiling. The harder it is, the faster and more intense this process occurs. It cleans the kettle well of lime by alternately using baking soda dissolved in water, with further boiling, and vinegar essence, repeating the procedure. Instead of vinegar, citric acid can be used. It is better not to use household chemicals.

Recommendations for cleaning tap water:

  1. Settling of water and its silvering (placing a silver object in water overnight)

  2. Method of incomplete freezing of water (when the water is frozen only on the sides, and the center drains) followed by defrosting

  3. Filtration and absorption;

  4. Distillation. It is carried out by special portable or flow-through installations. The principle of the method is that water is transferred to a vapor state, after which it is subjected to reverse condensation into a separate container. The method is good, but not without drawbacks, since useful microelements leave along with harmful particles, to saturate the water with them, artificial mineralization is required with special mineral stones, or ready-made concentrated mineral solutions;

  5. Reverse osmosis – a special type of water purification by passing it through a semi-permeable membrane. In this case, an ion exchange occurs between the filter element and the liquid, which loses suspensions and negative particles. For this, special large stationary type filters are installed. As in the case of distillation, the water is clean, but depleted in important electrolytes, which is eliminated by artificial mineralization.

  6. Membrane filter – a relatively cheap filter, but in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to distillation!

[Video] Dr. Berg – Distilled water, to drink or not to drink?

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