Walnut peel and shell tincture

When the walnut harvesting season approaches, most of the harvested product is thrown away, considered useless. We are talking about a stiffened shell containing many useful components used in medicine, cosmetology, and agriculture. Walnut shell tincture can treat inflammation, relieve fatigue and cleanse the skin. It is worth considering how to use this useful product in everyday life and how to cook it.

The benefits and harms of walnut shell and peel tincture

It is difficult to overestimate the rich set of trace elements of the walnut, which is one of the most useful foods along with honey and legumes. Each part of it contains a whole set of vitamins. Moreover, in cooking and medicine, not only the kernel of the nut is used, but also the shell, peel and partitions. Only from solid parts it is more difficult to obtain useful substances than from the edible part, therefore, tinctures and decoctions are made from the shell and peel, which squeeze out useful elements from the woody parts.

After conducting a chemical analysis, scientists found that the shell contains:

  • 0,80% fat;
  • 2,52% protein;
  • 35,63% extracts;
  • 60,89% fiber;
  • 1,65% ash.

Insisting the shell on alcohol solutions, it is used in the treatment of blood vessels, especially with varicose veins, hypertension, and inflammatory processes. The unripe green peel is also harvested at the stage when the kernel is just beginning to ripen – in June. It contains up to 10% vitamin C and 3% ascorbic acid, necessary to maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Walnut peel and shell tincture

When preparing walnut shell tincture with vodka, you should know that it is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from low blood pressure, since alcohol dilates blood vessels even more.

What helps

To use such a useful product as a walnut kernel, it is necessary to create all conditions for the growth and development of a tree. Nature endowed the peel and shell with everything necessary for the appearance of an elixir for many diseases. Vodka tinctures from the pericarp and shell are used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system of women;
  • pancreas;
  • anginal inflammation of the throat;
  • allergies;
  • kidney;
  • skin diseases;
  • varicose extensions;
  • insomnia;
  • plaque;
  • stomatitis and periodontitis;
  • baldness.
Attention! The high-percentage alcohol used to make tinctures dries the walls of the stomach, so you can’t use it for an ulcer.

How to make a tincture

In order to prepare a tincture from the peel and shell of a walnut, you need to purchase high-percentage ethanol at the pharmacy, crush the shell as finely as possible, pour it into it and leave it for several weeks in a dark place. If there is vodka or moonshine in the house, they will also work, despite the relatively low concentration of alcohol.

Tincture of walnut partitions on vodka (moonshine)

Walnut shell tincture on vodka

Preparing such a medicine using vodka is very simple. It is necessary to prepare the shell, detailing it as finely as possible. This can be done with a hammer and a kitchen board. Then follow the recipe:

  1. Take a clean jar of 500 ml and fill it 2/3 with crushed shells.
  2. Vodka, preferably without additives, pour to the brim and close tightly with a lid.
  3. Put the tincture in a warm dark place for 2-3 weeks.
  4. Strain the finished mixture with cheesecloth.
  5. Take tincture one tablespoon before meals.

Walnut shell tincture prepared with vodka is used for colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, to remove toxins from the body, and also to normalize thyroid function. This is possible due to the high concentration of iodine.

Comment! If the drink seems bitter, you can add 1 teaspoon of sugar to it, but after it has been infused.

Walnut peel and shell tincture

Walnut shell tincture on moonshine

This strong and healthy drink has been popularly known for a long time. Monks in the 1th century also talked about its beneficial properties. The then recipe included insisting on the kernels themselves, unripe shells, peels and even nut sprigs. But for the recipe, you only need the shell during the formation period. You can collect it at the end of June, you need to cut XNUMX nut and see what form it is in, you can pierce a suitable shell with a needle.

So, according to the recipe, you need to do the following:

  1. Cut the nuts suitable for ripeness together with the shell, peel and only emerging kernels and pour half into a three-liter bottle.
  2. Dissolve honey in the amount of 3-5 tablespoons in moonshine.
  3. Pour moonshine with dissolved honey into a bottle of nuts to the brim and shake.
  4. Place the container with the ingredients in a dark place at room temperature for 45 days.
  5. After a month and a half of infusion, the product is ready for use, but it must first be filtered through cheesecloth.

The resulting brandy-colored drink is used to dilate blood vessels, those who have sleep problems, to calm the nervous system and cleanse the body as a whole. But you should not abuse the drug, since the alcohol concentrate contained dries out the walls of the stomach and can cause heartburn.

Important! Moonshine walnut shell tincture has astringent properties and can cause constipation.

Walnut peel tincture

A drink made only from green peel without entrails is prepared not only as a delicious alcoholic drink, but also for the treatment of the digestive tract. The difference is only in the dose. For treatment, one tablespoon per day on an empty stomach is enough.

To prepare a tincture from the peel, you will need:

  • 1 kg of green dense peel;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 2 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 L of water.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Cut the green ingredients as small as possible, but so that later the drink can be easily strained.
  2. Arrange everything in a fairly deep container or in three-liter bottles.
  3. Fill everything with moonshine.
  4. Add sugar and leave in a dark place for 2 months.
  5. Strain the finished drink and it is ready to drink.

Walnut peel and shell tincture

The strength of this version of the tincture reaches 42%, it has a dark green color. It is not worth drinking it like ordinary vodka, it contains many components that can cause allergies and poison the body if you drink too much.

How to take the tincture

When starting to treat any disease with the help of tinctures from nut components, the doses for each of them should be taken into account. To find out the measure that is set specifically for each organism, you should consult your doctor and identify possible restrictions on admission that may be associated with various diseases.

Application of walnut peel tincture

Green peel tincture, prepared as described above, is recommended to be eaten at a dosage of one tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The tool is shown under such conditions:

  • diarrhea as a tonic;
  • flu and tonsillitis – as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory;
  • cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure (alcohol dilates blood vessels only in large doses, in small doses, on the contrary, it narrows and dissolves fatty slags in the vessels).

The ascorbic acid contained in nuts, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, decreases as the fetus ripens. But in the green peel, on the contrary, it rises to 400-800 mg per 100 g of the product.

An alcohol solution can be rubbed on stretched muscles to relieve inflammation and pain. Alcohol has a warming property when rubbed into the skin.

Important! Professor Chisinau, who patented the recipe from the peel on kerosene, argued that the drug is effective in cancer.

Application of walnut shell infusion

Walnut shell tincture is used not only inside, but also topically. If you prepare a drug on kerosene, then they can rub the skin with dermatological diseases. With varicose veins, foot baths should be done with the addition of 50 g of the product to half a basin of water.

The substances contained in the shell are similar in composition to activated charcoal, therefore, the mixture is suitable for cleansing the body in case of poisoning. A particularly useful tool in the treatment of inflammatory processes in gynecology, namely, erosion and inflammation of the cervix. Only in this case, the shell should be insisted on water, boiling it for 10 minutes. The cooled broth must be diluted 1:10 and douching for inflammation, as well as lubricate irritation by moistening a cotton swab in the solution.

Safety measures

Medicines from peel and shell tinctures are a rather concentrated product with a squeeze of the beneficial substances of this fruit. Before taking, you need to consider some of the side effects that the product can have. In addition to the fact that this drink contains a high percentage of alcohol and is generally contraindicated for people prone to alcoholism, so as not to be addictive, it can also cause allergies. Walnut is considered an allergen and any of its components can provoke a negative reaction of the body. If a person has previously noticed intolerance to nuts, then the product should be taken very carefully, after consulting a doctor.


Like any alcoholic drink, tinctures are contraindicated in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. People who are allergic to nuts and iodine should refrain from the nut product. People with hypertension should carefully take the composition due to the sodium it contains. The same applies to those suffering from kidney disease, the abnormal functioning of the body does not remove sodium well, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

The essential oils contained in the nut can provoke an exacerbation of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. For the same reason, they should not be taken by people with low acidity.

Terms and conditions of storage

Vodka and moonshine tincture can be stored for 3-5 years, depending on storage conditions. Initially, pour the finished tincture into darkened bottles to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. If there are none, then the container can be sealed with dark tape or kept wrapped in a dark cloth.

Walnut peel and shell tincture

The product should not be frozen. If you store it on the balcony, then you need to monitor weather changes and prevent frost. But it is best to store in a cupboard or pantry at room temperature. Check the tincture from time to time to make sure it hasn’t turned into vinegar.


Walnut shell tincture is an alcoholic drink, albeit a healing one. It should be used carefully and avoid overuse. Particular attention should be paid to the elderly, whose body does not cope well with the processing of substances.

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