Von Willebrand factor may be responsible for the severe course of COVID-19?
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Why do people of the same age and health status contract coronavirus to varying degrees? A researcher from St. Petersburg State University, Anna Aksenowa, suspects that this may be related to the so-called von Willebrand factor.

What is the von Willebrand factor?

In an article that can be read on journals.eco-vector.com, Aksenowa points to a possible link between the von Willebrand factor and the severity of COVID-19.

Von Willebrand Factor (VWF for short) is a component of the blood, namely the plasma protein, which is one of the main components of the clotting process. VWF determines the proper adhesion of platelets to the damaged area, which plays a key role in stopping bleeding.

Deficiency, absence or abnormal structure of von Willebrand factor (the so-called von Willebrand disease) results from genetic disorders – it is a congenital disease, classified as a plasma bleeding disorder. Sometimes the acquired form of this disease occurs – then the von Willebrand factor properly produced in the body is destroyed, it happens, for example, in neoplastic diseases.

Von Willebrand disease is manifested by an increased bleeding tendency (persistent nosebleeds, prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction or surgery). According to estimates, it occurs in about 0,1 percent. population.

  1. Find out more about von Willebrand disease

Von Willebrand factor and the course of coronavirus

In her article, Anna Aksenowa points out that some population studies indirectly suggest that the development of severe COVID-19 infection may be associated with increased levels or activity of VWF.

“First, preliminary data show that the risk of developing COVID-19 is slightly lower in people with blood group 0 (this blood group has lower VWF levels). Second, the level of VWF depends on age: it is usually lower in children than in adults and increases in the elderly population. This may explain why the risk of COVID-19 is higher in the elderly population. Thirdly, the level of VWF shows differences related to race and gender: for example, it is higher in men than in women and higher in African Americans than in white people »- the scientist enumerates.

According to her, the relationship between the course of COVID-19 and the different levels of VWF in the blood of patients may explain why people of the same age and health condition have mild or severe infection, why some need to be ventilated while others have no symptoms.

But why would an increased level or activity of VWF exacerbate the course of COVID-19? The researcher suggests that the multiplication of the coronavirus contributes to the development of microdamages in the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. VWF is released into the blood to eliminate them. Unfortunately, this process in turn causes a blood clot to form. In May, the British Journal of Haematology published a study by Irish scientists that confirmed that blood clotting disorders that lead to the formation of microclots are a significant cause of death in COVID-19 patients.

«The level and activity of VWF may be important prognostic factors for morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. I suggest that comprehensive studies of the correlation of the level / activity of VWF with the symptoms of COVID-19 and mortality should be conducted “- summarizes Anna Aksenowa, adding:” It can be assumed that drugs that improve endothelial function and antagonize vascular inflammation may be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19 and as a prophylaxis of severe complications of COVID-19 ».

What else influences the course of the coronavirus infection?

It is not only blood coagulation disorders and other cardiovascular diseases that may contribute to the severe course of COVID-19. The acute course of the disease, terminating in death, is also observed in people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and respiratory system diseases. In addition, the risk of death increases with age. People over the age of 80 die most often.

Also read:

  1. Why does the coronavirus kill some and run like a cold in others?
  2. Coronavirus can cause healthy people to develop diabetes
  3. Some people are immune to the coronavirus. How it’s possible?

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