Vympel potato is one of the new promising types of crops. It has a high and stable yield, as well as increased resistance to adverse external factors. And, despite the fact that he recently appeared on the market, he was already able to declare himself. In order for the variety to show maximum performance, it is necessary to take into account some rules of planting and agricultural technology.

Vympel potatoes are suitable for industrial and private cultivation
The story of
This variety of culture was obtained thanks to the efforts of breeders. Employees of the All- Research Institute of Potato Farming named after A. G. Lorkh, as well as Agrocenter Korenevo LLC, worked on the creation. The aim of the creation was to obtain a type of crop that could combine increased viability and high yield when grown in regions with different climatic conditions. The basis for its creation was the famous Picasso variety and the hybrid 128-6.
Judging by the declared characteristics of Vympel, he was able to combine the best qualities of his ancestors, and in some respects even surpass them. After successful variety trials, this potato was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2016.
Description of seed potatoes varieties Vympel
Vympel differs from other varieties of culture in the appearance of bushes and tubers. Therefore, it is important to know these features, which will allow you to accurately identify it in the garden and vegetable store.
Vympel potatoes are characterized by medium and tall bushes of an intermediate type, the height of which reaches 50-60 cm. Each bush consists of 3-4 stems.
The leaves of the Pennant are medium in size, light green in color, closed type. The plates have a slight waviness along the edge, and the veins on them are moderately expressed. Basically, the leaves are located at the top of the shoots.
The flowers of Vympel potatoes are small, their diameter is about 0,7-0,8 cm. The buds are collected in apical inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. The corolla is white, the spike between the lobes is smooth. The anthocyanin reflux inside it is insignificant or completely absent.
The root system is well developed. Under each bush, 7-12 potatoes are formed per season. And they are all one-dimensional, medium size. Small specimens are rare. The root system consists of numerous absorbent processes, as well as short and medium stolons. This ensures the full development of the bushes even in unfavorable seasons for the culture.
Vympel has oval-rounded tubers with a mesh surface. The average weight of potatoes is 96-140 g. The peel is thin, but strong. Therefore, this potato variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting. Potato Vympel, according to the description of the variety and photo, has a uniform yellow tint. The eyes are rare, their depth is medium. The yield of marketable potatoes in the Vympel variety is 82-98%.
Pulp of a dense consistence, cream color. When exposed to air, it retains its hue. During the cooking process, the pulp is slightly boiled soft. The starch content in Vympel tubers is 13-16%.

Keeping quality of the variety 93%
Characteristics of Vympel potatoes
The level of productivity of a variety can be determined by comparing its characteristics with other types of crops. Therefore, they need to be studied, which will also help to understand what conditions are most suitable for growing Vympel potatoes.
Taste qualities of Vympel potatoes
Experts rate the taste of this table variety as good. According to the culinary type, it is classified as a CD.
Vympel potatoes can be used for:
- frying;
- roasting;
- boiling in the “uniform” and purified form;
- first, second courses;
- puree.
Terms of maturation
Vympel potatoes are characterized by an average ripening period. The duration of the growing season from germination to harvest is 80-100 days, depending on the climatic conditions of the growing region. Tubers fully ripen by early or mid-August.
The variety is considered high-yielding. From 1 sq. m of area, you can get up to 5-6 kg of marketable tubers. According to the results of variety trials, it was found that the average yield level ranges from 241-430 centners per 1 ha.
Where is grown
Variety Vympel is recommended for cultivation on the territory of the North-Western, Central, Central Black Earth regions. However, it has the ability to quickly adapt to any climatic conditions. And judging by the reviews of gardeners, it can be grown in all regions of Our Country.
Disease resistance
Pennant has a high natural immunity. This potato is immune to the golden nematode, cancer. Also, subject to the rules of care, the variety is resistant to common scab, rhizoctoniosis, and root rot.
According to the originator, Vympel does not suffer from late blight. But the conducted variety tests showed that the variety is susceptible to this disease in tubers and tops to an average degree. Therefore, do not neglect preventive treatments.
Advantages and disadvantages
Potato Vympel has many advantages, which distinguishes it from other varieties of crops. But it also has certain disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of this type in advance.

Vympel potato is resistant to degeneration
Main advantages:
- high yield;
- ability to adapt to different climates;
- drought tolerance;
- suitable for mechanical harvesting;
- versatility of application;
- excellent consumer qualities;
- good keeping quality;
- undemanding to the care and composition of the soil;
- high life potential.
- medium resistance to phytophthora,
- susceptible to damage by the Colorado potato beetle.
Rules and landing scheme
To get a high yield of Vympel potatoes, it is necessary to prepare the site since autumn. To do this, you need to dig it to a depth of 20 cm, remove weeds, and also apply it to each square. m area of 10 kg of humus, 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfide. With the advent of spring, the site must be re-loosened and the surface leveled.
Vympel planting tubers also need pre-sowing preparation. Three weeks before planting, they must be brought into a bright room with a temperature of +15 ° C and laid out in one layer on a flat surface. Periodically, potatoes need to be sprayed with water and turned over, which contributes to the uniform development of processes.
Recommended planting pattern for Vympel 35 by 60 cm. Optimum depth: 10 cm on light soils and 7 cm on heavy soils.
Care instructions
When growing Vympel potatoes, you must follow the standard rules of agricultural technology. Ten days after planting, it is necessary to carry out surface loosening of the soil in the area to a depth of no more than 1,5 cm. This improves soil aeration and thus accelerates the germination of tubers. In the future, it is necessary to regularly carry out weeding as weeds grow, until the potato bushes close.
Vympel is a drought-resistant variety. But in the case of a long absence of rain, it is recommended to irrigate. At the same time, it is important that the wetting of the soil is 7-10 cm.
Bushes of this potato are recommended to be spudded twice in the process of their development. The first time this should be done when the length of the shoots reaches 18 cm, and the second – ten days after that.
The variety responds well to top dressing. The first time fertilizers should be applied during the period of active growth of shoots. At this time, the use of nitroammophoska at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water is relevant. The second and third top dressings are recommended at the stage of bud emergence and at the end of flowering. During these periods, it is recommended to use superphosphate 40 g and potassium sulfide 30 g per bucket of water.

Fertilizers can also be applied in dry form with mandatory incorporation into the ground
Collection and storage
Harvesting Pennant is recommended when the bushes begin to turn yellow sharply. This sign indicates the full maturation of the tubers. This usually happens in the middle or end of August. Digging potatoes is recommended in dry, clear weather. After collection, it must be decomposed and left on the site for two hours. After the waiting period, the crop must be transferred to a room for long-term drying.
After three weeks, it is recommended to sort out the potatoes, sorting out defective fruits, as well as seed tubers. After that, the crop must be transferred to the basement. The optimum storage temperature is +2-4 °C, humidity is about 65-70%.
Vympel potatoes managed to combine the best qualities of the culture, so it is becoming more and more popular every year. This is facilitated, first of all, by its unpretentiousness, endurance, high productivity. In addition, Vympel is characterized by good taste, as well as versatility of use.