Warsteiner («Варштайнер»)

Beer brand Warsteiner belongs to the largest independent brewery in Germany, which is one of the five most successful companies in the industry in terms of product sales. The secret of the success of Warsteiner beer is traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation, family business and continuous modernization of production.

Today, Warsteiner produces five of its own intoxicating brews, one seasonal and two beers from partner brand König Ludwig. Products are exported to seven dozen countries. In Russia, Warsteiner beer is brewed by the Baltika Brewing Company, which is a structural subdivision of the Carlsberg Group. Certain types of drink are delivered directly from Germany.

Historical information

The history of Warsteiner is a nine-generation chronicle of the Kramer family, which began in 1753 with the payment of a fine by the head of the clan for exceeding the limit of brewing beer for personal consumption. The family business was invariably led by the sons. In 1774, a stone brewery was rebuilt, which was destroyed by a major fire 28 years later. At the end of the 19th century, the brewery was equipped with a steam engine, after which the annual production increased to 3 thousand hectoliters. One of the key events was the opening in 1927 of the Kaiserquelle soft water source, which is still used in the technological process today.

In 1960, the plant produced 100 thousand hectoliters of intoxicating drink and became one of the largest brewing companies in Germany. After 16 years, production facilities were moved to the southern outskirts of the city, and in 1978 the volume of drinks for the first time exceeded one million hectoliters. Since the beginning of the 80s, Warsteiner beer has been exported, and the company has acquired shares in breweries in Argentina and a number of African countries.

Since taking over management in 2006 by Katharina Kramer, Warsteiner has increased the sustainability of the business by building its own railway line, a modular power plant and a wind turbine that provides up to 40% of energy needs.

Warsteiner («Варштайнер»)

Awards and interesting facts

The technical re-equipment and preservation of the production of beer according to the law on the purity of brewing did not go unnoticed. Warsteiner products have received a number of prestigious awards.

Warsteiner Premium Verum:

  • gold at the Canadian International Beer Awards (CIBA-2018);
  • Beer Fest Asia – 2016

Warsteiner Fresh:

  • three stars at The Beer Awards – 2016;
  • “Product of the Year – 2008” according to the magazine Lebensmittel PRAXIS;
  • the most successful new product at Hit-2007.

The recognition of popularity also lies in the fact that Warsteiner beer is served on Lufthansa flights as the airline’s official drink.

The company sponsors the German ballooning team and was awarded the International Aeronautics Federation award in 2001.

In the 70s, Warsteiner sponsored the Austrian Formula 1 driver Harald Ertl.

Types of beer “Warsteiner”

Warsteiner Premium Verum, 4,8%

The most popular beer is Warsteiner, represented in sixty countries. It is a drink of light golden color with a characteristic aroma, dominated by herbal and malt motifs. The taste is balanced with hints of caramel sweetness and hop bitterness remaining in the aftertaste. Compatible with veal, fish, soft cheeses.

Warsteiner Premium Dark, 4,8%

Dark amber beer with a low creamy head. The composition contains regular and roasted barley malt, aromatic and bitter hops. The taste is full-bodied with malt dominance and light coffee and citrus accents.

Warsteiner Fresh, 0,5%

Non-alcoholic premium beer produced using Premium Verum technology with subsequent removal of alcohol after full maturation. Allows you to enjoy the authentic aroma and taste of Warsteiner beer while doing sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Warsteiner («Варштайнер»)

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