General relaxation
During our trips, we forget about the basic rules of hygiene more often than usual – it happens that we have nowhere to wash our hands before eating, eat unwashed fruit and vegetables from nearby markets and food from roadside bars or booths. Often, meals prepared by ourselves, at home, may not be made and then stored in the right conditions. This is especially true of temperature. In summer, when it is higher, microorganisms have better conditions for faster growth. Unfortunately, this is conducive to the appearance of gastrointestinal symptoms. Common symptoms include:
– vomiting,
– stomach pain,
– frequent and loose stools
– a feeling of splashing in the intestines,
– flatulence.
Factors that in turn are responsible for these unpleasant ailments are:
– viruses,
– bacteria,
– parasites,
– chemicals and toxins.
Prevention of unpleasant adventures
As you know, prevention is better than cure. So let’s prepare well for your holiday travels and follow the appropriate rules during them. Then we will be able to avoid unpleasant poisoning situations.
First of all, if we eat outside, choose places that are proven, with good opinions. If you are in another city or country, look for recommendations in advance, e.g. on the Internet. It’s also worth observing the restaurant and its employees a bit. A large number of customers may suggest that the food is probably not only tasty, but also fresh (as supplies are often refilled). On the other hand, employees should (especially if they have a lot of contact with food) wash their hands frequently or use, for example, disposable gloves.
Of course, let’s also be careful about our hygiene. Hands should be washed thoroughly before each meal, preferably with soap and running water. In emergency situations, you can also use, for example, antibacterial liquid or disinfecting wet wipes.
When buying ice cream in a store, it is worth paying attention not only to the use-by date, but also to the overall appearance. If anything suggests that the product may have been defrosted earlier and it is worth frozen again, it is worth refraining from buying. Otherwise, we are at risk of being infected with salmonella, for example.
Of course, during a trip, especially abroad, we have many opportunities to try new, often exotic dishes. Of course, I will not persuade anyone not to do it. However, in such cases it is worth being double cautious and (at least the first time) trying small portions. The unaccustomed person may react differently, including not the way we would like it to be.
But what if we fail to escape?
The aforementioned symptoms usually last about 3 – 5 days and usually disappear on their own without the help of pharmacological agents. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the inclusion of appropriate drugs and probiotics can reduce the duration of the disease by 1-2 days, so there is something to fight for, especially on vacation, when every hour is valuable. Of course, the other way around – if the symptoms are very intense and last too long, then consultation with a specialist may be mandatory.
In such a case, a medical visit would be the best, but if it is difficult (e.g. on holiday abroad or in nature) or even impossible in a travel kit, it is worth having a few proven preparations, e.g. anti-diarrhea, neutralizing abdominal pain, or body hydrating agents, isotonic, etc. In terms of specific measures, I encourage you to consult your family doctor before leaving. For sure, he will be able to offer a few suitable medications.
When it comes to strictly nutritional recommendations, the body should first of all be hydrated. Not only with water alone, but also with electrolytes, which are quickly lost during vomiting and diarrhea. You should drink in small portions because too much fluid at once can make nausea and vomiting worse. It is worth giving up coffee and strong tea.
Meals should be light. Meals that are greasy and difficult to digest will exacerbate the symptoms. It is worth including rice gruels, rusks, jelly, white, stale bread, biscuits or mashed vegetables, such as carrots or potatoes, in your diet.
In case of sudden symptoms, you can refrain from eating for several or several hours, remembering about continuous hydration.
In addition, it is worth giving yourself more peace and understanding and resting during the time of illness. Intensive activities, such as demanding and long trips, training, etc. are not recommended when fighting poisoning.
At the end…
In conclusion, I wish you all successful trips! Have fun, eat tasty, safe and healthy. Also, do not forget about adequate hydration and the right dose of exercise. If you feel worse after all, you also know what to do. I hope that in such a case the indisposition will last as short as possible. A great vacation!