Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

Today, there are many varieties of walnut that can be grown in different conditions. This family of plants is quite unpretentious, so they will not cause any special problems even for novice gardeners. In this article, we will talk in more detail about how to plant trees, as well as the features of common varieties – green walnut, black, large-fruited species.


The walnut is a massive tree with a developed root system. Trees usually grow with a dense branched crown. The foliage is green, mostly oval in shape.Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

The fruits are dry drupes that have a strong shell. Usually, it takes a lot of effort to clean ripe nuts, and use special nutcrackers. On top of the drupe there are dense pluses – this is a vegetable shell that nourishes the fruit with the necessary substances. After the fruits ripen, the pluses dry up and peel off.

Depending on the varieties, nuts are small, medium and large. But also the shape of the fruit can be very different: round, oval, flattened, elliptical. The shell is smooth, with small pores. On the surface there are small depressions and tubercles.

Trees love a warm climate and moisture, but with proper care, they can produce a good harvest in the middle lane. The walnut feels best in the southern regions. In the middle lane, it is better to grow early-ripening varieties so that the fruits have time to fully ripen before cold snaps. The optimum temperature for walnut growth is from 20 degrees (in spring and summer) and above.

Growing walnuts in the Moscow region is not difficult, the main thing is to choose varieties that can resist the cold well. In the northern regions, not every variety of walnut will be able to take root and, moreover, bring a rich harvest.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn many interesting facts about the walnut.

How to plant a tree

Often, gardeners wonder if walnuts can be grown in the middle lane. Of course, with proper planting and proper care, you can grow a tree that will produce a good harvest every year.Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

Much depends on the type of nut. It is advisable to choose the most unpretentious types of walnuts. Green nuts are the best for this. Now this is the most common type, it is easy to grow, they give a lot of fruits, are good for the body, and also store well.

Any type of soil is suitable for cultivation – black soil, sandy loam or loamy. If the tree is well accepted and its root system develops, then it will be able to get enough nutrients from the deeper layers of the soil. Additional feeding will be desirable if the soil is not fertile. For a young walnut in the first years, this measure is even mandatory.

Before planting, the owners must make sure that there are no heavy salts and acidic substances in the ground. Otherwise, hydrated lime must be applied to make the soil suitable for planting walnuts. Before planting, the seedling must be placed in a bucket of water so that the plant is saturated with moisture. After a few days, it will be possible to plant it in the ground.

There is nothing difficult in planting a nut. First you need to dig a deep hole – at least one meter deep and half a meter wide. Large size is needed in order to immediately place the root system deeper, as this is important for its nutrition, and the tree will take less time to take root well. If the seedlings have dry or damaged roots, they must be removed. Then half a bucket of water is poured into the pit and a seedling is placed. After that, the rhizome is evenly covered with earth. You can slightly compact the soil and pour water on top. You can also lay a small layer of mulch on top.Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

The first crop can be harvested in four years.

In many external features, a pecan is similar to a walnut. It has a similar shape, composition, the same climatic conditions are suitable for normal growth. Similar measures are required for planting and growing these varieties.

Popular varieties

In the CIS countries, many different types of walnuts are grown. Of great value are fruits with a thin shell and a round shape. In Our Country, there are more than 20 species of walnut trees. They differ not only in external signs, but also in the chemical composition of the fruit. Some have more iodine and iron, some have more vitamins B and E. We will talk about the best varieties of walnuts.


Early-growing walnut, which was bred by breeders in the middle of the 10th century. Fruiting begins in the fifth year. Inflorescences form a small brush, where nuts will appear over time. The peculiarity of this variety is that it is able to bloom a second time already with a large number of ovaries on one brush (15-XNUMX fruits). The nuts are quite large.Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

In Our Country, the variety has become popular because it is a frost-resistant walnut that can withstand temperatures below 30 degrees.


This type of tree has a spreading crown, and the height usually reaches three meters. This is one of the most common varieties. This variety is intended for cultivation in the south of our country, since flower buds and tree wood are affected in severe frosts. In the fourth year after planting, the tree begins to bear fruit.

By planting this walnut on your site, it will be possible to collect 20-25 kilograms of fruits.


A tree of medium height (from 3 to 5 meters), begins fruiting processes at the 4th year of life. The variety does not tolerate frost, so it is best to plant it in the southern regions of the country. However, it is resistant to such a common disease as brown spot.Walnut: description, characteristics, useful properties

The formation of fruits occurs in clusters – 3 pieces each. Sometimes it happens that one bunch can consist of 8 or more fruits. One tree is capable of producing good yield results – from 28 to 30 kg of fruit with an average kernel weight of 12 grams. This variety is popular due to its wonderful taste.


This variety is early maturing. The tree grows up to 6 meters in height. The first fruiting with proper care can be as early as the fourth year. An adult tree produces more than 20 kilograms of nuts.

black variety

Black walnut is a monoecious plant. It can reach over fifty meters in height. Leaves pinnate, very large. This variety has a specific balsamic smell. The first fruits may appear in the tenth year.

The fruit has a thick fleshy skin. The core itself, when ripe, becomes dark, almost black. This nut contains many vitamins, proteins, vegetable fats and oils. They are used not only for food, but also for the preparation of medicines, dietary supplements.

When growing black walnut, you should choose well-lit places, without shade. The variety itself is resistant to frost, but the fruits must be harvested before they occur, otherwise they will die. Resistant to high humidity, and normally tolerates long seasonal rains. It is advisable to choose a slightly alkaline soil, carefully loosen it before planting. To get a bigger harvest, you need to provide protection from strong winds.

Video “How to plant”

From the video you will learn how to plant a walnut tree in your area.

How to plant a walnut from a fruit

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