Water callus – how to quickly cure?

Water callus - how to quickly cure?

Water callus often appears on the legs in those places where the skin is rubbed with shoes. First, a person experiences a certain discomfort and a burning sensation, and then pain. If excess pressure is not eliminated, then a corn will definitely form. To prevent the development of serious complications, it must be properly treated. It is necessary to start therapy immediately after the discovery of corns.

In the people, water corn is called “dropsy”. Most often it is formed on the feet, on the palms and on the fingers. With proper therapy and proper care, the corn heals quickly and does not leave any traces on the skin.

How is water corn formed?

Water callus - how to quickly cure?

A callus forms where excessive pressure and friction is applied to the skin. The most common reason that leads to the formation of corns is wearing tight or ill-fitting shoes.

Water callus is accompanied by the appearance of a blister that is filled with liquid. The mechanism of its formation is simple. When friction is applied to the skin and soft tissues, they begin to exfoliate. The top layer of the epidermis comes off first. Exudate begins to flow into the resulting space. It consists of blood, intercellular fluid, and plasma. Leukocytes contained in the blood destroy all pathogenic flora, do not allow microbes to multiply. Plasma, in turn, prevents further erasure of the dermis.

Water calluses hurt, make a person feel discomfort, worsen the quality of his life. To prevent the infection from getting into the corn, it is necessary to start its treatment as early as possible.

Water callus symptoms

Water callus - how to quickly cure?

When the friction of a certain area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin is short, then redness appears on it. The dermis swells and hurts. The next stage in the formation of corns is the appearance of a bubble. Inside it you can see the liquid. During this period, the pain will be as intense as possible. Any touch to the bladder causes its tension, which contributes to increased discomfort.

The rupture of the bubble can occur as a result of exerting a mechanical effect on it, for example, if it is hit or strongly pressed on. In addition, if the source of friction is not removed, this will also lead to rupture of the walls of the blister. Fluid will begin to flow out of the hole. If it so happened that the walls of the bladder came off, then on the skin you can see a weeping red wound.

An infection can get into the resulting crack. The likelihood of bacterial inflammation increases if the walls of the bladder are completely torn off.

In this case, the symptoms of water callus become the following:

  • The skin around the callus turns red.

  • Pain occurs even when the corn is at rest and no pressure is applied to it.

  • The fluid that is in the bladder cavity becomes cloudy.

  • Yellowish crusts appear around the corn.

  • Pus may ooze from the wound.

  • Sometimes there is not only local, but also a general increase in body temperature.

Most often, corns are affected by staphylococci and streptococci.

Causes of water callus

Water callus - how to quickly cure?

The following reasons can lead to the appearance of water corns:

  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes that squeeze the foot, or vice versa, are too wide. Calluses often appear after buying a new pair.

  • Wearing shoes with a hard back. In this case, the callus will appear on the heel.

  • Wearing holey socks or other similar products. Excessive friction is always observed at the site of the breakthrough, which will lead to the formation of calluses.

  • Wearing shoes with high heels. In this case, the entire center of gravity will be shifted to the front of the foot. An uneven distribution of the load will lead to the fact that corns will begin to appear on the toes.

If the skin and soft tissues experience excessive pressure or excessive friction, then a callus always forms on them. This is a natural reaction of the body, which is aimed at protecting the skin from further damage.

Water callus treatment

Some experts are of the opinion that it is impossible to pierce the corn, others argue that this can be done, but carefully. However, all doctors agree that large wet calluses must be pierced without fail. If you perform this procedure correctly, you can avoid complications and speed up the healing process. The fact is that large wet corns will eventually burst on their own anyway. In this case, it will be more difficult to insure against penetration of the infection into the wound.

To cure water callus, you can contact a specialist. If it was decided to treat the corn at home, then it is imperative to follow the rules of antiseptics. This will protect the corn from purulent inflammation. The puncture should be done on the first day of bubble formation.

How to properly pierce a corn?

Water callus - how to quickly cure?

In order to independently pierce the water callus and at the same time not introduce an infection into it, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The corn and the skin around it must be treated with brilliant green or iodine.

  • It is necessary to perform a puncture with a needle. To sterilize it, it is necessary to keep the instrument in alcohol, or ignite it over a gas burner.

  • You need to pierce the corn in several places, along the edges. This will allow serous exudate to evenly flow out of the bladder. At the same time, the skin itself will remain practically intact and will reliably cover the wound, protecting it from infection. Do not make a puncture in the upper part of the corn.

  • After the puncture is completed, gauze or a sterile bandage must be applied to it. This must be done so that the liquid does not spread over the leg, but is absorbed into the tissue.

  • The next step is to treat the corn with an antibacterial ointment. Then it is covered with a bandage or sealed with a plaster.

  • Change the bandage at least 2 times in 24 hours. At the time of the night’s rest, it must be removed.

Sometimes it happens that a person does not have time to pierce the corn, and it breaks on its own. If such a situation occurs, then the corn must be cleaned of contaminants and disinfected with high quality. Then the wound is covered with a sterile bandage, which is fixed with adhesive tape.

[Video] Wet watery callus – PICK or WAIT? (my experience):

Possible consequences

Corn requires treatment, as it hurts a lot and impairs the quality of human life. In addition, there is a possibility of rupture of the bladder and infection. The purulent process can lead to increased pain and inflammation. The most formidable complication of corn is sepsis. It develops when bacteria enter the bloodstream. This happens on the condition that a person has ignored purulent inflammation for a long time.

Prevention of water callus formation

To prevent the formation of water callus on the legs, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Shoes must be sized. It must be made from quality materials.

  • Tights and socks must be intact.

  • The hygiene of the lower extremities must be carefully monitored. If a person suffers from excessive sweating of the legs, then it is necessary to use deodorants and powders.

  • If a person feels discomfort and pain, then you need to get rid of the factor that can lead to the formation of corns as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to treat water callus at home, but it is important that therapy be started on time. It is necessary to follow the rules of antiseptics, which will make it possible to avoid infection of the corn. If signs of purulent inflammation are found, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

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