Vomiting in case of poisoning

Food poisoning is an acute infectious-toxic lesion of the human body, which occurs due to the ingestion of poor-quality food, or poisons and chemicals.

A striking symptom of food poisoning is vomiting, which occurs shortly after the ingestion of dangerous substances. Treatment is carried out either at home or in a hospital, which depends on the condition of the patient, on his age and the cause of the poisoning.

Vomiting in case of poisoning

The first thing that can be taken in case of poisoning is an enterosorbent – a tool that, like a sponge, collects and removes viruses, bacteria and other harmful substances from the intestines. For home therapy of poisoning in all family members, Enterosgel may be suitable. This is an enterosorbent of domestic production. The peculiarity of the product is a homogeneous soft pasty form without the addition of flavorings and sweeteners. Enterosgel atraumatico moves through the intestines, retains in its globular structure the agents that have caused intoxication and removes them naturally. Gel enterosorbent does not disrupt intestinal motility, does not injure mucous membranes, does not destroy beneficial intestinal microflora. The tool starts working immediately after taking.

The nature of vomiting in case of poisoning

Vomiting in case of poisoning

Vomiting is the very first symptom that indicates that toxic substances have entered the stomach. Poisoning develops acutely, the latent stage most often does not exceed 6 hours. Sometimes it can be reduced to half an hour or stretched to a day, but this happens extremely rarely.

Initially, the patient experiences an acute attack of nausea, which soon ends with vomiting. It repeats over and over again, the vomit contains the food eaten. Depending on the severity of poisoning, vomit may contain blood impurities, which is a formidable symptom and requires immediate medical attention.

It should be noted that vomiting, which occurs as a sign of poisoning, should bring relief to the patient.

Other symptoms of poisoning are:

  • Diarrhea;

  • Stomach ache;

  • Increase in body temperature;

  • Headache and muscle pain, as well as other signs of intoxication of the body.

What to do with poisoning?

Mild poisoning, which most often occurs in most people, is not classified as serious illness. As a rule, even without any specialized treatment, they disappear after 1-3 days.

The basic rules of behavior in case of food poisoning are as follows:

  • Removal of intoxication, ridding the body of toxins.

  • Prevention of dehydration.

  • Restoration of the normal functioning of the intestine.

  • Compliance with a special diet.

First aid for a patient with food poisoning is to combat the toxic substance that has entered the body.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Gastric lavage. Only vomiting is not enough to cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therefore, after the first attack of vomiting, gastric lavage is necessary. To do this, prepare a special solution (3 liters of boiled water is mixed with potassium permanganate until a pale pink liquid is obtained), which is drunk in a volume of 500 ml. After that, vomiting is provoked by pressing the fingers on the root of the tongue. It is necessary to wash the stomach until clear water begins to come out of it. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with powdered activated carbon, or with salt.

  • Dehydration warning. Since vomiting during poisoning is very often accompanied by repeated diarrhea, a person loses large volumes of fluid. It is worth remembering that dehydration of the body is very dangerous, both for an adult and for a child. Therefore, after each attack of vomiting, you need to drink at least 200 ml of plain water. In order not to provoke another attack of vomiting, water should be drunk in small sips, but as often as possible. What else you can drink in case of poisoning and vomiting will be discussed later.

  • Restoration of bowel function. The most common and most dangerous illiterate action that most people do when they are poisoned is to stop diarrhea with the help of drugs. It should be remembered forever that diarrhea during poisoning is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at the speedy removal of toxic substances. If pathogenic feces are retained in the body, this will lead to the fact that they will begin to be absorbed through the intestines into the blood. As a result, the symptoms of intoxication will only get worse. Therefore, you need to wait for the diarrhea to stop on its own. Probiotics and eubiotics help restore normal intestinal biocenosis. These are drugs such as Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bionorm, Baktisubtil, etc. They are recommended for use during the recovery period after poisoning.

  • Carrying out sorption therapy. In order to help the body quickly remove toxic substances, it is possible to take enterosorbents. Sorbent preparations are: Enterosgel and similar.

  • Compliance with a diet. You should not abstain from eating for too long, if vomiting and diarrhea were not strong and quickly self-liquidated, then after a couple of hours the patient can eat crackers and drink warm sweet tea. In the future, he is shown a sparing diet that will restore bowel function.

What to eat after poisoning and vomiting?

Vomiting in case of poisoning

Every person thinks about what to eat after poisoning and vomiting, because all the forces of the body will be directed to their own recovery. A well-designed nutritional plan can help him in this.

The diet should be very sparing. On the day when the poisoning occurred, you need to limit food intake to a minimum. Most often, sweet tea and crackers are enough. If by the evening the condition returns to normal, then you can cook low-fat salted chicken broth. You can cook liquid dairy-free porridge: semolina, rice or buckwheat. Doctors also allow a small amount of mashed potatoes without butter and milk.

The day after the poisoning, you can diversify your menu somewhat, but only if there is no deterioration in the condition. A little boiled chicken meat, or steam cutlets from poultry is allowed. The emphasis should be on lean dishes that will not burden the digestive tract and will be absorbed by the body as fully as possible. It is good to replace the soup with rice water on the second day.

Under an absolute ban in the first days after poisoning, there are such foods and drinks as:

  • Kissel, juice, coffee, sparkling water.

  • Chocolate.

  • Fatty and fried foods.

  • Salty, spicy and canned food.

  • Raw vegetables.

  • Fruits: plums, grapes, pears. As for citrus fruits, they can be consumed no earlier than 3 days after the poisoning.

  • Alcoholic beverages.

  • Dairy and dairy products.

From fruits, apples are allowed, but in the first two days they should be baked.

It is important to remember not only what you can eat, but also how you should do it. Meals should be frequent (up to 6 times a day), but the portions themselves should be made small. Switching to the usual diet is not worth earlier than 5-6 days. Most often, a person himself understands that the body has recovered and is ready for the previous nutritional loads.

Nevertheless, in the first 14 days, it is still highly desirable to give preference to cereal dishes (soups and cereals), you can cook borscht with sauerkraut, but without frying. It is possible to carefully include pea puree in the menu (not earlier than 6-7 days after mild food poisoning), which is an excellent source of amino acids. But you need to eat it in very small portions and provided that the body did not give undesirable reactions to this dish before. Also, for up to 14 days, it is desirable to limit the consumption of meat, especially fatty varieties. It is better to replace it with chicken meat and lean fish.

What to drink in case of poisoning and vomiting?

Each person must know what to drink in case of poisoning and vomiting. The most important component of the liquid component is a special saline solution. To prepare it in a pharmacy, you can purchase special powder mixtures that you just need to dilute in water according to the available instructions. These drugs belong to the group of rehydrants and contain salts that are washed out of the body during vomiting and diarrhea in case of poisoning.

Replenishment of fluid and electrolytes is an important measure, which is the basis for the prevention of severe consequences of poisoning. Oral rehydration can be done at home. To do this, always in your first aid kit you need to have the following drugs: Regidron, Oralit, Litrozol, Chlorazole.

In the first six hours, it is important to restore the deficit of salts and water as much as possible. Therefore, during this time, an adult should receive about 800-1200 ml or more of the drug for rehydration. Well, if there is a desire to drink. He shouldn’t be restrained. You can also fill the body’s needs for liquid with the help of ordinary boiled water, or mineral water without gas.

After the bouts of vomiting are stopped, you can offer the patient a rosehip broth, green tea (it should not be strong), chamomile tea, weakly brewed black tea or unsweetened fruit drink.

It should be remembered how to drink any liquid in the periods between bouts of vomiting. Throats should be small, which will make it possible to avoid repeated vomiting. However, it is necessary to approach the rehydration solution vessel at least once every 10 minutes. The liquid itself should be at room temperature, not too hot or too cold, to avoid irritation of the stomach walls.

Sufficient drinking regimen must be observed without fail, since it is he who will avoid dehydration and will make it possible to quickly remove toxic substances from the body.

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