Warts on the hands of adults
Many people have experienced warts at least once in their lives. These are nodular growths that mainly affect the armpits, feet, fingers and hands, less often the rest of the body.

Why do warts appear on the hands of adults

Warts are a skin disease that is caused by a viral infection when it enters the body. The main cause of warts is the presence of papillomavirus in the body. The size of the wart and its appearance depend primarily on its location on the human body.

So, how does the papillomavirus enter the patient’s body. Penetrating under the skin, it enters the human mucosa, or into the tissue layer under the epithelium, from where, in the end, it can easily enter the patient’s nervous system. So the virus remains in the body for almost a lifetime. Skin rashes will wait in the body for stress, and as soon as a person experiences an emotional surge, this will give impetus to the appearance of warts.

The papilloma virus is transmitted from one person to another during direct contact – for example, shaking hands. Common objects can become carriers of the virus: door handles, office equipment, despite the fact that it lives on the surface for only three hours.


If a person has warts, but they are not subject to permanent injury, do not cause discomfort and are not located on the genitals, then there is no need for surgery. A dermatovenereologist should be contacted in the following cases:

  • if the wart has changed its shape and color;
  • if the wart began to bleed;
  • if you are not sure that the formation you have is a wart.

How to get rid of warts on the hands of adults

In the modern world, warts are removed either medically or mechanically. Also, someone is fighting them with folk remedies.

Many doctors, given their viral “essence”, fight them accordingly: they prescribe antiviral ointments. They will prevent the spread of warts to other parts of the body.

Modern methods

Electrocoagulation. Exposure to electric current with a high temperature helps to get rid of warts, even in the most advanced cases. In this case, a surgical coagulator is used under local anesthesia to cut the wart with current. The use of a coagulator avoids tissue bleeding. After exposure, a thin crust forms at the site of the wart, which falls off within a week. Sometimes, after treatment of warts with electrocoagulation, light, small scars may remain.

Cryotherapy. This is a very painful method of treatment using low-temperature exposure to an applicator with liquid nitrogen. The applicator or a special cryoapplicator is applied perpendicular to the wart for 10-30 seconds, subsequently there is hyperemia and swelling of the wart, an epidermal bladder with serous and hemorrhagic contents, which lasts about 5-7 days. Then the bubble disappears, and a crust forms in its place. After another 10 days, an inconspicuous pinkish spot remains at the site of the wart. The procedure sometimes has to be repeated repeatedly (up to 5 times or more with an interval of 3-5 days).

Surgical excision of warts. Surgical intervention is suitable when the warts have occupied large areas on the body. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, cosmetic sutures are applied inside. They are removed on the seventh day. But it should be assumed that with this method of treating warts there is a risk of their reappearance.

Laser treatment. Probably the best and most efficient method. Removal of warts occurs in layers under local anesthesia for one to two minutes. In place of the wart, only a small depression remains, leveling off in two weeks. Laser can treat all types of warts, this method is effective, painless, convenient. It does not give absolutely no complications in the form of scars, hypo- or hyperpigmentation. The method of treating warts with a laser is completely bloodless, sterile, and eliminates the possibility of blood poisoning.

How to prevent warts on your hands

In order for you not to develop warts and you do not become infected with HPV, you need to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle. You should avoid stressful situations, take vitamins, maintain immunity, try to get enough sleep. Be sure to treat the wounds that have appeared with iodine or brilliant green, observe personal hygiene, wash your hands after contact with an infected person, and eat properly. If you go to a swimming pool or a public bath, do not take off your shoes, do not go barefoot there.

Popular questions and answers

Aigul Makhmudova, dermatovenereologist, trichologist, cosmetologist, comments.

Can warts disappear without treatment?

“If the wart does not interfere, does not increase in size and does not change shape, then you can not touch it, they may disappear. But the pathogen itself remains in the body. And if external changes occur or other symptoms appear, such as pain or other unpleasant sensations, then you need to see a doctor. In addition, there are a huge number of varieties of warts. Some of them are completely harmless, while others, such as plantar ones, can significantly impair a person’s quality of life. In such cases, you should not wait, because often one wart (“maternal”) entails the appearance of a whole family of its own kind. And then the treatment will be longer.

Can warts be cured once and for all?

“When a wart is removed, only its external manifestations disappear. But the virus is not destroyed. And here we are already working exclusively with the immune system. According to statistics, in 80-90% of cases, elimination (extinction) of the virus in the human body occurs within three to four years, sometimes against the background of self-healing, ”says the dermatovenereologist.

What can not be done with warts?

“First of all, do not self-medicate, especially folk remedies. Since you can harm your health, as well as spoil the appearance (leave a scar or burn). Also, sometimes patients confuse warts with papillomas. And they are trying to pull the papillomas to remove them. When bandaged, the upper part of the papilloma dies and falls off, but the pathogen (human papillomavirus) remains in the skin layers and it grows again, ”the doctor continues.

What is the most proven wart treatment?

“There is no specific treatment for warts. In most cases, they disappear on their own within three to four years. The main treatment is to remove existing lesions. These are methods of chemical destruction, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen and radio wave surgery, in parallel with the strengthening of local immunity. Unfortunately, warts are often resistant to ongoing treatment, requiring repeated interventions. Removal of warts does not lead to the removal of the virus that causes them, therefore, after treatment, a relapse is possible, ”summed up Aigul Makhmudova.

How to remove warts with improvised means?

Despite the fact that doctors do not approve of the treatment of warts and other diseases with folk methods, still someone is used to treating warts without the help of medicine with folk remedies. There are several recipes:

1. Garlic and apple cider vinegar. To do this, you need a couple of cloves of garlic and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Garlic should be crushed and pour apple cider vinegar, leave for two hours. Then the finished mixture must be applied to the wart and held for 20 minutes, tying the damaged area with a plastic bag or film.

2. Another miracle remedy is celandine. Only to use for the preparation of the medicine you need not dry grass, but fresh, which is full of useful properties. From this you can prepare celandine juice, alcohol infusion. Celandine juice is applied quite simply: a branch of celandine is applied to the wart in the place where the juice drips. You need to apply often, trying not to affect healthy areas of the skin. The duration of treatment is one to two months, depending on the size and degree of neglect of the wart.

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