Water aerobics for weight loss – training for beginners

Aqua aerobics is a form of weight training done in a pool or outdoors that is great for weight loss and toning the muscles of the whole body.

This type of fitness is very popular: water aerobics classes allow you to maintain excellent muscle tone and quickly reduce excess weight.

According to research results, after 12 weeks of regular water aerobics, athletes have:

  • a noticeable decrease in body weight;
  • a significant increase in muscle strength and flexibility;
  • improved coordination of movements.

The combination of cardio and strength exercises in water provides a complete workout for all muscle groups. An hour of water aerobics burns 400-600 calories. Water provides 12-14 times more resistance than air. Therefore, even with normal walking in the pool, calories are burned faster. To lose weight, aerobic exercise in water should be performed for at least 40 minutes, 3-4 times a week. The results will be noticeable after a month of classes.

What do you need for a water aerobics workout?

The only thing that beginners will need at the initial stage of aqua aerobics is a bathing suit and a towel. In addition, you need a bottle of drinking water to maintain the body’s hydrobalance during training.

For more advanced activities, you will need special shoes that protect the athlete’s foot from injury, provide good grip of the foot with the bottom of the pool and comfort during exercise. The best option is models made of quick-drying, well-ventilated material: neoprene, mesh fabric.

You will also need special accessories, which are usually provided by a water aerobics studio:

  • water dumbbells;
  • kickboard;
  • running belt;
  • water sticks (noodles);
  • weights for wrists and ankles;
  • gloves with webbed fingers.

The use of this equipment forms the skills to perform exercises correctly and increase their effectiveness.

Top reasons to start doing water aerobics

Because water aerobics includes full-body exercises based on natural movement, it can have an extremely positive impact on overall fitness and health outcomes.

  1. Aqua aerobics 100% safe  – Water aerobics is a low-impact exercise. The viscosity of water provides more resistance than air and allows you to train at a high intensity, but with less physical impact on the body. The buoyancy of the water allows you to move more easily, with less strain on your muscles and joints. This means that the risk of injury while exercising is practically reduced to zero.
  2. Improve psycho-emotional state – Systematic classes reduce the symptoms of depression and stress, improve sleep, and also increase the level of attention in children with ADHD.
  3. Water aerobics is a great way to lose weight – By exercising in water, you can easily burn 500-1000 calories per hour. In addition, water naturally massages and tones the muscles during exercise.
  4. Exercise improves physical endurance During training, every movement forces the muscles to “fight” against the resistance of the water. It increases physical endurance and strengthens muscles. Being underwater helps your lungs stay healthy. This is especially helpful for people suffering from respiratory problems.
  5. Water aerobics keeps the heart healthy – During training in the pool, as the amplitude and speed of movements increase, the heart rate, although it increases, will be approximately 10–20% lower than when performing similar exercises on land. Water pressure allows blood flow to circulate more efficiently throughout the body, reducing stress on the heart.

In addition to these reasons, training in water is a great way to diversify your leisure time, improve your mood and be physically active at any time of the year.

A set of water aerobics exercises

Water aerobics classes are usually held in moderately shallow water. You do not need to be an experienced swimmer to practice this type of fitness. The workout is preceded by a short warm-up that prepares the muscles.

A typical water aerobics class includes the following exercises:

  • of equilibrium;
  • for coordination;
  • for stretching;
  • cardio designed to improve blood circulation (jogging in water, twisting the body, kicking, stretching the arms).

At the end of the session, to prevent pain, a hitch is necessary – performing articular stretch marks.

Depending on the fitness goals that the athlete sets for himself, as well as based on the level of his training, the water aerobics coach draws up a specific exercise program.

Recommendations and contraindications for water aerobics

Aqua aerobics is an exciting fitness program suitable for people of all ages. Training in the pool does not require special deep preparation, the use of complex, expensive sports equipment. Water aerobics classes allow you to quickly normalize weight, maintain excellent muscle tone without long, exhausting exercises. However, medical restrictions must be taken into account.

Water aerobics is contraindicated in the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • severe lesions of the cardiovascular system;
  • unstable abnormal blood pressure;
  • significant restrictions on the vital capacity of the lungs;
  • tracheotomies;
  • cerebral hemorrhage within 3 weeks of bleeding;
  • uncontrolled epilepsy;
  • absence of a cough reflex / violations of the closure of the mouth;
  • severe cognitive impairment;
  • unpredictable bowel incontinence.

Aerobic exercise in water provides toning and strengthening of muscles without excessive stress on the skeletal system, joints and muscles. Therefore, they are necessary for people with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system: water exercises help the joints and ligaments to remain free and flexible.

Aqua aerobics is the ultimate balanced workout that improves cardio, strength, and flexibility at the same time.

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