Walnut is known to every inhabitant of the country. It is the largest member of the nut family. It can grow up to 30 meters in height. Often has a dense and voluminous crown. Under natural conditions, it is found on the territory of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Since attempts to acclimatize this culture in those areas of Eurasia where the climate is especially severe were in vain, the discovery of a new variety was an excellent solution. Walnut “Ideal” has its own advantages, features of planting and growing, which we will discuss in the article.
Advantages of the variety
Everyone, of course, has an idea about the appearance of a walnut. This is a powerful deciduous tree with fairly developed roots. Small, medium or large fruits grow on it, which, after drying and ripening, tend to crack. The shape of the nuts themselves depends on the variety. There are oval, and oval-oblong, and oblong-squeezed from two sides, and round.
Experienced gardeners know that walnut seedlings of this species become capable of bearing fruit already in the second year from the moment of planting. But these will be only trial volumes of crops, since real ones can really be obtained for 4-5 years.
The variety is well suited for growing in central Our Country. The climate features there suggest the presence of a hot summer with a minimum amount of precipitation in one year, and frosts in another. Trees of this beautiful species endure all the proposed weather conditions. Large fruits usually appear on them, located in brushes of 15 – 17 pieces. Each nut has a thin shell. The core in it makes up a maximum of 60% of the total mass and is easily removed from the middle. Like every garden crop, the Ideal walnut has its own clear advantages, for which it is so loved by gardeners.
These include an early fruiting period (from 2 years old, subject to normal care), the ability to easily tolerate low temperatures in winter, to give a good harvest even during periods of drought and excessive heat. Mature trees tend to maintain bushiness, which allows them to be grown on small plots of land. Even if you cannot constantly care for your favorite crop, this nut will be able to get by with the minimum necessary conditions.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn a description of the walnut tree.
Landing scheme
Of course, you can collect fruits without creating special conditions for the nut. But in order to ensure a high degree of productivity, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules.
For its landing, you should choose moist carbonate loamy soil. It is best not to plan to plant in a wetland near which groundwater is located. In order to improve the structure of the soil, it is recommended to add a lot of manure in combination with ash. This should be done at the rate of 2 cups of ash per bucket of manure.
It is necessary to dig a hole, the depth of which will be approximately 80 cm, and mix the earth obtained from it with top dressing. Remember that the walnut, in particular, the Ideal variety, is very sensitive to a possible transplant from its usual place. It can adversely affect his growth and development. Proper planting is carried out in compliance with the distance between crops of at least 5 meters. If you plan to plant on a slope, be sure to leave a distance of up to 3 meters between the trees. This variety has a highly developed root system.
In the event of a landing near buildings, it can even cause the destruction of the foundation. The correct planting scheme involves placing the seedling to a depth of about 40 cm. At the same time, the roots located on the side must be placed vertically, sprinkled with earth on top. It is better to bury the upper roots by 6 – 7 cm.
After planting, it remains only to contribute to the normal growth of the culture. One of the points of competent care is the replacement of the earth around the tree at a distance of the diameter of its crown. It will need to be taken out, combined with top dressing and returned.
Do not fertilize too often and in large quantities. Otherwise, it is really possible to weaken the ability of the nut to endure the winter cold.
Growing area
Judging by the reviews of experienced gardeners, such a walnut pleases with abundant harvests, regardless of the growing area, be it Our Country, Ukraine or Belarus.
Statistics say that even in the Moscow region it is quite possible to get up to 120 kg of selected fruits from each tree, regardless of whether the summer was dry. This is due to the fact that the flowering period of the variety falls in March, when it is already quite warm in this region. Therefore, possible frosts cannot harm an adult culture. By September – October, the fruits have time to fully ripen. The owners of plots in the Chernozem region, who manage to grow more whimsical varieties of walnut, also choose Ideal for planting in their home garden.
The walnut also grows well in those areas where the average annual temperature is above +10 degrees, and in the warmest month the air has time to warm up to a maximum of +25. As the experience of many gardeners shows, often in the middle lane many walnut fruits simply do not have time to ripen normally.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow the “Ideal” walnut.