The need to drink a glass of vodka appears in the military and police when you need to “wash” the next rank. Sometimes this is done on a dare to impress friends or even a girl. Regardless of the purpose, all these people will benefit from the following method for quickly emptying a faceted glass.
The hero of the occasion needs to solve two problems. The first is to drink vodka in one gulp, not looking up from the glass until it is empty. The second is not to get very drunk on the amount of vodka “taken on the chest”, if possible, remaining with memory.
A method called “vaccination” helps well. 4-5 hours before the start of the feast, drink 100 grams of vodka or cognac so that the body begins to produce enzymes that break down alcohol in advance. Then, 60-90 minutes before the holiday, eat a hearty meal, for example, a sandwich with butter or a piece of lard. Then, after 30 minutes, drink two tablets of Mezim or Festal and several tablets of activated charcoal.
Experience shows that it is right to drink vodka in one gulp in the following sequence:
1. Cool high-quality vodka strongly.
2. Prepare a snack in advance (at least a piece of bread).
3. Take a few deep breaths.
4. Exhale all the air from the lungs and hold your breath.
5. Slightly tilt your head back and empty the glass as quickly as possible without inhaling air. At the same time, it is important to take as few sips as possible, pouring vodka into yourself, and not swallowing it, so as not to provoke a gag reflex.
6. Exhale slowly through your nose, then inhale.
7. Relax your body and have a snack. For the first few minutes, it is better not to drink vodka, as there is a risk of burning the mucous membranes of the throat and stomach.
8. Then try to drink to a minimum all evening or give up alcohol altogether.

Skill comes with experience, before the first time, experienced security officials who have washed more than one star advise you to pre-train at home so that at a crucial moment you don’t lose face in front of your comrades.