Volvariella parasitic (Volvariella surrecta), also called ascending or ascending, belongs to the Pluteev family. Belongs to the genus Volvariell, reaches a large size. A characteristic feature of this species is that its spores begin to develop only in the fruiting bodies of other fungal species.

Volvariella parasitic: description and photo

What does Volvariella parasitic look like?

Young specimens have neat spherical caps of almost white color with a scaly edge, dry. As they grow, they straighten, becoming ovoid, and then umbrella-shaped, prostrate. The diameter is from 2,5 to 8 cm. The edges are even, slightly turned inside. With age, the color darkens to creamy grayish and silvery brown. The top of an adult fruiting body is almost black, changing to light gray towards the edges. The longitudinal scales of the edge are preserved. The pulp is brittle, juicy, rather fleshy. At the break it acquires a grayish tint.

Strong legs, even throughout, slightly tapering upwards. Longitudinal scars-grooves are covered with a delicate velvety fluff. Length from 2 cm in young mushrooms to 10 cm in the largest specimens. Color from gray-white to slightly pinkish.

The ring is absent, white or silvery remains of a velvety volva coverlet, blackening with growth, remain at the root.

The plates are often arranged, thin, with serrated flaky edges. In a young mushroom, they are pure white, after which they darken to a pinkish-brown hue. Spore powder light pink.

Attention! Young mushrooms are completely enclosed in an egg-shaped white film. Growing up, they tear it into 2-3 petals and leave it below, near the substrate.

Volvariella parasitic: description and photo

Where does Volvariella parasitic grow?

Volvariella ascending grows on the rotting remains of other fungi, mainly of the species of smoky talkers (Clitocybe nebularis). Occasionally chooses other fruiting bodies. It resembles the conditionally edible Volvariella silky, but, unlike it, grows in large and small groups, located close to each other.

The mushroom picker begins to bear fruit as overgrown and rotten fruit carriers appear, from August to November. The owners from the Ryadkov family prefer deciduous and coniferous forests rich in nitrogen and humus soil, heaps of fallen leaves, plant and wood debris in gardens and orchards.

This type of fruit bodies is quite rare. In Our Country, it grows only in the Amur region, in the Mukhinka forest tract. Distributed in North America, India, China, Korea, New Zealand. Also found in North Africa and Europe.

Important! Volvariella parasitic is protected in the Annunciation Reserve. Measures are being taken to grow and distribute it.

Volvariella parasitic: description and photo

Is it possible to eat Volvariella parasitic

The pulp is white, thin, tender, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and a sweetish taste. It is classified as inedible varieties, since it has no nutritional value. Not toxic. Parasitic Volvariella does not have poisonous twins. Due to its characteristic appearance and habitat, it is easily recognizable and difficult to confuse with other species.


Volvariella parasitic is very beautiful. No toxic substances were found in it, but they are not used in cooking because of its low nutritional value. The mushroom picker develops in the fruiting bodies of talkers, mainly in moist deciduous and coniferous forests rich in humus substrates. An endangered species, in Our Country it grows in protected reserves. It can be found in other countries of the Northern Hemisphere, in the Far East and in New Zealand.

I collect volvariella

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