Washable diapers: don’t be afraid of leaks

Gaëlle lifts the buttocks of the doll, places them on a one-size-fits-all diaper made from organic hemp and cotton, at the same time resistant to washing, fine and soft. It adjusts it as closely as possible to the body thanks to the snaps and elastic bands, which allow it to adapt to all body types: small thighs or large cans. As easy as putting on a disposable diaper!

Over this layer of absorbent natural materials, Gaëlle takes care to place waterproof polyurethane panties (Pul), which she closes with velcro. She quickly checks that the absorbent layer does not protrude from the waterproof panties so that the seal is perfect. And it’s done ! At each change, we will renew the diaper, the panties can be used several times in a row.

This system is available in two versions: washable diapers during the day and washable diapers at night, thicker. Does your child drink a lot and sleep 14 hours in a row? No worries, addingan absorbent lining will allow him to finish his night without problem. Doesn’t he like having a wet butt? Choose a fleece lining preferably labeled Oeko-Tex (not organic but ecological material because it comes from recycling!), Whose hydrophobic properties will provide a “dry butt” effect.

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