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As part of the charitable program, VTB Bank donated to the hospital a set of equipment for the children’s orthopedic and traumatology department. The cost of medical equipment was 1 rubles. The presentation of the gift certificate took place during a press conference the day before, on April 500.
When talking to journalists, Sergey Bondarev, Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region, noted: “The regional government is aware of its responsibility for the health of children and is doing everything to ensure that children receive quality medical care. Particular attention is paid to this issue within the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the President of Russia “On the Decade of Childhood”. I am glad that the business community also supports the most significant social projects. ” On this day, words of gratitude to the bank, whose regional representative was Yuri Avdeev, manager of the VTB branch in the city of Rostov-on-Don, were also voiced by Elena Kozhukhova, Deputy City Administration of Rostov-on-Don, and Nadezhda Levitskaya, head of the city’s health department Rostov-on-Don.
Alexander Erofeev, Head of Sponsorship and Client Events, Vice President of VTB Bank, spoke about the World Without Tears campaign itself: “For 15 years we have been helping children’s hospitals from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok in purchasing the necessary medical equipment. This year, VTB has allocated more than 40 million rubles to provide financial assistance to healthcare institutions. Rostov-on-Don stands apart in the list of cities where the “Peace without Tears” campaign is taking place, we have come here for the fourth time. We hope that we will continue to cooperate in the field of healthcare support, because VTB’s social policy is an integral part of the bank’s development strategy. “
Last year, electrosurgical equipment was donated to the City Hospital No. 1 named after N. A. Semashko in the city of Rostov-on-Don. In 2015, thanks to the campaign, the Children’s City Hospital No. 1 received equipment for the clinical diagnostic department and the rehabilitation department. And in 2011, as part of a charitable program, the Regional Children’s Hospital received a mobile modular station for the dosed administration of drugs for the intensive care unit of children with cancer.
Yuri Dronov, chief physician of City Hospital No. 20, spoke about what equipment will be purchased with the allocated funds this year: “I would like to say gratitude to VTB Bank, which found the opportunity to allocate funds for the purchase of highly efficient equipment necessary for the children’s orthopedic department. First of all, we help children who receive ambulance calls, literally return them to service, since we treat injuries of the lower and upper extremities, spinal injuries. The new equipment will allow us to reduce the time of operations, which means the suffering and pain of children. “
“The World Without Tears program is coming to the Rostov Region for the fifth time since 2011,” said Yuri Avdeev, manager of VTB’s corporate branch in Rostov-on-Don. “We continue to help our leading children’s healthcare institutions acquire the latest generation of high-tech equipment, helping to improve the efficiency and availability of medical services.”
Traditionally, on this day, not only the hospital received a gift, but also all the little patients. For one day, the hospital corridors turned into a television studio. The characters of the legendary TV show “Good night, kids!” Fascinating bundles of balloons, extravagant Mad Hatter and mischievous Clowness greeted the guys under camera flashes. Each of the little guests was able to get a “live” picture as a keepsake. And when such a familiar song “Tired Toys Sleep” played in the assembly hall, the guys, along with Filia, Stepashka and their older friend, Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Golubentseva, went in search of treasures. Incredible magic tricks, ingenious riddles and funny contests awaited the children. After all the obstacles were passed and the treasured chest was opened, each kid received a personal “chest” with a drawing kit as a gift.