Warsaw: May 17 and 18, free 4D ultrasound and consultations for pregnant women

On May 17 and 18 (Friday and Saturday), Galeria Północna will host the Warsaw edition of the nationwide campaign «Happy Child, Happy Mother 2019». Future mothers will be able to meet experts and take advantage of a free 4D ultrasound examination. The order of applications decides.

Pregnancy and motherhood is a period of planning, making changes in life, a period of waiting and hope. For many mothers it is undoubtedly the most beautiful period in their lives, and at the same time a time of many questions and doubts. The organizers of the “Happy Child, Happy Mom 2019” campaign invite pregnant women, young mothers and parents to ask questions to experts.

Experts at consultation points will provide advice, inter alia, in terms of:

Preparation for childbirth

The benefits of breastfeeding

Care of infants and young children

· Proper diet of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother

Procurement and storage of umbilical cord blood stem cells, which, if necessary, will serve the health of the child or, in the case of genetic compatibility, other family members

Creating a unique bond between parent and infant

· The impact of carrying and hugging a baby in scarves on its emotional development

Recovery after childbirth

The action also includes:

· Safe bathing instructions

· Presentation of ways to arrange a baby in a sling

· Numerous competitions with prizes

Pregnant mothers will be able to perform a free ultrasound examination, which enables the evaluation of the development of the fetus and helps in detecting possible abnormalities. The possibility of performing a 4D ultrasound will be an amazing experience. The examination gives the possibility of “watching” the baby in the mother’s womb – unforgettable emotions for parents who build a bond with their baby even in the prenatal period.

For the purposes of research at Galeria Północna, two offices equipped with ultrasound machines and the necessary equipment will be created. There is no prior record. The order of applications decides. Performing the tests will start:

  1. at. 15.00 on May 17,
  1. at: 11:00 am on May 18.
  1. at: 11:00 am on May 18.

In the event of high interest, people waiting for the launch of the campaign will be able to enter the list. The number of places is limited.

The Warsaw edition of the nationwide “Happy Child, Happy Mom 2019” campaign will be held at Galeria Północna, ul. Światowida 17. on May 17, between: 15: 00-20: 00 and May 18, between 11: 00-20: 00

Information about the action can be found on the website szczesliwemacierzynstwo.pl

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