Vysotskaya, Podolskaya and 14 more stars shaved bald

Why don’t you have to sacrifice celebrities in everyday life! Plastic surgery, diets, drastic changes in style and hairstyles. But not every woman can say goodbye to luxurious hair. Wday.ru publishes a list of the most famous beauties who shaved their heads. Basically, these are those who sacrificed their appearance to the profession, but there are also a few who decided on a bold experiment of their own free will.

About a month ago, the red-haired beauty surprised fans by posting a photo with a short haircut. Then the followers appreciated the unexpected change in the image, noting that Natalia began to look even younger and fresher. However, the celebrity decided not to stop there and after a while posted a picture with a completely shaved head.

I want not just changes, I want shocking changes! – signed by Podolskaya.

True, it is unlikely that Podolskaya will have to go bald, because, even despite the high-quality photo taken, you can easily notice that Natalia has makeup on her head (which, by the way, most of the subscribers were incredibly happy). This image is Natalia’s creative experiment for the video for the song “Cry”, where she appeared as a heroine with a broken heart.

The 27-year-old star of “Daddy’s Daughters” called the cardinal change of image “zeroing.” And one day she parted with a shock of light brown hair.

The whole transformation process Dasha asked to film a photographer friend on video and posted it on the network. It is curious that the actress got rid of the first strands herself with the help of an electric razor, and then trampled them with her feet.

Friends and fans decided that for Melnikova it became a kind of experiment. After all, she had already easily decided to change her style …

And the new hairstyle turned out to be more fortunate than ever. After all, judging by the pictures on Instagram, Dasha and her sons went to the sea … Well, the heat and wet hair are no longer afraid of her!

A couple of years ago, the famous TV presenter completely cut her beautiful hair, which shocked fans. The audience saw the new hairstyle when Yulia appeared in the “Morning” program. Moreover, even Vysotskaya’s partner Jamal Tetruashvili could not hide his surprise.

“And you look great!” – After a short pause, he greeted the co-host.

“Oh, thanks, I like it too!” – answered Julia with a constant smile.

At first, rumors even spread on the network that this was due to the deterioration of the condition of Vysotskaya’s daughter, Maria, and Julia simply lost her nerves. Moreover, on the screen, the TV presenter looked tired and very emaciated, and instead of the usual bright outfits, this time she dressed in dark colors.

But it soon became clear: the curls had to be donated on the set of Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “Paradise”. At the end of the picture, the heroine, a member of the French Resistance Olga Kamenskaya, is shaved bald. The director did not talk to his wife about this for a long time, and Julia hoped that she would simply be cut short. And only at the decisive moment a tough instruction was sounded: “With a typewriter!”

Vysotskaya did not say a word. And only later, in an interview with Tatler, she admitted that the changes were not easy for her: “Shaving at 42 is not quite the same as shaving at 28. You lose – I don’t even know how to call it correctly … Well, let’s say I wake up – somewhere swollen, tired, tortured, bruises, bags. I think it’s okay: now I’ll stick something like that on my head. Now what should I do? ” Time has shown that even in such a situation, two things help out – self-confidence and, of course, a smile!

Another unexpected transformation. Irina Gorbacheva often changes her hairstyle and hair color. Most recently, she surprised her subscribers, of whom she has more than 1,6 million, with a video of braiding African braids posted on Instagram. And here’s a new surprise: the girl with dreadlocks turns … As the actress joked, now she is “a bun, not a woman.” And she turned to her fans like this: “Friends, I am now # baldabashkadaypyrozhka. What do I want to say! Do not be afraid of anything! Experiment! Life is one, and short-lived (I looked at the universal clock). And no, not for the role, but for yourself! Don’t be afraid to be funny. Irony is our strongest weapon. “

Maria Kozhevnikova shocked the audience several years ago: from the glamorous Allochka, the heroine of the popular TV series, with short skirts, pink lipstick and long curls, the girl turned into a serious woman and one of the main heroines of the film about the war “Battalion”.

“This is the little that I could do for the film,” Maria said in an interview with one of the Russian publications. – I decided that I must go through what the girl who became the prototype of my heroine went through. In addition, my family and beloved supported me very much and convinced me that they were ready for any metamorphosis. But in case it is hard to get used to the new look, we have already prepared a wig. “

A year later, Masha again posted a picture with a shaved head. True, this time the hairstyle turned out to be a wig. “Maria didn’t shave her head, it’s just a good make-up,” the press secretary of Maria Kozhevnikova Evgenia Levchenko told us. – This transformation is needed for the promotion of the film “Battalion”, where she was filmed. In this image, she had so many photo shoots. “

Ekaterina Vilkova, like Maria Kozhevnikova, shaved almost bald for filming in the film “Battalion”.

Such a change of image turned out to be very useful, because one of the trends of that season was short haircuts, which periodically come into fashion. According to the actress, she never regretted the experiment and even decided to stay in this image for a while.

Actress Demi Moore is ready for a lot for the sake of art. Confirmation of this is the fact that in order to get a role in the movie “Soldier Jane” Demi agreed to cut her hair. In the acclaimed film, Moore plays Lieutenant Jordan O’Neill, who overcomes the hardships of army life. And it is worth noting that the Hollywood star did not in vain decided on such a brave step – the film brought the actress great success.

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis’ daughter Tallulah decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and shaved off her hair. Only her action is unlikely to command respect, because she did it not for the sake of a new role, but to surprise the public. The process of shaving Talula’s head was filmed by her sister Rumer, after which the video was posted on the blog.

The reasons for the action of the 20-year-old rebel were a mystery. However, later it became known that Talula was drug addicted and was being treated in a rehabilitation clinic. In addition, the girl has repeatedly said that since childhood she was dissatisfied with her appearance.

For the role in the film, actress Cate Blanchett said goodbye to her hair. So, in 2002, Kate accepted an offer to star in the drama film “Paradise”, where she was to play the role of a teacher who joined the fight against a drug dealer. By the way, Blanchett liked being bald and even after filming was over, the actress did not cover her head with anything.

Charlize Theron is faithful to her profession and is ready for various experiments with her appearance. So, for the lead role in the post-apocalyptic action film “Mad Max: Fury Road” the actress shaved her head. We saw Theron in a new look in 2015, when the picture was released.

By the way, Charlize has already had to sacrifice her beauty. For the role in the movie “Monster” the movie star gained 15 kilograms, partially shaved off her eyebrows and agreed to make-up that disfigured her. For such sacrifices, the actress was rewarded with an Oscar statuette.

The recognizable style of the flamboyant model, artist and actress Amber Rose is a zero-cut hairstyle. The girl often paints the “hedgehog” on her head in bright colors. Amber is also known for her fur outfits, for which she is attacked by supporters of animal protection.

Until the age of 19, Rose was an ordinary girl with long hair, but then she decided to shave her head bald. The actress decided to radically change her appearance after seeing the clip of the singer Sinead O’Connor. And she decided that she would definitely fulfill her plans as soon as she began to live an independent life. However, the bald head does not spoil the girl at all, moreover, she suits her and does not interfere with building a career in show business.

The costs of the profession also affected the actress Cynthia Nixon. The Sex and the City star said goodbye to a shock of red hair for a role in a theater in Manhattan. In the theatrical production of “Wit,” Cynthia was reincarnated as a cancer professor of literature who does not retreat in the face of illness. By the way, this topic is not alien to Nixon – in 2006 the actress was diagnosed with cancer and she successfully underwent a course of treatment.

Actress Natalie Portman keeps up with her colleagues. For her role in V for Vendetta, she shaved her head. And she did it in the frame and with one take. Natalie first showed her new hairstyle to the public at the Cannes Film Festival. It is worth noting that such an image came to the face of a celebrity. The actress also does not regret what she did, because she sacrificed her hair for the role of a fighter for freedom and human rights.

Actress Sigourney Weaver became one of the first who, for the sake of the profession, was not afraid of radical changes in appearance. So, for the sake of the role in the film “Aliens-3”, the actress easily shaved her head. Or rather, not quite easily, but for a fee.

Initially, the actress did not want to appear in the film, but the promised large fee of $ 5,5 million did the trick, and Sigourney agreed and even immediately shaved. But the shooting dragged on, the hair grew back. When Weaver was again asked to shave her hair, she protested and demanded a $ 40 reward. The producers refused the star and decided to do it easier: they ordered a wig for 16 thousand dollars, which turned out to be much cheaper.

The actress also once had to sacrifice her hair. Fortunately, however, she did not have to really shave her head. For the filming of My Sister’s Keeper, Cameron wore a rubber cap and, with the help of make-up artists, imitated a bald head. In the dramatic film, Diaz plays the mother of a girl with leukemia. To support her daughter, who underwent chemotherapy, her heroine shaved her head.

The act of the American pop star Britney Spears shocked all admirers of her work, and the whole world in general. Exhausted from undergoing treatment in a rehab clinic and lingering depression, Britney shaved her head. And she did it herself! The stylist of the hairdressing salon, where the singer came, refused the request of the star to shave her head, then Britney herself took the typewriter and shaved her hair. A crowd of fans, paparazzi and ordinary onlookers stood outside the salon door and filmed the entire action on video.

Ksenia Ivanova, Lyudmila Yankina

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