Walnut: benefits and harms to the body
One of the most nutritious foods for the brain is a walnut, which helps the body recover from hard mental and physical labor.

The history of the walnut

The walnut is the fruit of a tree that can reach a height of 25 meters and live up to 400 years. The homeland has not been precisely established: wild plants are found on the territory of the Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Mediterranean – they prefer a warm climate.

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In Europe, this nut is mentioned in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries BC. It is believed that the plant came to the Greeks from Persia. At the suggestion of the Greek people, walnuts began to be called royal – they were so highly valued. Commoners could not eat them. The Latin name translates as “royal acorn”.

It was from Greece that the walnut came to Kievan Rus, and therefore received such a name.

Dyes from nuts were used to dye fabrics, hair, and animal skin was treated with tannins. The leaves are used in folk medicine and fisheries: they contain aromatic substances that fishermen in Transcaucasia use to stupefy fish.

In the modern world, Armenians annually organize the Walnut Festival.

Composition and calorie content

Caloric value on 100 g654 kcal
Proteins16,2 g
Fats60 g
Carbohydrates11 g

The Benefits of the Walnut

No wonder it is believed that the walnut helps the brain. Fatty acids in its composition improve memory and have a sedative effect, thereby reducing the effects of stress and nervous tension.

The high content of vitamins and microelements nourish the body and restore strength, as well as increase immunity. 100 grams of nuts are approximately equal in nutritional value to half a wheat roll or a liter of milk. “Walnut protein is not inferior to an animal, and due to the lysine enzyme, it is easier to digest. Therefore, walnuts are recommended to be eaten by people weakened after an illness, ”advises Alexander Voinov, dietetics and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club chain.

The high concentration of iron in these nuts helps fight anemia and anemia. Zinc and iodine, which are part of walnuts, are good for skin, hair, nails and the thyroid gland.

Walnut is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system: potassium and magnesium in its composition strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol. These nuts can also be eaten by diabetics as they have a low glycemic index and do not raise blood sugar levels. Magnesium also has a positive effect on the state of the genitourinary system and has a diuretic effect, which is indicated for congestion.

Vitamins C and E have antioxidant properties, slow down the aging process and reduce the impact of negative environmental factors.

Harm of a walnut

– This product is very high-calorie, so the maximum amount of walnuts per day is 100 grams, this is especially important for people with obesity (100 grams 654 kcal). Walnut is quite a strong allergen, so you need to eat it little by little and gradually introduce it into the diet. Also, with chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these nuts should be eaten very carefully and no more than a few pieces, – says Alexander Voinov.

The use of walnut in medicine

The nut is extremely nutritious, so it is included in the diet of weakened by the disease, emaciated people with reduced immunity.

The leaves of the plant are brewed as a medicinal tea for congestion in the kidneys, inflammatory diseases of the bladder and stomach. Partitions of nuts are insisted and used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Oil is obtained from walnut kernels, which is also used in cosmetology, as well as in the production of natural soap. The oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it is used for skin diseases.

The green shell of the nut is used in pharmaceuticals as an ingredient in a drug against skin tuberculosis.

The use of walnuts in cooking

Walnut is an excellent addition to many dishes, dessert and main. Usually it is used precisely as an additive to other products, but sometimes jam is made from nuts or pasta is made.

Beet salad with walnuts

A digestive-healthy snack that can be spread on brown or whole grain bread or eaten as a side dish

Beetroot1-2 pcs
Walnuts, shelledsmall handful
Garlic1-2 cloves
Cream2 Art. spoons

Wash the beets, boil until soft, cool and peel. Grate beets and garlic on a fine grater. Chop the nuts with a knife. Mix, salt and season with sour cream.

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Stuffed apples with walnuts

An excellent dessert or afternoon snack, also suitable as a festive dish when serving hot apples with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

Sweet and sour hard apples3 pc
Prunes, dried apricots, raisinsA handful of
Walnuts, shelled6 halves
ground cinnamon, honeyTaste

Cut the core out of the apples with a knife. Wash and chop dried fruits, chop nuts with a knife. Put a mixture inside each apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and pour a spoonful of honey. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the apples.

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How to choose and store a walnut

It is better to buy nuts in the shell. It should be light and uniform in color, while shaking the nut, the nucleolus should not roll inside – this may indicate that they have been stored for a long time and dried up.

In a purified form, the kernels are quickly affected by the fungus and are stored for a very short time. To avoid this, manufacturers often treat the kernels with chemicals.

The kernels are stored for no more than a month in a glass sealed container in a cool place. Inshell nuts in a dry place and canvas bags can be stored for a very long time – up to a year.

To easily open a walnut, you need to look closely at it. There is a sharp spike on one side and a recess on the other. The tip of a short skin is inserted into it and rotated, so the nut opens without difficulty and the kernel remains intact.

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