Water aerobics during pregnancy

Pregnant: the virtues of aquagym

The main advantage of water aerobics for pregnant women is to discharge them, they feel free to move around, light, and no longer feel embarrassed. In addition, his perineum is protected. The action of water, in terms of the pressure it exerts, also has a positive effect on the venous and lymphatic circulation of the lower limbs, and helps fight against the feeling of heavy legs. In the end, the mother-to-be feels relaxed and relaxed. Aquagym also allows you to prepare the mother for childbirth in particular by helping them to better control their breathing.

Prenatal aquagym: when, how?

From the start of pregnancy, it is possible to take aquagym lessons. But it is true that what generally triggers the desire to practice water aerobics is the moment when the pregnant woman feels a certain discomfort. However, in the first trimester, the body modification is not very important. Most expectant mothers therefore start at second trimester, or even later (around 6 months or 7 months). And as the proposed exercises do not affect the onset of childbirth, they can come almost to term. Water aerobics can be integrated into the preparation for birth. But the sessions will only be reimbursed by Health Insurance if they are provided by a midwife. In all cases, it will take an overrun.

During an aquagym session for pregnant women, you can do what you want to work out, it all depends on what those present want and how tired they are. Generally, thighs, glutes, upper limbs are solicited. Sometimes we also include a very small abdominal work, but really light. Most of the time, the group consists of a few expectant mothers, no more than five. Moreover, it is not no need to know how to swim to do water aerobics. The aquagym session lasts about 45 minutes and is practiced in a small pool where the water is heated to 33 ° C. It begins with a global warm-up phase. Follow the session by itself with muscular work. Then, it ends gently with 10 to 12 minutes of stretching and relaxation. On the rhythm side, one aquagym session per week is good. For more conviviality, in some swimming pools, we accept that the dads participate in the sessions.

The contraindications of water aerobics during pregnancy

Water aerobics may not be suitable for some pregnant women. It is up to the doctor to estimate the contraindications. Each person should bring a medical certificate of no contraindication to sport. Otherwise, of course, there are always dermatological questions. If the mother-to-be has an unhealed or healing wound, for example, or an allergy to chlorine, she cannot participate in the course. Likewise, in the event that it presents large perineal weaknesses leading to urinary leakage.

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