Walnut Helps Fight Cancer!

Our body’s response to disease is determined by our diet. Recent studies by nutritionists give completely unexpected results. Natural foods help protect against many ailments. One such amazing food is the walnut.

Modern dietetics has become an important part of medicine, since the foods we eat directly affect the functioning of internal organs. It depends on the body’s response to disease in general. This article reveals the latest data from nutritionists about one of the amazing gifts of nature, which include the walnut.

The studies that have just been completed have surprised many. It turns out that experimental mice that ate walnuts were less likely to get cancer than others. The influence of these nuts on the activity of some of the most important fundamental genes that control the occurrence of breast cancer has been proven.

Walnut is one of the most valuable nuts, its impact on our health can hardly be overestimated. All this thanks to a whole pantry of useful elements that make up walnuts. American researchers have revealed new interesting facts for nutritionists – the inclusion of this fruit in a regular diet reduces the likelihood of breast cancer by half.

Such positive effects of the use of walnut fruits were found in mice that were constantly fed on the basis of these fruits in the laboratory. The experiment covered the period of their development, starting from the fetus to the very adult age of individuals. The dosage of nuts from their diet is 60 grams for a person.

Animals used in research have been genetically manipulated to cause them to develop cancer. The results amazed scientists, it turns out that walnuts have an amazing effect on some genetic structures, which causes anti-cancer effects.

Mice with such serious genetic anomalies introduced for experiments, and causing the appearance and development of cancer, eating walnuts, had breast cancer less often than others. The influence of nuts on the activity of certain fundamental genes that are responsible for the likelihood of breast cancer has been established. And exactly the same genes are present in humans.

Another positive outcome of the experiment is the conclusion that young pregnant women who include walnuts in their diet, thereby provide their children with a reduced risk of cancer in the future. This will help make future generations healthier.

Among the abundance of fruits included in the human diet, the walnut occupies an exceptional position. It contains a lot of nutrients, positive for health qualities.

Walnut is used in medical practice for the purpose of:

  • lowering high blood pressure;

  • prevention of degenerative and cardiovascular diseases;

  • reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;

  • reducing cholesterol;

  • mitigation of the course of PMS, as well as pain during menopause;

  • eczema prevention, recommended for people with excessively dry skin;

  • recommended as anticarcinogenic agents.

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