Wardrobe in the bedroom: design, ideas, sizes, photos

The latest trends in interior design – a minimum of furniture, a maximum of free space. This trend was especially reflected in the design of the bedroom. Here they try to leave as few things in sight as possible. At the same time, there are more and more of them. To solve the problem of compact and inconspicuous storage of clothes (and not only) allow modern storage systems and the most popular – wardrobe in the bedroom. It allows you to use the entire space from floor to ceiling, and the presence of a large number of shelves and drawers is convenient to place everything you need. 

Types of wardrobes

There are two main types of wardrobes – built-in and cabinet. Recessed occupies space from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. In this option, you can not make walls – neither side nor back, you can do without a floor and ceiling. You just need to install sliding doors for the wardrobe, and then assemble the filling. True, this is only possible if you have a flat floor and ceiling, as well as side walls – all errors greatly affect the appearance, and the unevenness of the floor and ceiling will interfere with the normal operation of the roller system.

A sliding wardrobe is a full-fledged cabinet furniture with walls, floor and ceiling. It can also be made from wall to wall, or you can – as long as you need. The disadvantage is the higher cost due to the high consumption of materials.

One of the options for a corner wardrobe in the bedroom. With this layout, it will be possible to use an angle that is usually not used in any way.

The corner wardrobe in the bedroom is one of the types of cabinet furniture. But it is distinguished into a separate species due to the design features and selection of filling. They are beneficial in that they occupy an area that is very, very difficult to use in a different way.

What materials are the body made of?

The body, walls and partitions of the sliding wardrobe are made mainly of laminated fiberboard and MDF. This type of furniture is almost never made from wood, as it is too expensive and heavy.

MDF allows you to create rounded shapes for furniture. Such sliding wardrobes are called radial.

In the production of cases, different laminating coatings are used, but the most common one is for various types of wood, but they can be covered with a colored film – with or without drawings.

Facades for wardrobe in the bedroom

The facades of the wardrobe are the part that remains in sight, because its design is given the greatest importance. For their manufacture, a special mirror and glass are used, as well as materials standard for the manufacture of furniture – MDF and chipboard.

MDF allows you to make a sliding wardrobe with doors of a different design


A sliding wardrobe in the bedroom is often made with a mirrored facade. In any case, at least one door is made of a mirror – it is easier to pick up clothes and put yourself in order. The mirror surface can be solid, framed in a frame from a profile without dividing. This option is quite expensive, since a material of considerable thickness is used, and since thick glass weighs a lot, the guides and roller systems must be of high quality.

Let’s take this – large mirrors help to make the room brighter. In addition, due to reflection, the boundaries of space are lost and even a small room seems more spacious. This design of the sliding wardrobe facade is ideal for strict modern styles – minimalism, hi-tech, modern. But not everyone likes a smooth large mirror – it is too concise and not suitable for all interiors. In this case, you can make stacked mirror facades. Mirror pieces are interspersed with a profile, resulting in squares or rectangles. Jumpers can be of different thicknesses, colors. In general, design options for wardrobe doors can be quite interesting.

A pattern can be applied to the mirror using sandblasting. Most companies that manufacture sliding wardrobes have the appropriate equipment and a set of drawings. Many can also transfer the author’s image. These drawings determine the design style of the wardrobe. Everything is visible in the photo.

As you can see, the style changes noticeably from the drawing. By the way, there is a technique that allows you to make a mirror colored – toning. It is not as widespread as sandblasting, but the results are interesting.

Tinted mirror surface

In the original version, such facades for sliding wardrobes were assembled from pieces of mirrors of different shades. But it’s expensive and time consuming. More often they make it easier – stick a translucent film. Fortunately, today there are many shades and you can achieve any effect.


No less popular is the idea of ​​making a sliding wardrobe in the bedroom with a glass facade. It is used hardened, unbreakable. Almost never transparent, almost always matte, maybe printed.

The design uses all the same techniques: vertical or horizontal division, squares. The exception is sandblasted drawings. They are almost invisible on a matte surface, therefore they do not make sense.

From MDF and chipboard

To create a cozy cozy atmosphere, the wardrobe in the bedroom is made with doors made of MDF or chipboard, laminated with a film that imitates wood.

As you can see, here are all the same facade design schemes – just solid canvases or broken into fragments by profiles.

Such a sliding wardrobe in the bedroom turns out to be massive and heavy, which in a small space can give a “pressing” effect. Less heavy doors are made of chipboard, pasted over with a glossy film. It is of different types, it can be smooth matte or glossy. Gloss – with varying degrees of gloss. There are – with different types of drawings. In general, there are enough options. Some of them are in the photo below.

When choosing the color of the wardrobe, you need to focus on the color palette of the bedroom design and whether you want to draw attention to this type of furniture or not. In order not to overload the interior, you can choose a tone-on-tone color with wall decoration. Then the focus will need to be shifted to some other subject. If the facade of the closet is bright, everything else should be in a calmer range. To harmonize, you will need to add a few small details of the same color. It can be a strip on textiles, a tape picking up curtains, etc.

Photo printing

The development of printing technologies has made it possible to transfer any images to a special film. The image is very realistic, photographically accurate, and the technology itself is called photo printing. These images are pasted on the facades and sliding wardrobes as well. The image can be anything. Please print out your photo. It is important that it be clear.

As you probably noticed, in this case, the main focus in the room falls on the sliding wardrobe – photo printing attracts attention by 100%. Therefore, the rest of the interior should be designed in a neutral range. A few small details of the predominant color in the drawing can be added. Such an interior will create an atmosphere of relaxation.


All the facades described above are made of the same type of material. But, most often, they are made combined – chipboard with glass or a mirror – these are the most common options. And they turn out moderately light, moderately comfortable and certainly not boring and original.

In general, choosing a sliding wardrobe in the bedroom is not easy. And we have not yet talked about the internal filling. There are at least as many options out there.

Examples of wardrobe layout in the bedroom

When planning a sliding wardrobe in the bedroom, they usually proceed from the available area. The depth is usually 45 cm or 60 cm. If desired, you can make it deeper, but they don’t make them less than 45 cm – the standard filling for sliding wardrobes is never less than 45 cm deep. And then with this size, special holders will have to be installed under the hangers, which allow you to hang clothes parallel to the door.

When planning the filling of the wardrobe, pay attention to the width of drawers and doors

You also have to wonder how many sections to divide the available length into. The minimum section is made 60 cm wide. The maximum size depends on the type and thickness of the material: the shelves should not sag. For example, for laminated chipboard 14 mm thick, the maximum allowable length is 90 cm.

There is another important point: the width of the sections in which the drawers are installed should be less than the width of the doors. The fact is that there is a frame of profiles on the door. And these profiles narrow the gap. That is, if you have a door width of, for example, 70 cm, in order for the drawers to open, they must be no wider than 63 cm. In general, you need to look exactly at the profile, since they are narrow and wide. In any case, it is necessary to take away its width and another 2-3 cm for freedom of opening.

Standard filling

In order to use furniture for storing things it was convenient, you need to think about what type of things and how much you intend to store there, how they should be stored – folded in boxes and on shelves or on hangers. It is necessary to approximately determine the number of things of different types of storage. After that, the decision about what will be the filling of the closet in the bedroom will be easier to make. Into some rules that will help solve the problem with the internal layout:

Since the wardrobe for the bedroom can be of different sizes – from a miniature one meter to more than spacious at four or more meters, the “stuffing” is developed individually each time. This is the attractiveness of such systems – the internal content is selected specifically for your needs and requests.

Wardrobe in the bedroom with an ironing board

Since it is not possible to allocate a special technical room in an ordinary apartment, you have to organize jobs in living rooms. This is how ironing usually takes place in the bedroom. Accordingly, it would be nice to discreetly place the ironing board. Under it, a place is usually allocated in the extreme sections, although this is not a mandatory requirement.

There are different designs and they can be located in different ways.

There are ironing boards for sliding wardrobes of several designs:

  • recessed;
  • lifting.

Embedded ones interfere the least. In a non-working state, they are located between two walls. The solution is excellent, except that the consumption of chipboard or MDF increases, and this leads to a rise in price. Other designs have a swivel frame that attaches to one of the side walls and foldable legs. The disadvantage of this design is that some of the shelves are covered by a lowered board. To get to their contents, you will have to lift the board.

With built-in TV

Most of the bedrooms have a TV. In recent years, they have become completely flat, which allows you to mount the screen on the wall or install it in a closet. This is convenient if the furniture occupies the wall opposite the bed. In this case, a niche in size with a small gap is made under the TV in the closet. The location of this niche should be such that the screen is opposite the bed. This section can be left without a door. Then the space under and above the screen is filled with drawers or open shelves. But more often decorative gizmos or books are placed on the shelves.

If the TV is completely flat, it can be built into the door leaf of the sliding wardrobe. But that requires a super-durable caster system, as even the flattest screen weighs a hefty amount. In addition, it is still necessary to think over the system for attaching wires, which is also quite expensive. In general, this method is expensive, although it must be admitted that it looks better.

Screen built into wardrobe doors

Another option can be seen in the video. There, by the way, a filling option with a small number of shelves and drawers was demonstrated – this is what the customer wanted.

With workplace

Another non-standard solution is to arrange a workplace in the wardrobe. Today, this is understood as a small table for placing a computer and a chair. It’s not a problem to make a table, even a folding one, but to slide a chair under it. The guides along which the doors move can interfere, but you can’t get away from this.

In general, if you do not have a separate workplace and there is nowhere to put a computer desk, then a closet in the bedroom is a good option.

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