It’s definitely worth adding walnuts to your diet – and not just once in a while. Their presence will make your brain function better and more efficiently. In addition, they have a great effect on the complexion, treatment of varicose veins, stomach problems and the entire circulatory system. Some researchers describe them as the healthiest type of nuts. All this thanks to the valuable substances in the composition: omega-3 acids, B vitamins or dietary fiber.
For people on a slimming diet, it may be discouraging to eat peanuts because the consumption of a few of them has as many calories as a fatty, sweet bakery product. However, the wholesome protein and good fats present in them mean that people who are slimming should also reach for them. Eating them twice a week, in quantities no greater than 100 grams, will not cause weight gain, on the contrary – it can protect us from storing unnecessary fat. Nutritionists recommend them as a replacement for unhealthy snacks. Nuts are a filling and very important element of any healthy, reasonable diet, because they affect many elements and processes in our body.
Composition and properties of walnuts
They contain valuable antioxidants, including vitamin E, which is called the “vitamin of youth” and has a great effect, for example, on our circulatory system. Here are the top reasons why you should eat walnuts regularly:
- They improve the functioning of the nervous system and the work of the brain. This is mainly due to the high content of phosphorus, copper and omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the formation of brain cells. That is why they will be a healthy snack for all people working mentally and learning, e.g. for students during the session. In addition, the content of folic acid and magnesium makes them recommended for people who are stressed, suffering from insomnia, and overtired. These ingredients strengthen our nervous system.
- They have a good effect on the appearance. Walnut extract is often added to cosmetics for acne skin (due to the content of zinc), as well as those rebuilding, anti-wrinkle and moisturizing. What’s more, we can find them in shampoos, rinses and hair conditioners, because they stop greasy and dandruff, and prolong the color of dyed hair.
- They will help with stomach and circulatory system problems. The positive effect on the digestive system is associated with bactericidal properties. Walnuts detoxify, eliminate fungi, have anti-inflammatory properties. Green walnut tincture will be especially helpful. This type of nuts will also be an excellent protection for the circulatory system, as they reduce the risk of blood clots, excess deposition of bad cholesterol, and even dilate blood vessels and prevent heart attacks. It is not without reason that walnut extract can also be found in many preparations for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.