Watch out for the tricksters. They cheat seniors and extort money “for coronavirus”
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The policemen appeal for caution. Fraudsters increasingly take advantage of the credulity of older people and steal from their so-called method for coronavirus. By pretending to be a relative, they extort money for expensive, life-saving treatment.

They cheat on the coronavirus

The way fraudsters act is repetitive. Matchmakers mainly call older people claiming to be a family member who has contracted COVID-19 and is in very bad shape. After a while, an alleged doctor enters the conversation, confirming the situation, pointing to the urgent need to implement life-saving therapy, writes Gazeta Wyborcza.

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Police: COVID-19 sufferers do not have to pay for treatment

«By informing about the necessity to incur significant financial outlays, they try to extort money. They prey on the interlocutor’s good heart and his fear for the lives of their loved ones »say Pomeranian policemen.

  1. Check it out: Is it worth waiting for a vaccine against Omicron? “You have to protect yourself right now”

As they add to the uniform, scammers put pressure on seniors, often scaring their loved ones with death in case of indolence. They can also cry into the receiver or even shout at the interlocutor who does not want to give them money.

«No COVID-19 patient has to pay for their treatment. Both diagnostics, hospital stay and medications are free »- remind the officers.

  1. Take a look: What to have in the home first aid kit in the event of an Omicron? The doctor lists

In order not to fall victim to fraudsters who try to extort money using the “coronavirus” method, you should:

  1. Be careful in contact with a stranger;
  2. Don’t give money to people you don’t know. Not to trust people who claim to be relatives or their friends by phone;
  3. Verify a “request for help” by contacting in person – by phone or direct – the alleged family member;
  4. When someone calls in such a case and there is any suspicion that it may be a fraud, be sure to notify the police – on 112.

See also:

  1. Prices in private doctor’s offices
  2. The infection record is behind us. What’s next? How long will the fifth wave last?
  3. Black spots on the map of Poland. They show where it is worst

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