Vowels and consonants of the  alphabet

In this publication, we will consider what a letter is and what types of it are. We also provide a table with the letters of the alphabet, broken down into vowels / consonants, indicating their pronunciation and serial number.


Definition of a letter

Letter is a graphic symbol, often corresponding to a specific . This is what we see and write. The alphabet is made up of letters.

Letters are:

  • uppercase or uppercase (A, B, K, C, Y, etc.) – are used at the beginning of the first word of a new sentence;
  • lowercase (b, z, l, o, p, etc.) – all other letters, smaller in size than uppercase.

Letters are divided into two types:

  • vowels – you can pull them for as long as you want.
  • consonants – when pronunciation, they cannot be pulled.

Table of letters of the alphabet

1A a[but]vowel
3In in[veh]consonant
4G g[ge]consonant
5D d[de]consonant
8F f[je]consonant
9Z z[ze]consonant
10And and[and]vowel
11Th th“and short”consonant
12K to[ka]consonant
13L l[el]consonant
14M m[medicine]consonant
15N n[en]consonant
16Oh oh[about]vowel
17N n[pe]consonant
18P p[er]consonant
20T t[that]consonant
21Do u[y]vowel
22F f[eff]consonant
23X x[Ha]consonant
24Ts c[it]consonant
25H h[that]consonant
26W w[sha]consonant
28ъsolid signsign
30ьsoft signsign
31uh uh[uh]vowel
32yu yu[wash]vowel
33I am[ya]vowel

Those. there are 33 letters in the alphabet: 10 vowels, 21 consonants and 2 signs.

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