Walnut: properties, benefits and calorie content. Video

Walnut: properties, benefits and calorie content. Video

The homeland of the walnut is Central Asia. Avicenna was the first to speak about the unique properties of this fruit. In his writings, he advised the use of the nut to emaciated people as a means of recovery. Currently, doctors have proven that walnut is a unique medicine against various diseases.

Ripe fruits of the walnut tree contain a large amount of vitamin B, C, K, E, A and PP. They also include tannins, carotene, linolenic acid, gallotanin and others. Walnuts are considered the food of heroes, since they contain all the substances necessary for life: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The calorie content of a walnut is quite high, for example, a handful of fruits will immediately give 648 kcal.

The fruits of the walnut tree lower blood sugar, since they contain manganese and zinc. That is why they are recommended for people with diabetes. Also, nuts should be taken by people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Scientists have proven that nuts prevent fatty liver, improve kidney and heart function.

Regularly consuming these fruits, a person improves memory, strengthens the nervous system. Due to their unique composition, nuts help get rid of headaches and insomnia.

It should be noted that by consuming a large amount of walnuts, a person can provoke vasospasm. Therefore, you should eat no more than five fruits at a time.

Walnut is a kind of building material necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, the formation of bones and cells. Also, nuts are recommended for those people who have anemia. Walnut oil is used in the fight against worms, in the treatment of burns and wounds.

Healing properties are possessed not only by the fruits, but also by the constituent parts of the nut. For example, an infusion made from a shell is used for bronchial obstruction, insomnia, and convulsions.

You will need:

  • walnut fruit
  • walnut leaves
  • boiling water
  • honey
  • figs
  • sunflower oil
  • wax

You can get rid of worms with the help of an infusion made from walnuts. To do this, pour 4 tablespoons of unripe fruits with 250 ml of slightly salted boiling water. Close the container, strain the infusion after 30 minutes. You need to take the remedy within one day.

You can also prepare a general tonic. Chop the nuts, add the same amount of honey and finely chopped figs. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture on an empty stomach.

For the healing of wounds, burns, use the infusion externally. To prepare it, pour 2 ml of boiling water over 250 tablespoons of young walnut leaves. Insist the remedy for 20 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion, apply to the wound.

The procedure should be repeated three times a day.

You can also make an ointment. Pour a tablespoon of leaves with 100 g of sunflower oil, put the container with the contents in a dark place for a week. After this time, warm the mixture in a water bath for three hours, strain through cheesecloth. Boil the mixture again, add 10-15 g of wax.

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