Water aerobics: exercises for weight loss
You can keep track of your figure even on vacation! New York-based fitness trainer Michael Nicholson has developed a set of six simple exercises to do in the pool or sea. Do water aerobics three times a week and after returning from the resort, impress your friends not only with your tan, but also with luxurious forms.
We train: muscles of the press, buttocks and legs.
To perform this exercise, you will need a special rubber stick, which in aquafitness is called nudol (from the English word “noodle”) or simply noodle. Swim out to the middle of the pool so that your feet do not touch the floor.
Place the noodle behind your back, holding the ends with your hands (as shown in the photo). Stretch your legs as if trying to reach the floor with them. Then, bending your knees, pull them up to your chest. Freeze for two seconds, then straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
- Pool and sea: losing weight on vacation
Gymnastic rubber sticks for water aerobics (noodles) sold in many sports stores. They can be white, colored or even striped. Noodles are made of a dense, lightweight material – therefore, when immersed in water, they create serious resistance. Noodles easily keep an adult on the surface of the water, therefore they are often used during swimming lessons. The price of such an attribute for aquafitness fluctuates within 300-400 rubles.
Water aerobics exercises for weight loss
We train: muscles of the press, arms, back and hips.
To complete this exercise, you will need the familiar noodle, as well as the help of a ladder, which, of course, is available in any pool. Keeping your feet on one of the steps of the stairs (see photo), straighten up and sit on the surface of the water with your arms outstretched forward.
Pressing on the noodle, lower your arms down – until they are fully extended. Overcome the resistance of the water, remain in this position for 30 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Watch your breathing. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
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We train: muscles of the press, thighs, buttocks and legs.
The stairs again! Swim to her and grab the handrails with both hands. Place the noodle under your belly – as shown in the photo. At the same time, your body should remain straight.
Slowly start lowering your legs down, trying to keep your back horizontal. Pull your legs in the direction of the stairs so that they, at the end point, form a 90-degree angle with your back (see photo). Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
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We train: muscles of the arms, chest, back, abs, buttocks and legs.
You will need to hold your breath while doing this exercise – a good option for those looking to improve their breathing! True, you don’t need to dive anywhere. Find a spot in the pool where the water will be as close to your chin as possible.
Stand on the floor with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a noodle in your hands – so that the distance between the wrists is about half a meter. Hold your breath and, bending over, press on the noodle while lifting your left leg up. At the end point of the exercise, you almost touch the floor with your hands, and your left leg together with your back form a straight line. Return to starting position, exhale. Repeat the exercise 20 times, changing legs.
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Squat twist
We train: muscles of the press, buttocks and legs.
Take a seat in the pool where the water will be chest-high. Spread your legs to the sides (wider than your shoulders), take a noodle – so that the distance between your hands is about half a meter.
Bend your knees (your head should not plunge into the water) and press down on the noodle, pulling it to your knees – as shown in the photo. Then, slowly straightening, turn to the right. Allowing the noodle to emerge to the surface, you must unfold your torso with your arms. Return to the starting position (that is, stand up straight), then sit down again and, rising, turn to the left. Do 20 reps.
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We train: muscles of the arms, chest, back, buttocks and legs.
Take a seat in the pool where the water will be chest-high. Grasp the ends of the noodle with your hands, bending it into the Latin letter “U”. Hold it in front of you, at chest level.
Press down on the noodle, plunging it deeper into the water – towards the floor. At the same time, lift your left leg, placing it in the resulting “loop” (as shown in the photo). Try to keep your right leg straight. Take a step back, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times, changing legs.
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