The main trace elements that walnuts are rich in are vitamin E and zinc. Walnuts contain many other useful substances, but in relation to the treatment of prostatitis and increasing potency, these are the ones that are important. There is no need to speak separately about the benefits of honey, but in this particular case it acts as a means that preserves the properties of shelled nuts.
Peeled walnuts lose their properties very quickly, oils evaporate, and trace elements decompose under the influence of oxygen. Honey, one might say, embalms the peeled walnuts, preserving their properties, and even enhancing them due to its own saturation with vitamins.
How to cook walnuts with honey
The ratio should be something like this – for a glass of honey (200 ml), you need to peel 10-12 walnuts. Then you can do it in two ways – either just put the peeled nuts in honey, but it is better to grind the pre-peeled nuts in a coffee grinder (usually included with a blender). You do not need to grind to dust, just to pieces. You can feel that the coffee grinder stacks become slightly greasy – these are the oils that are found in walnuts, so in order for the honey to mix more strongly with these oils, it makes sense to grind the nuts. Next, also mix honey with chopped walnuts. It is better to first fill the jar with nuts, and then pour them with honey.
Nuts are lighter than honey. After a few hours, they will float to the surface of the honey. Before each use, this mass must be mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
How to take honey with walnuts
It is best to take this mixture in the morning. It is not necessary to eat it a lot and several times a day. It is enough to eat 2-3 teaspoons once in the morning. There is an option to make a very tasty and nutritious breakfast out of this.
For 200 gr. Dry crumbly cottage cheese, add two tablespoons of sour cream with a fat content of 10-15%, and add three teaspoons of a mixture of chopped walnuts with honey. This simple culinary dish is very good to take in the morning. To improve sexual potency, it is difficult to come up with something more useful. In addition, it turns out a very tasty and hearty breakfast. One word of warning – it will be hard to keep out of the way of those who want to help deal with this breakfast…
Duration of reception – until you get bored. A sufficient period to obtain a positive effect is one month.
How to store nuts with honey
There are no special requirements for the storage of nuts with honey. The prepared mixture can stand for a month, and nothing will happen to it. You don’t need to put it in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to leave it under the influence of sunlight – honey and nuts deteriorate from the sun.
Doctors and nutritionists warn that walnuts are a fairly heavy food. You shouldn’t eat too much of them. This can spoil digestion, disrupt metabolism. Especially should not get carried away by people with high cholesterol in the blood. Those volumes that were indicated to obtain the desired effect are quite enough. Everything above is superfluous, and they are out of place in everything.
Bon appetit and good male health!