Walnut oil is a rare product – this applies to both availability on store shelves and private kitchen resources. The reason is very simple and understandable. We usually associate this type of oil with an exclusive product that can be easily replaced with a cheaper equivalent. Are you sure it is? Both eminent cooks and those who rely on natural means of treatment talk about its numerous advantages. So maybe it’s worth the high price you usually pay for it? Discover the properties and ways to use this elite product!
Walnut oil – what is its phenomenon?
What is the secret of miraculous properties of walnut oil? Well, above all, in the richness of its composition. It contains significant amounts of valuable unsaturated fatty acids, e.g. linoleic, oleic. Their presence is essential for the body. Especially our skin demands the use of products rich in fatty acids. Thanks to them, it becomes more resistant to pollution, damage, and regenerates more easily. Huge amounts of fatty acids, which are characteristic of this oil, cause that the level of triglycerides in the blood is lowered, and thus the functioning of the circulatory system and the functioning of the liver is improved. However, this does not exhaust the topic of health benefits walnut oil. It also contains vitamins (E, A, K, B vitamins, vitamin H).
Walnut oil – properties
Since this particular type of oil boasts such a rich content of nutrients, it can be used as a medicine. Regular use of the oil will pay off with prophylactic anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Sometimes, it is also used as an ointment on an open wound. It can also be used in the fight against some strains of fungi. In addition, its effect on the digestive system has been proven. It facilitates purging, improves bowel function, has a good effect on digestion, prevents constipation and flatulence. Not without significance is also its antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process of the body.
Italian oil – not only for health, but also for beauty and good taste in the kitchen!
What else is walnut used for? Many nutritionists recommend the use of walnut oil in slimming diets, showing that it can boast of similar properties to green tea. The aforementioned skin protection also gains additional importance in cosmetology. Used externally, it has the power to moisturize and protect against excessive drying. Thanks to its rapid absorption, it is often used in massage parlors. In addition, health is used properties of walnut oil on the hair. Thanks to the ingredients contained in it, it accelerates the process of regeneration, nourishment, and restores the hair’s former glow. In addition, omega 6 intensifies hair growth.
The high price and label of an exclusive product should not discourage you from trying to use walnut oil to prepare dishes at home. Especially if someone likes to taste French and Italian cuisine, where this type of oil is added to salads and sauces, rice and pasta. It must not be forgotten that it is not used for frying dishes, because due to high temperatures it loses its health-promoting properties and acquires a bitter aftertaste.
An unconventional use of Italian nut oil is to use it to clean paint brushes. It is generally acknowledged that it handles it quite well. However, it is not the most popular agent of this type, both due to the high price and the label assigning this product to the kitchen and cosmetic categories.