Wardrobe analysis: 5 basic rules

“There is no space in the closet, and there is nothing to wear.” Familiar? So, it’s time to go through the wardrobe and throw out of it long-forgotten, unnecessary things. What’s the best way to take inventory? Advised by stylist Veronika Ilyina.

Before proceeding with the analysis of the wardrobe, it is necessary for yourself to determine what should be in it in general. There are a few ground rules that will help you take a critical look at your stuff and decide what it’s time to get rid of. Today we will tell about them.

Wardrobe should fit your lifestyle

Five years ago, Alena was a student: parties until the morning, weekly meetings with friends, regular events and hangouts. The girl’s wardrobe then consisted of 90% fashionable dresses, skirts, tops and stylish bright coats.

Now she has married and got a job in an international company. Lifestyle from easy, full of parties, changed to family. And this is normal, because we change throughout life more than once. Now 50% of Alena’s things are in a restrained style that meets her current needs. And the rest just takes a place in the far corner in anticipation of their “finest hour”.

So, it’s time to say goodbye to old things and sort out your wardrobe. In such a situation, without regrets, throw away everything that you once liked. Think about how you see your style now. And if some thing does not fit the new conditions, then you need to get rid of it, even if it evokes emotions and memories in you.

Each item must be combined with at least two others.

Imagine walking into a store and seeing the perfect rough boots you’ve been wanting for a long time. You no doubt buy them and happily go home. But later you realize that these shoes do not match the rest of the things in your closet at all.

If such situations occur often, then soon the wardrobe turns into a set of absolutely incompatible items. And even if you have a lot of clothes and shoes, there will often be a problem like “nothing to wear”.

Take a critical look at your wardrobe and choose a few pieces that you absolutely love and will definitely wear. Set them aside and then sort through the rest. Choose only what will be combined with the “base” you have already chosen. Everything that remains without a pair, you can safely throw it away. You will most likely never wear these clothes.

Clothing should not be stale

We often buy new things, constantly wear them for a certain period, and then safely forget about them. For example, we buy a sweater and wear it all the cold season, and then we just stop liking it and go to the far shelf, and another sweater takes its place.

So in our closet a lot of “ballast” accumulates, taking up space and making it difficult to choose an image for the day.

Every year, when the season changes, select things that you rarely wear and put them in the farthest drawer, for example, for a month. If after this month you have not remembered about the postponed items, feel free to get rid of them. If you need any of them, move it to your “active” wardrobe and wear it.

All things must be your size.

Six years ago, Masha wore size 36, but after two pregnancies, she can’t return to her previous shape. And in her wardrobe, a lot of beautiful dresses, jeans and skirts are waiting in the wings for a long time, taking up precious space.

Perhaps, after some time, the woman will be able to return to her previous size. But there is a high probability that by this time she will no longer like old things or go out of fashion. And it turns out that they just lay there all this time, daily flashing before my eyes.

Say goodbye to things that are too big or too small for you without regret. Do not leave them in the hope that someday they will become relevant to you again. So you only clutter up the wardrobe and do not give yourself the opportunity to purchase something new, more suitable for the current forms.

Take care of variety

Nastya comes to the store and sees a beautiful white blouse. She has almost the same house, but it’s not identical! And the discount is good … The girl often buys things similar to those that she already has. And she’s not the only one doing this.

This is how a mountain of unnecessary rubbish accumulates, which then takes up space and creates the feeling that the wardrobe is full. But in fact, Nastya will end up wearing only one of these similar blouses, and the rest will gather dust.

Do not buy almost the same things: better look for something completely new. And if you already have a collection of identical tops in your wardrobe, then lay them out side by side and choose the one that you like the most. Most likely, this is what you will wear.

It is imperative to audit your wardrobe, and it is advisable to set aside at least one day a year for this. Choose a time when nothing will distract you, when you do not need to rush anywhere. Study the rules described in the article – and proceed to a critical assessment of clothes and shoes.

Most importantly, remember: if you get the feeling that a thing seems to be beautiful, but you haven’t worn it for a long time and it’s not clear when you put it on, then you should definitely get rid of it. A disassembled wardrobe will free you not only the place in the house, but also the time that you spend on daily torment when choosing an image.

About the Developer

Veronika Ilina – stylist. Her blog.

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