Warm winter clothes: how to persuade your daughter to wear them?

Warm winter clothes: how to persuade your daughter to wear them?

The cold season often turns out to be sometimes heated disputes between mothers and daughters. The former insist that their children dress for the weather, while the latter defend the right to “fashionable” clothes, which boil down to short jackets and thin T-shirts (and we are not talking about hats and scarves at all). It is clear that notation and persuasion cannot solve the problem, but there are some simple tips that may come in handy.

Hot stuff

When talking about warm clothes, it is best to start not with the fact that it is important for health, but with the fact that it is … fashionable. In fact, any celebrity fashionista will say that a winter wardrobe is no less important than a summer one. Elegant jumpers, wide scarves of all kinds of colors, ugg boots, leggings, gloves and mittens – if you pay a little attention to all this wealth, you can easily become the most stylish girl in school!

Winter hand made

Another option: if your daughter absolutely does not like the sweaters and hats that she sees in stores, why not invite her to create a winter wardrobe with her own hands? Hand-made never goes out of fashion, and it also helps to emphasize individuality. And there are countless ways to make a ready-made scarf, hat and sweater fashionable and stylish. Together with your daughter, you can decorate the hat with a bright pompom or badges and stripes. In a word, a slight movement of the hand, and ordinary winter clothes turn into a stylish new thing! Plus, you will have a great opportunity to teach your daughter needlework.

Read next: How to Forge a Warm Relationship

Kotex® Young panty liners are specially designed for teenage girls.

Warm relationship

If your daughter doesn’t want to experiment, turn the choice of warm clothes into a little party. Take a day off and go shopping together. Chat in a cafe, take a walk, and at the same time choose things that will triple both her and you. Make the selection of the sweater a pleasure, not the result of an edifying conversation, and the hat remind you of a great day you two spent together.

By the way, the last tip should be used not only when deciding on warm clothes. A heart-to-heart conversation is the best way to solve a problem and build a warm relationship. Listen to your daughter, show that you love and care for her, and then it will be much easier for you to reach a compromise in solving any problem.

Show attention even to the smallest things. For example, give your daughter little gifts, such as a stylish wallet with five individually wrapped panty liners in her bag. Kotex® Youngdesigned specifically for teenage girls. These ultra-thin gaskets with a fresh scent of aloe vera, they perfectly absorb minor secretions, and thanks to the special design they will be invisible even under tight teenage clothes. Take good care and keep your relationship warm, even during the colder months!

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