
We live in the XNUMXst century, which means that our pharmacies and shops are equipped with a whole lot of easily available, effective and convenient methods of contraception. Some of them may affect health, others not, and yet some women are not convinced about this type of hormonal and mechanical means. Fortunately, there is an alternative! The most popular natural way to control your fertile days is a fertility calendar, also known as a marriage calendar.
The reasons for reluctance to use e.g. hormonal contraception may result from various reasons. Women give up artificial methods of contraception due to religious beliefs, health contraindications or simply aversion to unnatural methods. Fortunately, there are also other methods of contraception, which, however, require attention, time and long-term observation of your body.
What is this about?
The calendar method consists primarily in observing your cycle. It is also called the Ogino-Knaus method and the rhythm method, and one of the methods of natural family planning (NPR).
A woman’s reproductive cycle is the period between two consecutive periods. It is controlled by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus. The whole cycle is divided into two separate periods:
- The ovarian cycle – consists of the follicular stage (1-14 days) when the follicle matures; ovulation (day 14) or ovulation (however, only in a 28-day cycle); luteal stage (days 14-28) when the corpus luteum secretes progesterone.
- Menstrual cycle – i.e. menstruation, endometrial regeneration, etc.
These periods overlap. The above list applies to women whose cycle is 28 days, because each person can have a different duration.
How to calculate fertile days?
The first days after the end of bleeding are a period of relative infertility. Relative, because in some cases, earlier ovulation may occur. Pre-ovulatory infertility usually lasts 4 days, with the most certain infertile day being the first day. When determining the fertile days, we must take into account that the sperm lives in the female reproductive tract for up to 72 hours, and the egg cell after ovulation for 1 to 2 days.
Potentially fertile days, with a 28-day cycle, last from the 8th to the 17th day of the cycle. The remaining days of a woman’s cycle are a period of absolute infertility. The most certain result, i.e. when our infertile period actually falls, will be obtained only after a minimum of six months of recording the length of the cycle. On the Internet, we will find many on-line calendars that will help us quickly and accurately calculate the result.
Calendar method – advantages and disadvantages
Its main advantage is the fact that it is completely inert and safe for health. In addition, it allows a woman to closely observe her body and detect any health irregularities faster. In addition, it makes it easier to get pregnant and allows you to plan the date of conception and delivery.
Of course, this method is not effective for everyone. The exceptions are people struggling with irregular periods, working shifts, having a stressful lifestyle, young and traveling a lot. All this contributes to disturbing the cycle, which may make the calendar method ineffective.