Wart on the foot: how to treat bruises? Video
The appearance of plantar warts is caused by the human papillomavirus. And although there is no danger to health, warts on the feet cause pain when walking and other inconveniences. You can get rid of thorns with special medical procedures or with the help of folk recipes at home.
Spines on the foot: how to treat?
There is a risk of contracting the human papillomavirus:
- in showers
- in the pools
- in locker rooms
- in baths and so on
Getting into the body even through the smallest microcracks, the virus begins to conduct its destructive life, causing benign formations – warts.
In the place of penetration, not even one, but several thickenings in the form of corns may appear
Not all people become infected with this virus, to a greater extent those who have weak immunity or who do not follow the rules of simple hygiene are more susceptible. These are, as a rule, the elderly, children, adolescents, or simply those who are highly susceptible to the papilloma virus.
How to get rid of warts on your feet
In medical clinics, plantar warts, like others, are removed very quickly. To do this, apply:
- cryotherapy – freezing with liquid nitrogen, which is either applied with a cotton applicator or applied with a spray
- immunotherapy – the introduction of interferon or antigen into the body, as a result of which the susceptibility to the papilloma virus increases
- laser therapy – removal of warts with a laser beam
- electric needle surgery
If it is not possible to see a doctor for medical treatment, a plantar wart can be treated at home. There are many popular recipes for this.
You should not postpone a visit to the doctor for a long time, because home treatment only temporarily relieves the plantar wart, and the virus itself still remains in the body and can manifest itself in another place
Apply silver duct tape to the wart, and then remove the dead tissue with a pumice stone or even sandpaper. Or, apply the apple cider vinegar lotion for 20 minutes, after which the warts soften and can be removed with a pumice stone.
Before home procedures, you need to steam warts on your feet in soapy water.
Adults can put celandine juice on warts, this method is not recommended for children, since celandine is a poisonous plant.
It is effective to make compresses with horseradish. To do this, you need to steam your feet, preferably in the evening, then put rubbed horseradish on the spine (plantar wart) and tie the leg with plastic wrap. You should put on warm socks on your feet and go to bed.
Several of these treatments will soften the wart and it will go away.
In the summer, it is good to make compresses from young nettle, it needs to be crushed to the state of gruel and applied to the plantar wart, then wrap the feet with burdock leaves and plastic. Put on woolen socks and leave it overnight, wash your feet in the morning and rub the wart with a pumice stone. Softened, rough skin peels off easily.
Also interesting: Bish’s lumps.