Voluminous hair styling: long or short. Video
Women strive to look beautiful and attractive. They take care of their skin, nails, and carefully monitor their wardrobe. Of course, hair plays an important role in the appearance of the fair sex, because luxurious hair attracts the attention of young people. Some girls are very worried that their hair is not thick enough. However, it is possible to increase their number by awakening dormant follicles even at home.
Volumetric hair styling in five minutes
How to do volumetric styling at home
To wash your hair you will need:
- Rye flour
- mustard powder
- essential oil
- or – bread
- boiling water
- or – egg yolk
To rinse your hair you will need:
- nettle leaves
- burdock root
- pharmaceutical camomile
- boiling water
To prepare the mask, you will need:
- kefir
- egg yolk
- cocoa
- or – lemon
- vodka
- or – lemon
- aloe
- honey
- garlic
- or – beer
- olive or almond oil
Have you noticed that your long hair has become thin and sparse, has decreased in volume? Find the right care yourself.
First of all, you must determine the type of hair, since the complex of restoration procedures depends on this.
Hair of a normal type practically does not split, is easy to comb, does not have a greasy sheen. Dry hair, on the other hand, splits very strongly, breaks, and has a dull color. Curls related to the fatty type quickly become dirty, look untidy, and difficult to style.
Washing should be distinguished from the whole range of necessary procedures. You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty. If you style using gels, varnishes every day, wash your hair daily. Shampoos need to be bought based on the type of hair.
If you are an adherent of traditional medicine, you can wash your hair with products made from natural ingredients.
Make a rye flour shampoo. To do this, mix flour with mustard powder, add a few drops of essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, massage, after 5 minutes, rinse with warm running water. If you have oily hair, wash your hair with a rye bread product. To do this, pour 150 g of bread with boiling water, slightly cool the mixture, rub it into the hair roots, rinse with warm water. Dry curls can be washed with egg yolk.
The next step is rinsing. You can rinse your hair with decoctions made from herbs. Mix nettle leaves and burdock root in a 4: 2 ratio. Add one tablespoon of the resulting mixture to a glass of boiling water. Put the container with the contents on fire for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool.
You can also make a rinse with chamomile, hop cones, or heather herb.
Do masks once a week. If you have normal hair, use fermented milk products to prepare the product. Mix 100 ml of kefir with 1 egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon of cocoa. Spread the mixture on your head, wrap your hair with plastic wrap and a terry towel. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.
For oily hair, a mask prepared on the basis of lemon juice is suitable. Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon, add 200 ml of vodka. Rub the resulting solution into the roots of the hair. You can also make a mask using lemon juice, aloe juice and honey. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to damp hair, wrap with a film and a towel. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.
You can add minced garlic to the product. It will strengthen the bulbs
Dry hair can be restored with a beer mask. Pour 1 teaspoon of olive or almond oil into a glass of beer. Rub the product into the roots of the hair, wrap it up with foil, creating a greenhouse effect. After an hour, rinse the curls thoroughly.
The condition of the hair is affected by the condition of the body as a whole. Let’s say if you eat poorly, have bad habits, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, your hair will be lifeless, dull and brittle. Be sure to eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, fish, meat, cereals. In addition, you must take vitamin and mineral complexes. The thickness of the hair is influenced by vitamin A, C, zinc, iron. Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the vitamin complexes. Be in the fresh air more often, sleep at least 8 hours a day, give up bad habits, try not to be nervous.
For hair to grow faster, blood circulation needs to be improved.
To do this, massage your head with essential oils such as cedar. Put a few drops of oil on your hands and rub it. Use your fingertips to massage the hair roots. Remember that the movements should be circular. Do the massage for 15 minutes, then wrap your head with plastic wrap. After 10 minutes, wash off the oil with warm water.
Of course, you have to choose the right comb. Avoid metal and plastic combs, prefer wooden ones. Cut regularly, at least the ends of your hair. If you have bangs, trim them every month. Try not to make a tight ponytail out of hair.
Volume styling for long hair
Thick hair forces of medicine
You can restore vitality and volume to your hair through cosmetic procedures. If you notice that your hair is dry, dull, short and unmanageable, do a hair lamination. During the procedure, the hair is covered with a protective film, which increases the thickness of the hair shaft, prevents the formation of static electricity. You can also do glazing. This procedure allows you to make your hair shiny, manageable.
The effect of the procedure lasts up to one and a half months
Hair can be restored through cryotherapy. Massage with liquid nitrogen of the scalp prevents hair loss, restores thickness. The massage session is carried out using a wooden stick with a cotton swab, which is dipped into a thermos with liquid nitrogen, after which the problematic area of the head is treated. The beauty salon can also give you a regular head massage.
Also interesting to read: intimate hair removal.