
Properties and uses of golden volodushka herb

Botanical characteristics of the volodushka

There are several types found in nature. volodushki. These are plants of the umbrella family, belong to the class of dicots. All species are easily recognized by their characteristic inflorescences. Small flowers are white, yellow or blue, regular, bisexual, collected in simple or complex umbrellas with a barely noticeable calyx. These umbrella plants are distributed throughout the globe.

Useful properties of volodushka

The herb volodushka is endowed with excellent beneficial properties. The roots are harvested in autumn, the aerial part of the plant is harvested in June and August. In dry grass, all components are perfectly preserved. It is known that saponins, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, carotene are present in the grass. Tannins, flavonoids and phytosterol were also found. The choleretic, antiseptic and wound-healing properties of the plant are noted, the antipyretic and tonic substances that are part of it have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The use of a volodushka

In folk medicine, all types of volodushki are used for nervous disorders, feverish conditions. The plant acts as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, choleretic, laxative, enhances the secretion of the pancreas and liver. In the process of treating cholecystitis and hepatitis with volodushka, an increase in the amount of bile secreted is observed. Changing its chemical composition affects the growth of pigments and acids.

Flowers and leaves of volodushka are used to heal wounds, pustular rashes are washed with infusion, wounds heal and relieve itching of the skin. Volodya roots are effective against malaria.

Volodya infusion: 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs must be poured with a glass of boiled water, insisted for 5-6 hours and taken 30-40 minutes before meals 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Sickle volodushka

Sickle volodushka has numerous straight stems, branched at the base. The lower leaves are wider and larger than the middle and upper leaves, they have an ovate-elliptical or broadly obovate shape. In July, flowers appear with light yellow petals, they are placed on short legs. The fruits of the plant are oblong, with narrow-winged ribs. The sickle-shaped volodushka can be found in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and the Caucasus. The grass grows on chalk meadows, dry slopes, loves the company of steppe shrubs.

The medicinal properties of the roots, stems and leaves of this plant species are known. Its roots contain coumarins, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, adonite. The leaves are rich in terpenoids, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids, quercetin. The fruits contain coumarins. Official medicine has proven the beneficial properties of the root of the plant, its use is effective for fever. Decoctions and infusions have a pronounced choleretic effect, increase the secretion of bile, increase the amount of bile acids, bilirubin, and cholesterol.

They take funds based on sickle-shaped volodushka for chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The high activity of vitamin P and flavonoids contributes to the provision of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the human body. This useful herb helps to cure eye diseases and pustular skin lesions. Preparations of sickle-shaped volodushka are used as antipyretic, sedatives.

Treatment of infectious diseases, intercostal neuralgia, neurasthenia, hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder is faster and better if complex therapy includes therapeutic agents from sickle-shaped voles. Good herb helps with colds and flu. Reduces high temperature and an aqueous emulsion prepared from the active components of the plant as a preparation for injection. Decoctions are effective means in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, suitable for ingestion with unbearable pain.

Decoctions of sickle-shaped volodushka

Recipe 1. 8-10 g of dry chopped grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, strained. It is recommended to take a decoction of 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for three to four weeks;

Recipe 2. The crushed roots of the plant need to be poured into 300 ml of water, boiled over low heat for 5-6 minutes, after an hour of infusion, strain – and you can take 0,5 cups 3-4 times a day for flu, fever.

Volodushka Chinese

Chinese volodushka is widely used for numerous pathologies. This perennial plant grows to about 30–90 cm in height. This species blooms in June, fruits appear at the end of the summer season. The distribution area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbChinese volodushka is quite wide – Europe, Siberia, the Far East and Asia. The plant contains flavonols, tannins. You can use the healing power of phytosterols, essential oils, alkaloids, saicosaponins, carotene and vitamin C found in the plant.

Chinese volodushka is used as an anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent. It normalizes the biochemical composition of bile, increases the resistance of the liver to toxins. Flavonoids dilute bile, so volodushka has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. taking funds based on volodushka contributes to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice and a change in the composition of bile. Antipyretic and diuretic properties allow using herbs to cure flu, inflammation of the bladder.

Decoctions heal wounds and relieve pustular rashes on the skin. Grass is used to treat intercostal neuralgia, allergies, and various gynecological diseases. This medicinal plant is recommended to be taken in the form of decoctions for poisoning, diseases of the stomach and intestines, chronic hepatitis, allergies, and gynecological problems. The herb helps to improve the condition of the body in case of cardiovascular diseases, relieves headaches, and is effective in complex treatment with other drugs for cirrhosis of the liver. This plant is part of many drugs.

Volodushka goat-leaved

Goat-leaved volodushka has single or few stems, many branches in the upper part. The plant has whole, alternate, vaginal, oblong leaves with arcuate venation. Small reddish-brown flowers are collected in umbrellas. The fruits of this species are two-seeded. The goat-leaved volodushka grows in Altai, in the Angara-Sayan and Daursky regions of Eastern Siberia, in the Far East. Meadows, rocky steppe slopes, rocks, oak and pine forests are suitable for its habitat.

The herb is used as a tonic and tonic remedy. A decoction and infusion of roots in oriental medicine are used as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic. Hepatitis and cholecystitis are well treated by them. Means based on this plant have antitumor properties, are recommended for diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. Grass powder can heal wounds, remove inflammation of the skin with purulent rashes, treat panaritium. Infusion of flowers and fruits in Mongolia is used for gastrointestinal diseases and as an anthelmintic.

Volodushka Martyanova

Volodushka Martyanova is a plant, it has a stem with a large umbrella at the top and small umbrellas on the sides. The leaves of this type of volodushki are bare, with veins. Yellow flowers begin to appear in July. The fruits are oblong-ovoid or elliptical, with sharp, winged, light ribs. Martyanova’s volodushka grows on rocks, rocky slopes. It is found in the regions of the Western Sayan, on the shores of the Karakol and Itu-Kol lakes, in the region of the Iolgo ridge. This type of volodushka is not used for medicinal purposes.

Volodushka round-leaved

Volodushka round-leaved is a low annual herbaceous plant with a bluish-green, straight, round, branched stem in the upper part. Flowers with yellow petals are collected in an umbrella. This species blooms in May-June, bears fruit in July-August. The habitats of the round-leaved volodushka are roadsides, borders, dry open slopes. The plant grows in the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, in the Far East, in the Baltic states, Moldova, in the Caucasus.

In the roots of the round-leaved volodushka there are flavonoids – rutin, quercetin glycoside. The aerial part of the plant contains saponins, phenolic compounds, coumarin, flavonoids, isorhamnetin, narcissin. The leaves differ in the content of triterpenoids, vitamin C. The fruits are rich in essential oil, saponins, triterpene and tannins. Also in the fruits there is a fatty oil containing glycerides of saturated acids. The plant has a wide range of properties: wound healing, choleretic, antipyretic, lactogenic, astringent.

The fruits of this medicinal plant were used to make the drug Pecrovin, which successfully treated diseases of the gallbladder, it was taken to normalize liver functions. In hepatitis, the effect of the herb has a positive effect on the enzymatic system. Infusion of herbs treat arthralgia, purulent wounds, women’s diseases.

Volodushka multiveined

Volodushka multiveined is a medicinal plant with several, slightly winding in the upper part, branched stems. Yellow flowers are collected in an umbrella. The fruits are dark brown, elliptical. This type of plant is widespread in some regions of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Central Asia. Favorite places are forest edges, rocky slopes, meadows.

Multi-veined volodushka blooms in June-July. In the middle of summer, the fruits begin to ripen.

For medicinal purposes, the roots, flowers and fruits of the plant are used. In the roots, useful substances are quercetin, isorhamnetin, narcissin, isoquercitrin. Stems, leaves and fruits contain rutin, narcissin, isoquercitrin, higher aliphatic alcohols, ketones, a lot of vitamin C and carotene and other useful substances. The presence of favonoids in the plant allows you to normalize the permeability of capillaries, enhances the protective functions of the body.

A decoction of the roots is recommended for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It improves well-being in menstrual irregularities. Due to its choleretic properties, the decoction is useful in the treatment of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. An infusion of flowers and fruits is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Contraindications to the use of volodushka

It is necessary to use volodushka-based products with caution. In the treatment of cholelithiasis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations. Caution should also be exercised in the treatment of infectious diseases, flatulence, headache, dizziness, impotence. Contraindications to the use of medicines from volodushka are eye diseases, itching and pustular dermatoses.

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