Vomiting during pregnancy – characteristics, causes, ways of vomiting in pregnancy

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Vomiting during pregnancy is related to the difficult adaptation of a woman’s body to changes occurring during pregnancy, which are accompanied by rapid hormonal changes. Vomiting can also be psychological. A proper diet is of great importance in relieving unpleasant vomiting.

Characteristics of vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during pregnancy usually begins at 5-6 weeks and lasts up to 3-4 months of pregnancy. They appear most often in the morning, on an empty stomach, more often in the first element and in women with multiple pregnancies. Then it is recommended to stay calm, eat a light breakfast in bed, and during the day, small meals every 2-3 hours. Drinking a glass of cold milk, kefir or yogurt is often helpful in treatment.

Unrestrained vomiting in pregnant women characterized by the occurrence of this ailment both on an empty stomach and after eating food. Sometimes there are several episodes a day. Disgust with food, weight loss, dry mucous membranes and deterioration in the general condition of the woman appear. In the light form, it is recommended to proceed similarly to that in the case of morning vomiting, i.e. easily digestible food in small amounts and fluid intake between meals.

In more severe cases, due to possible serious complications, hospitalization is necessary. Incompetent vomiting of pregnant women may be a symptom of a serious disease that begins, such as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer or hyperthyroidism, as well as temporary liver damage – hence a medical consultation is necessary in each case.

The causes of vomiting during pregnancy

Causes of vomiting and nausea during pregnancy may be related to the pregnancy itself, but may also be non-obstetric. However, the most common causes are hormonal changes that occur as pregnancy progresses. In pregnant women the concentration of prolactin, progesterone, estradiol, TSH, T4 and T3 increases. Some risk factors for vomiting during pregnancy are overweight and obesity, young mothers, bulimia and the first pregnancy.

1. The reasons related to the pregnancy itself include:

  1. morning sickness – it is usually mild and occurs mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy. Their origin is unknown, although endocrine, psychological and metabolic factors are suspected to play a role. As well as elevated levels of certain hormones;
  2. uncontrolled vomiting during pregnancy – it is troublesome vomiting, accompanied by the inability to take the right amount of fluids and food. In severe cases, symptoms of dehydration such as weight loss, faster heartbeat and excessive thirst can be observed. This ailment should not be ignored;
  3. molar – is a symptom of an improperly fertilized egg that develops in the uterus. The size of the uterus is larger than that indicated by the stage of pregnancy, and in some cases, the fetus is not able to move and not function properly. A molar mole is characterized by severe and recurrent vomiting, which may be associated with vaginal bleeding and high blood pressure. Additionally, tissues resembling clusters are secreted from the uterus.

2. Non-obstetric causes of vomiting during pregnancy include:

  1. migraine (confusion, headache, nystagmus),
  2. gastrointestinal disturbances (chronic nausea may develop into vomiting, sometimes with diarrhea),
  3. urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis (in pregnant women there is a sudden urge to urinate or its retention, pollakiuria, high temperature and pain in the lumbar region),
  4. intestinal obstruction (colic pain and constipation as well as abdominal distension; this usually applies to patients after abdominal surgery),
  5. inflammation of the appendix or gall bladder (the abdomen is hard, bloated and very tight; there is pain).

Ways of vomiting during pregnancy

Below are a number of methods that can help you fight the unpleasant nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

1. Try to eat smaller amounts of food during the day, but more often.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, but avoid citrus.

3. If you feel very unwell after waking up, eat a piece of dry bread or rusks before getting out of bed.

4. Avoid stress and try not to be nervous.

5. Take breaks to rest during the day.

6. When getting out of bed in the morning, do it slowly – avoid sudden changes of body position (get up slowly so that your stomach does not jump up to your throat).

7. If certain products make you severely nauseous and vomiting – avoid their smell and eating.

8. To avoid a stomach revolution after eating – sit up straight.

9. Eliminate heavy foods from your daily diet that can make you sick.

10. Eating almonds works well to relieve nausea.

11. Drink water with ginger.

12. Don’t go to bed when you are hungry.

13. Try aromatherapy.

14. Wear loose fitting clothes. Thanks to this, your skin will breathe freely. In addition, avoid belly-tight clothes.

15. Brush your teeth more often. Pregnant women often have a taste in their mouths that makes them feel sick. If this is not possible, chew gum or peppermint.

14. Remember to keep your body hydrated.

15. Avoid sharp changes in temperature.

16. Include foods high in vitamin B6 in your diet.

During pregnancy, it is also worth drinking FOR A PREGNANT WOMAN – a herbal-fruit tea that soothes nausea and vomiting. Also remember about proper supplementation, thanks to which you will take care of the right level of vitamins and minerals. Order the Daily Mum ° for pregnant women – a smart supplement that you can adapt to your needs. For this purpose, it is enough to hold the phone to the place indicated on the packaging.

Vomiting during pregnancy and diet

A very important form of treatment of vomiting during pregnancy is proper diet. During pregnancy, the need for the necessary unsaturated fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates and vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid increases. It is especially important to provide the pregnant woman with adequate amounts of iron and zinc. This is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. It happens that vomiting is a consequence of the limitation of meals during the day by pregnant women.

Also check out: What Happens at Week 24 of Pregnancy?

The most important rules of a pregnant woman’s diet.

  1. regular consumption of meals (every 2-3 hours), in small portions,
  2. eating fruit cocktails, e.g. with raspberries or bananas, with the addition of oatmeal or chopped almonds,
  3. drinking almond milk (also brings good results),
  4. avoiding eating hard-to-digest products in which there is a large amount of fat and sugar, e.g. crisps, bars, fast-food,
  5. avoiding drinking a lot of fluids during or immediately after a meal (of course, this does not apply to the very important supply of fluids during the day),
  6. discontinuation of vitamin and mineral supplements that may aggravate vomiting,
  7. remembering to meet the protein requirements (about 100 g of protein / day),
  8. drinking freshly squeezed fruit juices,
  9. preparing food by steaming or in an ovenproof dish,
  10. limiting the consumption of fatty types of meat, such as duck / pork, and fatty sausages in the form of bacon or brawn. It is also worth avoiding sausages, hot dogs and smoked fish,
  11. taking carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, graham bread, pasta, rice, oats, and groats such as millet, manna or couscous
  12. providing the body with an adequate amount of fiber due to constipation; soluble fiber can be found, among others, in pears, apples, zucchini or carrots.

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