Vomiting is a reflex act, during which the body self-purifies. Together with pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood and even bile are released. Vomiting accompanies the development of a large number of different diseases. It indicates poisoning or other pathological processes occurring in the body, allowing you to remove harmful substances from it.
In cases where vomiting is caused by poisoning or infection, enterosorbent should be taken as soon as possible. You can choose the Russian remedy Enterosgel, which is available in a ready-to-use form in the form of a homogeneous soft hydrogel. Hydropaste saturated with water has fluidity properties, therefore it does not clog into the folds of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and does not aggravate their inflammation. Enterosgel has a high sorption capacity and adsorption selectivity, that is, it binds and removes only harmful agents, leaves vitamins and nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, and does not disturb the balance of beneficial microflora. The tool begins to act immediately, so it can be used at the first sign of poisoning.
Vomiting bile is a very dangerous symptom. As a rule, it occurs with serious diseases that require urgent treatment. It is possible to determine that bile is present in the vomit by its greenish-yellow color. At the same time, a bitter taste is felt in the mouth, which is difficult to get rid of.
Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver. It contains special acids that help the body digest and absorb fats. Bile enters the vomit through the open pyloric valve in the stomach. It is closed when food enters the small intestine. Thus, the pyloric valve prevents bile from flowing back into the stomach. It mixes with food in the small intestine. Vomiting of bile is possible only when the digestive fluid is in the stomach.
Why does vomiting occur with bile?
Such a symptom may be caused by problems in the liver, pancreas, or bile ducts. Vomiting with bile occurs in patients suffering from gallstone disease. It is also known as cholelithiasis. With this disease, stones appear in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts. The peculiarity of cholelithiasis is that the only treatment in this case is surgery. Medical therapy will be ineffective. The disease is dangerous because many patients are not even aware of its presence, since its symptoms often appear only in the later stages. Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to the development of gallstone disease. This happens mainly due to malnutrition, hormonal disorders, other diseases and hereditary predisposition.
The main symptoms of gallstone disease are acute pain that occurs on the right under the ribs, nausea and vomiting with bile. Moreover, the release of the stomach from its contents does not bring relief. If the disease affects the tissues of the pancreas, attacks of vomiting of bile become more frequent and occur every 2 hours. Spicy, fatty and overcooked foods cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and provoke disturbances in the liver. For this reason, after their use, nausea and vomiting of bile may occur in cholelithiasis.
Her treatment is carried out in the period between attacks. During surgery, the gallbladder is removed, and the bile then enters immediately into the patient’s intestines. During an attack, it is dangerous to perform an operation, since there is a high risk of developing various complications.
Vomiting with bile also appears with pancreatitis. This disease affects the pancreas, its symptoms appear during attacks. Nausea and vomiting often occur as a result of a state of shock, the causes of which, in turn, are anxiety and fear caused by acute pain. In an attack of pancreatitis, bile is outside the pyloric valve, which is in a relaxed state, and is in the stomach. When vomiting, undigested food comes out first, and then bile appears in the vomit. An attack of pancreatitis can be triggered by drinking alcohol or eating fatty and heavy foods in large quantities.
The disease proceeds in the forms:
For mild pancreatitis during an attack, vomiting of bile happens 1-2 times. Its cause is non-compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor to the patient, or due to a violation of the digestive system.
Attack of acute pancreatitis makes the patient more uncomfortable. The patient is in severe pain. At first he vomits undigested food, and then – bile and mucus. A bitter taste appears in the mouth, which cannot be eliminated for several days. After emptying the stomach, the patient does not experience relief.
Hemorrhagic pancreatitis – the most severe form of the disease. The patient suffers from severe pain, suffers from indomitable vomiting of undigested food, bile and blood. The release of the stomach does not bring relief. To improve well-being, it is necessary to stop an attack of pancreatitis.
Vomiting of bile always accompanies biliary colic, which in turn are a symptom of various diseases. They manifest themselves in the form of cutting, stabbing or tearing pain, which the patient experiences either constantly or in attacks. The cause of biliary colic is the defeat of the neck of the gallbladder or bile duct by a stone that has formed in the gallbladder. As a result, the receptors are irritated, and the patient begins to experience severe pain.
With biliary colic, vomiting of bile is repeated, but emptying the stomach does not improve the condition. The patient, due to severe pain, does not find a place for himself, cannot sit or lie quietly, as he tries to find a position that allows him to minimize discomfort. You can cope with biliary colic with the help of antispasmodic drugs. Intravenous injection promotes the advancement of the stone, and the pain soon stops.
But the use of antispasmodic drugs is only a temporary measure to eliminate the discomfort that worries the patient. To eliminate the cause of biliary colic, and with them to get rid of vomiting of bile, you should undergo a medical examination, the results of which will help identify the disease that manifests itself in the form of such symptoms. As a rule, they can be dealt with only through surgical intervention. It is impossible to get rid of stones in the gallbladder in other ways, and in fact they provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, which ultimately leads to pain. Diet is important in this regard. Stomach cramps and vomiting of bile usually occur as a result of eating large amounts of heavy food. A balanced healthy diet can help prevent seizures.
Some causes of vomiting of bile:
Vomiting of bile often occurs after drinking alcohol. This symptom indicates a strong intoxication of the body. In this case, even if there is no undigested food left in the stomach, vomiting will not stop. Intoxication provokes disruption of the entire digestive system. Bile begins to flow not into the intestines, but into the stomach. All this leads to the fact that it subsequently enters the vomit. However, this does not always indicate the presence of any disease. A single vomiting of bile after drinking alcohol is not a reason to panic. But still, in such cases, it is worth undergoing an examination to make sure that there are no pathologies. Indeed, many chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver become aggravated precisely after intoxication of the body.
With pyloric stenosis, bouts of vomiting of bile occur in the morning. It gets worse after eating. The reason for this is that all food stagnates in the stomach, as it does not pass into the intestines. As a result, the patient feels nausea, turning into vomiting of bile. Frequent attacks cause the development of serious diseases, such as ulcers, so you need to see a doctor in time.
Vomiting bile can be caused by mental disorders and stress. It also provokes the effect on the body of various drugs. In pregnant women, vomiting of bile is possible in the third trimester. It is caused by toxicosis, and is considered normal if the attacks do not occur too often and bring relief.
In children, as in adults, vomiting of bile is associated with diseases of the biliary tract, gallbladder. They develop as a result of eating fatty, salty and spicy foods. Bile does not enter the intestines, but into the stomach, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and vomiting. To prevent the development of such diseases, it is important to monitor the child’s diet, to avoid the presence of fried and fatty foods in it. Children suffer from vomiting of bile when they overeat. In this case, you can cope with an attack with the help of gastric lavage. Poisoning is another common cause of bile vomiting in children. First of all, all undigested food comes out of the stomach. When it is completely emptied, bile appears in the vomit.
How to deal with vomiting of bile?
To stop vomiting of bile, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage. The patient should quickly, without taking long breaks between sips, drink 2 liters of warm water. This method is not suitable for all patients, as it has contraindications. It is impossible to do a gastric lavage if the patient suffers from cholelithiasis, high blood pressure, gastritis, stomach ulcers. This way of stopping bile vomiting can lead to dehydration. To prevent this, the patient should periodically drink a small amount of mineral water without gas or herbal decoction in small sips.
If vomiting of bile is caused by alcohol intake, the patient needs to take several activated charcoal tablets or any other absorbents. The drug will help to quickly remove toxins from the body. After gastric lavage, bed rest should be observed, more sleep. The consumption of any food is prohibited. When the bouts of vomiting stop completely, you can drink warm chicken or beef broth. Gradually, you need to start eating other foods, avoiding too fatty, salty and spicy dishes. In this case, the portions should not be too voluminous. It is better to eat often, but little by little. The last meal should not be too late, ideally 3-4 hours before bedtime.
If an attack of bile vomiting was single, it passes without washing. In this case, the body does not need help. However, when vomiting is repeated systematically, this indicates a violation in the work of internal organs or their systems. You need to see a doctor. He will examine and identify the disease, the symptom of which was vomiting of bile, in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
With pancreatitis, the attack should be stopped first. After that, the doctor prescribes drug therapy. If conservative methods of treatment are ineffective and do not prevent new bouts of vomiting, antiemetics, such as cerucal, are additionally used. The drug also helps to improve the functioning of the stomach. Instead of cerucal, you can use trimebutine, itopride and domperidone.
In order to prevent new bouts of vomiting of bile, a patient suffering from pancreatitis should observe bed rest for the first time after an attack, and then adhere to a strict diet. After all, it is the use of heavy food that causes an exacerbation of the disease.
The main task of drug therapy for vomiting of bile is the fight against the underlying disease. Vomiting of bile will continue until the causes and symptoms of the pathology are eliminated. You can temporarily relieve discomfort with the help of choleretic fees. They have a good effect on the general well-being of the patient, making vomiting attacks less painful and removing excess bile from the body. However, it is necessary to start using cholagogue fees after consulting a specialist, as there are contraindications.