Walford Miracle Tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Walford’s Miracle tomato is a rare variety of an indeterminate plant, the seeds of which were imported from far abroad to Our Country just a few years ago. The variety is valued for its high taste characteristics and high-quality presentation, therefore it has become actively spread among consumers, gardeners and domestic breeders.

Detailed description

Walford’s miracle was bred by selective crossing of several dozen species of tomatoes in the United States. The Miracle hybrid was created by Max Walford, an American experimenter and farmer from Oklahoma. The variety is distributed all over the world after the farmer wins a tomato competition. Import of seeds to Our Country began in 2005. The variety grows well in greenhouse conditions. Tomato is allowed to be grown throughout the country in special comfortable conditions.

A hybrid variety for annual cultivation took only the best qualities from its relatives. Tomato Miracle belongs to mid-season varieties, the stem of which in greenhouse conditions reaches 1,7-2 m. When grown in open ground, the growth of tomatoes stops at the first night frosts. The leaves of the tomato are medium in size, have a slight corrugation, slightly pubescent with villi on the back side. The color of the foliage is green or dark green.

Walford Miracle Tomato: reviews, photos, yield

The stem requires a garter, thickened and flexible towards the base. Bushes are necessarily formed, since the variety belongs to indeterminate tomatoes. The inflorescence is simple, found in pale yellow and bright yellow. The flowers are arranged in small groups of 3-4 flowers per stem. The growing season depends on the region of planting and the time of planting seedlings in the ground. Articulated stem for easy harvesting.

Advice! It is necessary to trim the tops of the bushes to prevent the formation of a small crop.

Description and taste of fruits

Tomato fruits are always large in size, heart-shaped, characteristic of the Walford variety. Tomatoes are slightly ribbed and dense. Unripe fruits are light green in color with a dark spot at the base of the stem, ripe ones are bright red or scarlet. In the cut, fleshy flesh of a pinkish hue with 4-5 nests.

The skin of the fruit is dense and elastic, crunches when tasting. Tomatoes Miracle of Walford taste juicy, sweetish. The peel has a slight sour aftertaste, although the composition contains sugar up to 6,5%. Beautiful fruits with a glossy sheen are located on the bushes in alternate brushes of 2-3 tomatoes. In diameter, juicy tomatoes reach 8-10 cm. The average weight varies from 250 to 350 g.

Walford Miracle fruits are grown commercially in greenhouse conditions. Miracle tomatoes contain:

  • lycopene, which improves digestion;
  • pectin normalizes blood pressure;
  • glycoalkaloid contained in the juice of squeezed tomatoes has bactericidal properties;
  • serotonin acts as a natural antidepressant.

Miracle tomato seed powder is used as an additional component of sedative tablets. For human health, Walford tomatoes are best consumed stewed or raw. Many vegetable growers praise this variety for preserving taste during preservation. After heat treatment, all nutritious minerals retain their usefulness. Due to the unusual sweetish aftertaste, tomatoes have received a wide range of applications in gourmet culinary dishes. Walford Miracle tomatoes are often used to produce juices and sauces. They are especially good in lecho and baked form.

Varietal characteristics

The yield of Walford tomatoes depends on growing conditions, climate and microclimate at the initial stage of growing a young plant. The hybrid variety Walford’s Miracle bears fruit until the first hard frost. The first harvest is done after 110-135 days of growing the seed in the ground. In the greenhouse, the yield of tomatoes of this variety increases several times. During the season, you can collect up to 15 kg from a bush per 1 square. m.

Due to indeterminate qualities, harvesting is carried out 3-4 times. Walford tomatoes bear fruit within 4-8 weeks from the beginning of August. When grown in open ground, the climate of the planting region affects the yield. For 1 sq. m in such conditions, the harvest varies between 6-10 kg. The high productivity of Miracle tomatoes was noticed in the southern strip of Our Country with any cultivation methods.

Walford Miracle Tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Variety Miracle Walford has a high resistance to fungal diseases of nightshade, but is attacked by pests. Tomatoes are not subject to powdery mildew and root rot. To protect the bushes from slugs, the bases of the roots are sprinkled with copper sulphate or dust. So that the Colorado potato beetle does not destroy the foliage, flowers and fruits, it is necessary to carry out chemical disinfection or disinfect the seeds when planting in the ground.

Evaluation of the pros and cons of the variety

When growing Walford Miracle tomatoes, minor disadvantages were noticed:

  • the need for pinching;
  • seeds are suitable for single planting;
  • a thin stem from the beginning of fruit-bearing branches;
  • a garter is needed under each large fruit.

As a result of growing the Walford tomato variety, summer residents and gardeners receive:

  • high productivity;
  • frost resistance;
  • seedlings withstand sudden changes in temperature;
  • fruits have an attractive presentation;
  • high taste characteristics;
  • long term storage after harvest;
  • it is possible to collect fruits with brushes;
  • tomatoes do not burst from an overabundance of vitamins and minerals received;
  • the possibility of transportation over a long distance.

Due to the unusual shape of the tomatoes and the high-quality presentation, as well as the long shelf life of the crop, the Wolford Miracle tomato variety is actively spreading among gardeners.

Rules of landing and care

The Walford Miracle tomato variety is a thermophilic plant that needs a huge amount of natural light. Experienced gardeners prefer to grow mid-season varieties in seedlings. With the creation of comfortable conditions and the correct selection of soil, tomatoes will give a prolific and high-quality crop.

Advice! It is important to monitor the microclimate in the greenhouse and provide plenty of heat and light when growing tomatoes.

Seeding for seedlings

Tomatoes grow well on black earth and low acid soils. The soil for planting is either prepared in the fall, or they acquire a ready-made substrate. In the second case, you should carefully choose the soil or pre-heat the soil for a couple. Purchased cassettes or peat cups can be used as containers for planting. Regardless of the type of soil, a few hours before planting, the soil is disinfected with a weak solution of manganese.

The soil in peat cups must be loosened in order to saturate the soil with oxygen. It is better to start planting seeds of hybrid tomatoes in the middle or end of March. Seeds are hardened by sudden changes in temperature: they are put in the refrigerator for several hours, then they are heated for a couple. For quick germination, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of growth stimulants.

The finished substrate is mixed with sand to increase the friability of the soil. Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 2-2,5 cm, sprinkled with earth. The distance between seedlings is from 2 to 3 cm. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature 2-3 times a week. The first sprouts appear after 3 weeks, then the seedlings begin to grow actively. When planting seeds in open ground, the beds are covered with thick polyethylene to create a microclimate. Under such conditions, seedlings will grow equally quickly if shelters are removed daily or plants are exposed to a well-lit place.

Walford Miracle Tomato: reviews, photos, yield

Important! It is necessary to monitor watering and topsoil. If the soil begins to become covered with white bloom, then the amount of water should be reduced and the seedlings should be exposed to more light.

Seedling transplant

Tomatoes are ready for transplantation when the plants have 3-4 formed leaves and reach a height of 15 cm. Planting is done in open ground 50-60 days after planting on seedlings. To avoid transplanting in greenhouse conditions, you can initially grow Walford Miracle tomatoes in individual pots or in beds.

For 1 sq. m planted 4 or 5 plants. When transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to make a deep digging of the earth. Next, beds are formed with an admixture of compost or manure. On the planting site, the distance between plants should be up to 40 cm in a checkerboard pattern. Tomatoes are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm so that the soil covers the roots and tightly holds the stems in a standing position.

Care of tomatoes

Variety Miracle Walford requires regular watering. For 1 young plant, up to 1-1,5 liters per week will go. An adult bush will need about 30 liters per week to fully saturate the roots with moisture. In a dry climate, watering is carried out in the evening 3-4 times a week. Top dressing is done at planting and every 2 weeks. Potassium additives are introduced into the soil in small quantities along with compost. Miracle tomatoes are fed with nitrogen fertilizers 7-10 days after planting seedlings in the soil.

Walford Miracle Tomato: reviews, photos, yield

In dry summers, to retain moisture, the bases of tomatoes are mulched with small or large sawdust, hay. As the soil subsides, hay is applied 2 times per season. It will also protect the bushes from severe temperature changes. To obtain a large crop, before flowering, adult bushes stepchild or pinch, then the bush is formed into 2 main stems. The stem is tied up with wide fabric bandages on the trellis. It is also necessary to make a garter under each large tomato.

Important! For top dressing, never use fresh manure, which can burn seedlings or roots of bushes.


The Walford Miracle Tomato is an exquisite and juicy tomato variety that can be grown in the comfort of your home. When providing enough light and timely care, the bushes give a large and high-quality crop. Seeds of Walford’s Miracle can be used in the production of new varieties of hybrid tomatoes.


Smirnova Liliya Valerievna, 43 years old, Grozny
I saw that my daughter grows strange tomatoes. I really liked the shape, so I began to grow it on my balcony. The seeds are expensive, but the result is very pleased. From 3 bushes I collected Miracle tomatoes for a long time, until they began to grow smaller. The taste is very sweet and juicy, crunchy. Tomatoes are not suitable for pickling – the taste changes when chopped. Bushes formed into 2 trunks and did 3 fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. The Walford Miracle variety is standing, so I will plant it already in the country.
Lee Alena Alexandrovna, 50 years old, Sochi
I have been gardening for a long time and I breed my own varieties. For several years she cultivated Walford’s Miracle tomatoes. In general, the harvest is good and the fruits are beautiful. Part of Walford’s Miracle tomatoes is sold, and the rest is harvested. Young seedlings are attacked by Colorado beetles and slugs, so the bushes were sprayed with chemicals and sprinkled dust under the roots. I did not notice any special health benefits, but the dishes are delicious.
Wolford Wonder tomato

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