Watch out for bone pain!

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Women treated for breast cancer should not ignore pains that are similar to those associated with discopathy or rheumatism. These symptoms can be signs that the cancer has spread to the bone, and may occur up to ten years after stopping treatment for breast cancer.

Cancer cells have the ability to detach from the tumor and travel throughout the body. Together with blood, they can also reach the bones. There they can cause changes that destroy bone tissue.

Changes in the bones

In breast cancer, neoplastic metastases occur mainly in the bones of the spine, ribs, pelvis, femoral and humerus. The frequency of metastases depends on the type of cancer and the patient’s condition at the time of starting treatment and ranges from a dozen to even 80 percent. Neoplastic cells secrete growth factors that stimulate osteoclast cells present in our bones to destroy the bone structure more quickly.

Pain herald

Pain is the most common symptom of metastasis. Its causes are most often nerve compression, reflex muscle contractions, fractures with pressure on the nerve and stimulation of nerve receptors. Therefore, the pain signals of the body must not be ignored. It is better to have a false alarm than to ignore the metastatic symptom, because time is not good for the patient. – Unfortunately, sometimes pain symptoms manifest late, when the tumor has already caused some damage to the skeleton – says prof. Krzysztof Składowski, head of the First Radiotherapy Clinic at the Oncology Center in Gliwice. Then it can even break your bones.

Metastasis diagnosis

Metastasis is diagnosed through imaging tests and blood analysis to look for markers that may suggest metastasis. Unfortunately, X-ray examinations can detect metastases only in 50% of patients. A more detailed examination is bone scintigraphy, which shows changes throughout the skeleton. – Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish whether they are neoplastic or degenerative. Then, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or PET turns out to be helpful, says the oncologist and radiotherapist Dr. Elżbieta Pluta.

Comprehensive treatment

Various methods are used comprehensively in the treatment of bone metastases. The patient is given drugs to inhibit bone destruction. Drugs bisphosphonates inhibit the activity of osteoclast cells responsible for the destruction of bone tissue. They reduce pain and prevent fractures. Cancer affected areas are either surgically treated or treated with radiation. If the metastases are numerous, the radioactive isotope is delivered intravenously. Then, along with the blood, it reaches the cancer foci.

Patients also receive chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

Control visits

Women who have been treated for breast cancer need to monitor their bodies more carefully and attend check-ups recommended by the oncologist. – These patients come for a checkup every three months first, then every six months and every year. During their visits, we ask about all ailments. If there are symptoms that may indicate bone metastases, we perform imaging tests – says the oncologist and radiotherapist Dr. Elżbieta Pluta.

It is worse if the patient does not come for such tests. – Especially that metastases may appear after a few months or even after several years – adds Dr. Pluta.

Disregarded ailments

The pain caused by metastases can mimic discopathy, rheumatoid arthritis or inflammation of the nerve roots. – It happens that they are underestimated because they undergo analgesic treatment – says prof. Składowski. Sometimes women who have received treatment for breast cancer take painkillers instead of going to an oncologist immediately to clear up their doubts. During this time, cancer cells destroy bones, which can even immobilize the patient. Specialists emphasize that the sooner we start treatment, the less damage the cancer will do to the bones. It should be remembered that fractures and pain make it impossible to perform the simplest activities, and sometimes to move, and worsen the patient’s quality of life.

Living with metastasis

Information about the appearance of a metastasis is a big blow to the patient. Accepting your health condition is one of the conditions for successful treatment, especially as it is long-lasting, sometimes lasting for the rest of your life. It happens that metastases necessitate a change in lifestyle. A breakdown and no treatment will certainly not return to the previous state of health. It is worth enjoying every day, especially since the cases of long-term survival and improvement in health are not so rare.

Check: A way to inhibit breast cancer metastasis

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