Walnuts improve sperm quality

American scientists have proved that consuming a daily portion of walnuts can have a positive effect on male semen. The results of the study are published in the journal Biology of Reproduction.

The sperm of young men, 21 to 35 years of age, who consume 75 grams of walnuts a day for 12 weeks show increased vitality and motility, and their overall sperm morphology improves.

This is due to omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the natural source of which are walnuts, fish and flax seeds.

Researchers have noticed that this portion of nuts affects the amount of lipids in the blood, but at the same time does not threaten to gain weight, so including 75 grams of walnuts in the diet does not put you overweight.

Scientists do not yet know whether eating nuts can translate into increased fertility in men who experience problems with this background.

However, if it were possible, it could help at least some of the 70 million couples around the world who have difficulties conceiving a child. (PAP)

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