Walking with Leslie Sanson is a great way to burn calories and improve your physique without intensive programs and vysokogornyh training. Passing mile after mile, you will lose weight, speed up your metabolism and improve health.
Walking with Leslie Sansone.
We are accustomed to the fact that fitness is only for a hardy people with good sports preparation. However, training can be simple and affordable, and we hurry to assure expert in the world of fitness — Leslie Sansone. She created a program that anyone can learn. You don’t need to have even basic training to start doing walk under her leadership. Leslie Sanson I’m sure her training under the power of anyone who just knows how to walk.
So, who is walking with Leslie Sansone:
- those who have not played sports;
- those who recently recovered from injury;
- pregnant girls;
- people with a large overweight;
- those who have health problems (joints, varicose veins, heart disease);
- older people (including men!).
Leslie has a lot of options of programs based on walking. They vary in difficulty levels and length of training. Today we will consider 3 programs from Exercise TV releases from which it is possible to begin to engage.
One mile (1 Mile Walk Exercise TV)
With Leslie Sansone for 20-minute session you will walk 1 mile or 1.6 km. it All starts with walk at a moderate pace, but gradually the pace begins to increase. Also added these simple movements like raising the arms up, low kicks, cross steps to the side.
The whole program is very energetic and fun, you coach constantly encourages and motivates. A “pass” of 1 mile instead of morning exercise, because, as you know, exercise after waking up help to activate metabolic processes in the body.
Two miles (2 Mile Walk Exercise TV)
2 miles can be called the second level of the “pet walks”. Training lasts 30 minutes, but during that time you go through a distance twice is 3.2 km. Since you have already mastered the first level, that Leslie allows herself a little complicate the task. Don’t worry, the workouts all the same walk, but the pace of the program ointensive.
Basic steps here are also diluted with other movements. You use hands, make steps forward-backward and left-right, lift heels to hips and again doing leg swings. Meter by meter, you drive 2 miles from home.
Three miles (3 Mile Walk Exercise TV)
If you are already well on the 1 and 2 miles, it is possible to complicate the lessons and experience yourself walking 3 miles. Now you will find almost 5 km, and the duration of your walk home will be 46 minutes. Training becomes one level more difficult: Leslie adds vigour and tempo, so the program will more fat burning and effective.
You expect a variety of movements, which are based on the same walk. Positive Leslie Sansone you will not notice how fly program. And here you have already overcome almost 5 km. Before you probably thought it was impossible?
The pros and cons of the program
1. Walking with Leslie Sansone is great for beginners. For lessons do not need to have any special physical data and to have experience training.
2. You will improve the metabolism, lose weight and give your muscles in an easy tone. This one-hour workout burns on average 250 kcal.
3. All the exercises are based on normal walking. And, as we know, the easiest and most accessible form of exercise.
Top best workout for beginners or where to start to do fitness?
4. The “1 mile” lasts only 20 minutes. First, it is not so much to do every day. Second, the short duration will allow you to gradually get involved in the lesson. And thirdly, you can perform the exercise as morning exercises.
5. Despite the simplicity of the program, it can not be called banal and boring. Leslie is very perky and positive leads classes. In addition, it tries to diversify their modified, but the available exercises.
6. It is worth noting that this is an easy non-impact load, which will not allow you to hurt or harm their health. You’ll lose the extra calories without stress on the heart and joints.
1. Training is easy enough, so advanced in fitness for the load it will be rather weak.
Leslie is confident that her training under the power of anyone who can walk. Do you still think that fitness is a class for the elite? Begin the walk with Leslie Sanson and forget about this stereotype.
See also: Overview of all workout Leslie Sansone – just walk and lose weight.