Vomiting – what is it caused and how to deal with it?

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Vomiting is an unpleasant symptom that can be caused by various factors. Bad ingredients for dinner, medication, excess alcohol or pregnancy are some of the more common causes of vomiting. However, persistent vomiting is often a symptom of diseases that, if diagnosed too late, can seriously harm your health. What is vomiting and what to look for in repeated vomiting?

What is vomiting?

Vomiting, in technical terms, is a violent discharge of food from the stomach through the esophagus and the mouth. The ejection of food content is possible due to the strong contractions of the abdominal, diaphragm and chest muscles. Vomiting is usually preceded by nausea. It is worth remembering that vomiting is not a separate disease entity, it is most often a symptom of poisoning, diseases or other various conditions. The nerve center located in the spinal cord is responsible for the performance of the gag reflex. For the emetic center, the stimuli that trigger vomiting can come from a variety of receptors. For example, vomiting can be induced by irritating the back of the pharynx with your fingers, because there are receptors in the pharyngeal mucosa that send a signal to the emetic center. Similarly, a signal can be sent from the olfactory brain when an object with an unpleasant odor is nearby.

Vomiting – the most common causes

Vomiting can be caused by many factors, and not all of them are signs of a serious illness. The most common causes of vomiting include:

  1. Drug or Toxin Poisoning – Toxin poisoning usually involves alcohol or inhaled chemical vapors. Among the drugs that cause vomiting, there are mainly anti-cancer drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives and oral pills for diabetes.
  2. Central nervous system diseases – vomiting can be triggered by an increase in pressure inside the skull, a stroke, a head injury or a migraine.

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  1. Labyrinth disease – vomiting may be caused by dizziness associated with this disease.
  2. Psychiatric diseases – vomiting may occur in the event of severe and prolonged stress. Vomiting is also a symptom of diseases such as anorexia and bulimia. People struggling with depression are also at risk of frequent vomiting.
  3. Food poisoning or infections of the digestive system – vomiting in this case is caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa that are found in food.
  4. Chronic diseases within the abdominal cavity – vomiting occurs in cases of: gastric or duodenal ulcer disease, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, gallstone disease, appendicitis, and Crohn’s disease.
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Metabolic disorders – vomiting may be caused by metabolic poisoning, e.g. in the case of uremia or liver failure. Vomiting also occurs in the presence of hyperthyroidism, especially in the case of a thyroid crisis, when the disease progresses very rapidly. Vomiting may also occur in the case of poisoning with ketone bodies, e.g. in a keto coma among people with diabetes.

Vomiting – treatment

Vomiting, which is rare and intermittent, and the cause is known, does not require a doctor’s consultation. As an aid, you can use LACTIBIANE Imedia for acute gastric disorders and diarrhea, which contains 4 specific probiotic strains with a positive effect on the digestive system. If the cause of vomiting is motion sickness, it is worth reaching for the appropriate preparations that will reduce the symptoms. For example, you can order a Good Journey – Panaseus dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

However, if vomiting becomes more intense or occurs cyclically with increasing frequency, an appointment with a specialist, e.g. a gastroenterologist, should be made immediately. For diseases that cause vomiting, the way to combat vomiting is to treat the underlying disease. In cases where it is easy to identify what is causing the vomiting, the causative agent should be discontinued or avoided. This is especially true of drugs, dietary ingredients and alcohol.

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