A water distiller is a device whose function is to purify water from harmful substances. Distillation is a very similar principle of the natural water cycle – evaporation and condensation. Most distillers combine steam distillation with post-carbonation filtration to ensure optimum water purity. With the help of a water distiller, you can save on buying expensive bottled water and forget about carrying heavy bottles.
Types of water
Groundwater: Water contained in underground aquifers that reach the surface through springs, deep wells and artesian wells.
Surface water: water collected in the form of rain and snow, and seepage from groundwater collected in reservoirs, lakes and rivers.
Spring Water: Groundwater that rises to the surface through a natural opening.
Artesian well: Groundwater that is accessed by drilling and then naturally flows to the surface.
Mineral Water: Bottled water containing at least 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids. Mineral water differs from other types of bottled water in the constant level and relative proportions of mineral trace elements from the moment it emerges from the source. No minerals may be added to this product.
Deep water: underground water that is accessed by drilling and then pumped to the surface.
Hard water: water high in calcium and magnesium.
Soft water: water low in calcium and magnesium. Soft water can occur naturally or be achieved through ion exchange, where calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions.
Reverse Osmosis Water: The process of reducing the mineral content of water by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane.
Water through carbon filtration: A method of removing organic matter and chlorine by exploiting the natural ability of carbon to absorb such chemicals.
Water through deionization: a method of obtaining purified water, a method of removing inorganic impurities with ionic charges.
Distilled water
Distilled water is widely used not only at home, but also in chemical laboratories, pharmacies, car batteries and many other places.
Distilled water is water in which many of its impurities have been removed by distillation. Distillation involves boiling water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. Such water is a better choice than regular tap water. Tap water can contain a number of impurities, including:
- chlorine (and by-products);
- fluoride;
- pesticides;
- fertilizers (eg nitrates);
- heavy metals;
- radioactive substances (such as radium);
- microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites).
Filtration with a water distiller reduces these impurities and improves the taste of tap water.
Distilled water is very soft. Therefore, when using it in everyday life, kitchen appliances will not suffer from scale, and tea will get a much better taste. For example, irons will last longer if filled with distilled water.
Water distiller maintenance
Water distiller maintenance includes several steps that must be done systematically in order to constantly receive clean water:
- Filter Replacement: All home water distillers require periodic replacement of the carbon filter. The carbon filter is responsible for removing gaseous and liquid chemicals from distilled water.
- Boiler Cleaning: Water distillers remove all types of inorganic salts such as calcium, magnesium, etc. This inorganic residue is deposited in the still chamber. As the residue becomes more concentrated, it settles on the surface of the boiler and heating element. Periodically cleaning the boil chamber of loose particles, as well as any remaining liquid residue, reduces the number of cleanings required.
- Every few weeks the boiler may need to be cleaned with either distilled white vinegar or powdered products such as sulfamic and citric acids. Do not use abrasive materials for cleaning. Avoid using sharp objects.
- Steam Sterilization: All air-cooled distillation systems allow periodic steam sterilization of the cooling and storage system. To do this, completely drain the liquid from the distilled water storage tank and set the distribution valve on the tank to the “open” mode.
Filter types
All “batch” or “manual” distillers use some type of “post-filter” – a filter located after the distillation process. Since these types of distillers cannot be connected to a pressurized inlet water source, an inlet carbon filter is not practical.
Fully automatic water distillers, which can be attached to a pressurized water supply, usually have some kind of “pre-filtration”. The system filters organic and volatile chemicals from the incoming water before the distillation process.
Other distillers use both a carbon pre-filter and a post-filter.
From a technical point of view of water purity, the most efficient location for a carbon filter is before the distillation process. There are several reasons for this:
- in all types of water purification systems, sequential sets of equipment are designed to improve water quality, the sequence of filter placement before the distillation process is important because the carbon filter is less efficient than distillation;
- it is known that carbon has a tendency to disperse into small particles when water passes through the device if a carbon post-filter is used, and therefore small amounts of carbon can end up in distilled water;
- carbon is known to be an active breeding ground for bacteria if the carbon filter is left wet and exposed to air, so placing it before the distillation process helps to avoid the possibility of bacteria growing in the filter.
Extra care should also be taken to periodically sterilize or disinfect the distilled water container. This is usually done with a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
Misconceptions about distilled water
Does distilled water “leach” minerals from the body?
This is possibly the most misleading and misleading statement you can hear about distilled water. There are various types of water that can cause serious harm to the body. One such type is deionized water. Deionized water is commonly used in the electronics industry to clean computer circuit boards, and its use is heavily advocated in these installations by signs. The label usually reads “Danger – Deionized Water – Industrial Use Only.” There is no scientifically based literature confirming that distilled water “leaches” any type of mineral or tissue material from the body or its cells.
Some people say distillers cannot completely remove the toxic chemicals found in water. Is it true or not?
Since the mid-1970s, home water distillers have incorporated volatile organic chemical (VOC) “vents” or used various types of carbon filters to remove these substances. The VOC vents were installed directly in front of the condensation coils and were designed to release low-temperature organic chemicals into the air, thus eliminating them from the final distilled water product. Over time, carbon filters have proven to be more effective than VOCs at removing a wider range of substances. Today, all distillation systems include some type of carbon “prefilter” or “postfilter”.
People who claim that distillation systems do not remove toxic substances are either completely ignorant of the underlying water purification technology or are simply being dishonest about systems that they cannot advertise or sell.
Some sources indicate that distilled water becomes acidic because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. This is true?
Any type of water stored in an open container absorbs air gases. If you put an open container of water in the refrigerator during the day, you can smell all the other fruits, vegetables and meats stored in the refrigerator.
Distilled water should be stored in closed containers like any other drinking water. In distillation systems using sealed storage tanks, there is little to no contact with moving air, which may contain carbon dioxide or other airborne organic material. The water left in these distillation storage tanks will tend to a more neutral pH.