Water cellulite – why does it appear? Methods of preventing cellulite on the abdomen

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Some people don’t even realize that cellulite has many faces. One of its types is water cellulite, which appears on the skin when blood and lymph circulation are disturbed. This type of abnormality is much easier to combat than fatty cellulite, because you only have to fight (and even) the emerging swellings, but you don’t have to eliminate fat cells, which is a much more difficult task.

Water cellulite on the belly, on the arms or legs, it manifests its presence with a swollen and uneven surface of the skin. On the legs, it appears not only in the area of ​​the thighs. It can also arise on the calves or affect the ankle area. Women often wonder why this condition affects them. The answer, however, should not surprise anyone. Like many other medical conditions, cellulite aqueous is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity. The occurrence of this ailment, recognized today as a civilization disease, is favored by an incorrect diet rich in salt, excessively spicy spices and irregular meals. Symptoms are also aggravated by taking birth control pills and wearing high-heeled shoes too often.

Do you have a problem with cellulite? Reach for the Calendula liniment with betulin for skin problems, which reduces the visibility of the orange peel, as well as evens out the skin tone and improves its blood supply. We also recommend Dr Duda’s Mud Cellulite Skin Care Set, currently available at a promotional price.

Water cellulite – causes

Water cellulite it usually effect unhealthy lifestyle. The microcirculation of the blood is most often impaired as a result of dietary abnormalities and the lack of physical activity in the body. The permeability of small blood and lymph vessels increases, which is the basis for the appearance of edema and unfavorable changes in the metabolism of fat cells.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists pay attention to many more behaviors that cause such skin changes. In addition to the lack of exercise and an inadequate diet, the skin condition is badly affected by too tight clothes that prevent the free, subcutaneous microcirculation of blood and lymph. Long and hot baths in the bathtub and the notoriously infamous visits to the solarium are also important.

Water cellulite it can also occur in people who are genetically burdened with this condition or suffer from emotional disorders. Water cellulite it can be a disease accompanying depression, chronic stress or various states of tension.

In the care of skin with cellulite, try the Vialise anti-cellulite cream, which improves microcirculation and helps to get rid of cellulite. Massages are also recommended for cellulite, which can be performed with Bioherba anti-cellulite massage oil with vanilla, which can be used even by people with sensitive skin.

Water cellulite – how to fight it?

First of all good, balanced diet – and it’s not about some fancy diet. Diet it should meet all the requirements that today both nutritionists and doctors consider as the basis for maintaining good condition and health. Therefore, you should limit the amount of consumed fats, simple carbohydrates as well as salt and white sugar. It is definitely worth betting on vegetables and fruits, thanks to which you can easily provide the body with vitamins, microelements and antioxidants.

  1. Also try endermology, i.e. vacuum massage.

Composed meals should be based on various groups of vegetables, whole grain pasta, groats, brown rice and lean meat, as well as fish. It is best to give up salt in favor of other spices that will not only enrich your meals with taste, but also affect the proper metabolism and the condition of the entire body. It is also relevant irrigation. For this purpose, every day you should drink at least 2 liters of fluids, the most of which should be still mineral water.

It is also worth trying cosmetics against cellulite, e.g. Vianek firming and regenerating oil, which you can buy at an attractive price at Medonet Market. We also recommend Green Laboratory citrus scrub, which can be used not only on the body, but also on the face.

On Medonet Market you will also find:

  1. Nolicell anti-cellulite body serum,
  2. Onshea anti-cellulite cream,
  3. Vialise Lifting Effects — krem ​​na cellulite,
  4. Vialise Body Wrapping – cellulite treatment,
  5. Anticellulitowy cream Signal.

Exercises for water cellulite

It’s worth loving physical activity. This does not mean that you have to become a professional athlete right away. It’s a good idea to start small, leave your car behind, and get to work on foot. If this is not possible, a bus or tram is a great option. You can always get off 2 stops early and just walk.

  1. Also read: Exercise in slimming capsules. How does vacuum training work?

Very good results are achieved by those who, over time, start running and cycling, including stationary ones. Doctors also recommend all water sports, such as swimming, aerobics, and any other water gymnastics.

There are also pharmacological agents that very well support the fight against ailments such as water cellulite. Tablets containing extracts of common ivy, ginkgo biloba and Asian pennywort quite effectively remove excess water accumulated in the body. If such therapy is combined with reasonable physical activity, it can really be achieved good results.

The anti-cellulite vacuum massager or Chinese cupping cups with which you can perform an anti-cellulite massage will also help in the fight against cellulite. See the offer of Chinese bubbles available on Medonet Market. You can also buy an anti-cellulite massage set (cupping + olive), which includes two Chinese cupping and Balsamique® Professional anti-cellulite massage oil. We also recommend Massage Brushes, which can be used both dry and wet. They perfectly complement any anti-cellulite treatments.

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