Research by scientists from London Metropolitan University has shown the presence of dangerous bacteria in filters in car air conditioning systems. These microorganisms can cause meningitis, urinary tract infections and septic arthritis.
The study covered 15 air conditioning filters from various cars. The tests performed revealed the presence of microorganisms such as Bacillus licheniformis – responsible for infections associated with central venous catheters and Bacillus subtilis – causing sepsis in patients with leukemia. Experts emphasize that the bacteria detected are especially dangerous for those whose immune system is compromised.
Most often, drivers turn off the air conditioning in winter and restart it only in summer, without checking whether the filters are clean. Especially in the summer season, it is important to remember to clean and replace the filters with new ones. This allows you to decontaminate the entire system and get rid of dangerous bacteria.
10 bacteria in car air conditioning that are harmful to your health
1. Bacillus – cause a wide variety of infections, including meningitis, abscesses and sepsis
2. Bacillus licheniformis – are responsible for infections associated with central venous catheters
3. Bacillus subtilis – can cause sepsis in patients with leukemia
4. Pasteurella pneumotropica – dangerous in situations of a drastic decrease in immunity
5. Bacillus pumilus – cause skin infections
6. Brevundimonas vesicularis – cause skin infections, meningitis, peritonitis and septic arthritis
7. Enterococcus faecium – can cause meningitis, endocarditis
8. Aerococcus viridans – cause urinary tract infections, septic arthritis and infective endocarditis
9. Empedobacter brevis – dangerous in situations of a drastic decrease in immunity
10. Elizabethkingia meningoseptica – cause meningitis in immunocompromised people
What is sepsis?
Sepsis is also known as sepsis. It is a group of symptoms that are the body’s reaction to an infection caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. Sepsis is an infection that develops very rapidly, so it is important to get it diagnosed as soon as possible. During sepsis, there is a general inflammatory reaction in which chemokines and cytokines are involved. There may also be changes in organs that lead to organ failure. Sepsis most often occurs in people hospitalized in the intensive care unit, because the patient undergoes a large number of invasive activities that are essential in the treatment process. Outside of hospital, however, sepsis occurs mainly in young children, adolescents and the elderly (debilitated). Being in places where there are many people is a kind of septicemia risk, e.g. prisons, kindergartens, nurseries, schools, and car air conditioning.
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