Watch out for vipers! What is the risk of being bitten and how to avoid it? Check for your own good

The viper is the only poisonous snake in Poland, and May is the month when it can be found most often. What to do when we come across a viper, when we risk it biting the most, and if this happens, how to behave? The most important rule: stay calm and stay away from the animal. Second, don’t hurt or kill him under any circumstances. The viper is a useful, protected creature and it attacks only as a last resort.

Where can you find the viper most often?

The Vipers «are the only poisonous snake in Poland and, inter alia, that is why they arouse fear »- said recently the spokesman of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Krosno, Edward Marszałek. At the same time, he reminded that the number of bites is small and that the animal will never attack unless a human gives it a reason and forces it to defend itself (attacks without prior notice are sporadic and are usually caused by sudden stepping on). It is also worth knowing that before the viper bites, it warns with a characteristic hiss. Because in fact they are shy, hidden and avoiding humans.

Of course, sometimes we come across a viper. Places where it is more likely to be open areas such as forest edges, wet meadows, forest clearings, farmland. Snakes like to stay under stones, bushes, among tree roots. In close proximity to humans, they can be found in places with tall grass, where wood or stones are stored (it is easy for snakes to hide there).

If you encounter a viper, remember: the most important thing is to stay calm and stay away from it. Then she should distance herself from us.

What is the risk of a viper bite? The most important symptoms

Viper venom is usually not lethal to humans (a single dose kills small animals, e.g. mice). It is worth knowing that even 60 percent. In cases of bites, the venom is not injected (after: Nadleśnictwo Szklarska Poręba). However, there are cases when a snake attack can end tragically, e.g. when a person is allergic to the venom or has been bitten in the area of ​​the head, neck or chest. Viper venom is also dangerous for a person under the influence of alcohol.

The viper bite itself does not hurt (it leaves two small marks from the venomous teeth). There is pain, redness, and swelling at the site of the bite (if the last two symptoms do not appear within 10 minutes after the viper attack, you may suspect that the venom was not admitted, although we are not able to determine it ourselves). The general symptoms after a viper bite include: nausea, headache, diarrhea, swelling of the tongue and lips, lymph nodes, vomiting, fainting. In extreme cases, renal and respiratory failure may occur, as well as blood clotting disorders.

When a viper bites: what must be done and what must not be done

In the event of a viper bite, calmness and composure are very important. Fear and panic will increase the heart rate and thus the venom to spread more quickly throughout the body. Try to immobilize the bitten limb to slow down the spread of the poison. Do not put pressure on the bite site, do not put on tourniquets (higher risk of tissue necrosis), do not squeeze or suck out the venom. If possible, wash the wound (preferably with soap) to remove any venom and bacteria from the skin.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

As reminds, “after being bitten by a viper, it is advisable to visit the hospital or call an ambulance. It may be necessary to administer a serum (it is effective when given up to 24 hours after the bite – ed.) And an injection to protect against tetanus ».

The State Forests remind you to avoid returning to your car or home on your own if possible. “Movement, like severe stress, speeds up the blood flow in the body and therefore increases the rate at which potential venom is spread.” Finally, one more important piece of advice from the State Forests: «When going to the forest, remember to take a small, handy first aid kit. A few plasters, hydrogen peroxide or disinfecting wipes, a piece of bandage and a triangular scarf are all you need ”.


The viper is a protected species, under partial protection. In order to protect them, a number of prohibitions have been established, such as the prohibition of deliberate killing and mutilation, the prohibition of capturing, detaining, destroying habitats, shelters, as well as deliberately scaring and disturbing vipers.

Breaking these prohibitions is considered an offense. Its commission is associated with a sentence of arrest or a fine.


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