Watch out for ticks! Sanepid warns

The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate warns that ticks are already active. Experts warn that small arachnids are dangerous to people and animals, so after each walk you should carefully inspect the body and hair of the quadrupeds.

Season for ticks in Poland

The Sanitary Inspectorate noted that the tick bite does not hurt, and it can be found most often where the skin is the most delicate, i.e. on the arms, legs, in the bends of the joints, in the groin, skin folds and the head – on the border of the hair and behind the ears.

Ticks pose a threat not only to humans, but also attack dogs and cats. «Let’s also look closely at our pet’s skin,” reminded GIS.

In Poland, diseases transmitted by ticks include: Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), the latter disease can be vaccinated.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

«The most common symptom of Lyme disease is erythema, which we can observe even several weeks after the bite. Each of the disturbing symptoms should be consulted with a doctor ”- advised GIS.

However, it should be remembered that migratory erythema does not always appear in a sick person – estimated data show that it occurs in approx. 30% of patients. patients. Therefore, you should also pay attention to other symptoms of Lyme disease, such as:

  1. chronic fatigue,
  2. flu-like symptoms (headache, fever, muscle aches),
  3. joint swelling and pain,
  4. rash,
  5. lymphoma at the site of the bite.

This may interest you:

  1. What not to do when you catch a tick?
  2. Smartphones can attract ticks like a magnet
  3. There are as many as 19 species of ticks in Poland

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