Waste water: foods that make us swell

Waste water: foods that make us swell

Excess fluid can accumulate for many reasons. Improper diet is one of them. But you really don’t want to wake up with bags under your eyes!

Let’s concretize: wheat, rye flour, as well as some types of cereals, such as pearl barley and barley, contain gluten or gluten. It is a complex protein that is commonly used in bakery, it gives the dough viscosity and elasticity. And it is present in our diet almost every day in the form of bread, muffins, cookies, side dishes for main courses.

It is known that gluten causes an allergic reaction. This has its own antidote – gluten-free products, purified from the admixture of proteins of this group. But it turns out that gluten also contributes to edema. Therefore, while looking at night, do not get carried away with pasta or a bun with butter.

Carbohydrates, especially the fast ones from cakes and candies, retain water in the cells. A piece of cake, honey baklava or a handful of sweets can cheer you up and delight your taste buds. But then the body will respond with lethargy and excess weight due to the accumulated fluid in the cells. Therefore, we are again looking for a balance between taste preferences and healthy products. For example, we add pumpkin, dried apricots, prunes, apples, bananas to the diet – they contain carbohydrates, sweetness and even potassium, which is useful for a tendency to form puffiness in the tissues. And if you really want to, we can leave the desserts for the morning of the day off.

It would seem, how could these diet products get blacklisted? Well, all right, milk is scientists, and after them, the public has not yet decided whether it is useful or harmful to adults. But nutritionists, athletes, and all adherents of the PP are singing odes to cottage cheese with one voice. And kefir! This is generally an indispensable drink for any diet.

But the catch is that after taking these really low-calorie foods with a low glycemic index, insulin is produced, which is associated with another hormone – aldosterone, the hormone of the adrenal cortex. Its physiological task is to maintain water-salt metabolism; under the influence of aldosterone, water retention occurs. Especially puffiness can manifest itself with frequent intake of protein foods with a minimum amount of carbohydrates. But this, of course, is not a reason to give up dairy products altogether. You just need to transfer dairy dishes for breakfast or lunch, but prefer something else for dinner.

The easiest way to get rid of excess fluid in the body is to give up salty foods: pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut, dried fish, etc. Salt, or rather sodium chloride, retains fluid in the cells. One sodium molecule binds 20 water molecules. But giving up salty food completely is also wrong. Then the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. It is necessary to observe the measure. It is believed that the permissible rate per day is no more than 1,5 g of salt.

Mayonnaise, fatty meat and fish, cream, sausages and smoked meats, pies fried in butter – the body will use all its resources, including water, to process these foods that are difficult for digestion. You won’t have to wait for lightness after that, but swelling is quite. Therefore, the menu should include dietary poultry, rabbit, lean pork or beef. We change mayonnaise for sour cream, cream for milk. We choose the recipes so that you can bake the dish in the oven.

Probably, in no country in the world do housewives prepare for winter with such care as in Russia, preserving vegetables, fruits and even grape leaves for dolma, making all kinds of salads, dressings for soups and compotes. In Russian cuisine, canned food is not only a festive dish, but also an everyday one. See how many recipes are made from canned fish or pickled cucumber, for example. And the stew?

But there is little benefit in these long-term products. Salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid, and other preservatives increase blood pressure by trapping fluid in the cells and provoking gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, choose fresh fruits and vegetables for your diet, and stock up on marinades for a special occasion.

Chips, snacks, salted nuts

Anything that is harmful to health makes our taste buds unusually happy. And because the appetizer is strongly flavored with salt, flavor enhancers, dyes and other chemicals. And it is difficult to tear yourself away from chips or salted peanuts, the hand just reaches out to take the supplement. But, alas, these artificial components are contraindicated for everyone who is struggling with edema. And everyone else too – there is nothing useful in these snacks.

Did you get carried away with champagne at the party? In the morning, the scale will show weight gain. This will be noticeable by the swelling on the face, legs, arms. When alcohol, especially strong drinks, gets into the bloodstream, a strong intoxication of the body begins and a failure in the work of many systems. The water-salt balance is also violated: there is fluid in the body, but it is redistributed under the influence of toxins – it passes from the blood to the tissues. Therefore, after drinking alcohol, there is a strong thirst, but the body looks edematous and swollen. If libations are rare, then the swelling will go away relatively quickly.

Drinking water from underground sources is divided into three groups depending on the content of salts, gases and trace elements in it. With the highest mineralization – medicinal water, with a lower concentration – medicinal table and table water. Once the high society of society went to improve their health “on the waters”, meaning balneological resorts. Or I bought mineral water from pharmacies. Nowadays, prescription mineral water is no longer sold. But if you quench your thirst with medicinal water without dosage, you can harm the body. For example, in case of edema, sodium chloride water should not be used. These substances affect water-salt metabolism and contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Physician-therapist, candidate of medical sciences

“It happens like this: in the evening there were salted herring, pickled cucumbers and you know what else, it was satisfying and fun. And in the morning, the impressions of the evening were fixed on the face in the form of puffiness and dark bags under the eyes. This phenomenon is physiological, and it is worth returning to the correct lifestyle, the swelling will go away. And it happens that swelling is the result of health problems. Then doctors recommend always adhering to a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of protein and potassium, aimed at strengthening blood vessels, improving the properties of blood and reducing its viscosity, switch to drinks with a slight diuretic effect (green tea, water with lemon juice, broth of wild rose, hawthorn) and revise your diet. But remember that any “experiments” on your body can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. “

Elena Lemmerman, Anna Gerasimenko

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