Washing the newborn’s nose. Video
A newborn’s nose is often clogged with mucus. Sometimes this is a common physiological phenomenon that goes away on its own one and a half to two weeks after childbirth. But in some cases, severe congestion is a symptom of ARVI or ARI.
Washing the nose for a newborn
Clearing a baby’s nose – where to start
What to do if a newborn’s nose is clogged? The first is not to be nervous. Mom’s mood is transmitted to the baby, he begins to be capricious for no apparent reason. The second is to try to understand the nature of the mucus. To do this, you will need a special device – a nasal aspirator. It is better to purchase a device that works on the network. It quickly and painlessly relieves the child of mucus in the nose. Mechanical aspirators are cheaper, but uneven squeezing and too much air pressure can cause discomfort to the newborn. Once you have determined the nature of the mucus (it is thick, yellow or transparent, not too dense), you can try various treatments.
The baby’s nose is very small, so do not insert the aspirator deeply: you can damage the mucous membrane. For babies, it is enough to deepen the tube into the nostril by a centimeter
Rinse a baby’s nose – first aid for congestion
Mucus in the nose, which blocks the oxygen supply, always gives the baby discomfort. To receive nutrients, the baby must eat – suck milk or formula, breathing through his nose. And a runny nose does not allow this. The baby is constantly distracted from the process in order to breathe air. He gets tired quickly, becomes weak and irritable. To prevent this from happening, the newborn needs to clean the nose.
The easiest way to do this is to use drops made from seawater.
They are produced by several pharmaceutical companies. You can use this drug from birth. To rinse the nose, put a few drops into the left and right nostrils and massage the bridge of the nose a little. After that, the mucus will come out on its own or the baby will sneeze. If this does not happen, suck it off with an aspirator. After the procedure, add one or two more drops to each nostril. This will help prevent drying out of the mucous membrane and slow down the production of mucus.
You can clean your baby’s nose with a regular saline solution.
Take a glass of pure, preferably distilled water, and add a teaspoon of salt to it. Stir well. Draw in a pipette and put a few drops into each nostril. Then follow the procedure described above.
If the mucus in the baby’s nose is not of physiological origin, but appeared as a result of a viral disease, the doctor should recommend ways to eliminate it. In addition to saline, these can be nasal sprays and vasoconstrictor drops, which will quickly relieve the baby’s condition.