Volgograd Wellness park Pilates studio, fitness clubs in Volgograd, slim figure effective fitness

Volgograd Wellness park Pilates studio, fitness clubs in Volgograd, slim figure effective fitness

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“Sport is, of course, good and very useful. Only can I do it from Monday? And today I am very tired ”, – which of us has not said this to himself or his persistent friends? Let’s find out why we say this. And is there such a fitness that will help us smoothly and with pleasure to become one of the regular visitors of the fitness center?

Which of these phrases are yours?

– I have never been involved in sports, I will run a hundred meters and I will collapse. And then all the muscles will ache for a week.

– I have 20 kg of excess weight, I first need to lose weight, otherwise I will break my heart on these simulators of yours.

“I’m on my feet all day, and you want to make me tense after work?” I just want to sit down and relax!

– I have varicose veins, my legs are buzzing and swelling in the evening, it’s not like squatting and jumping – it hurts me to walk!

– After an injury (operation), physical activity is allowed to me in very limited amounts.

Oh yes. It’s good to be rich and healthy. And what to do when the body’s resources no longer really allow you to start a healthy lifestyle on Monday? A vicious circle in which every fifth person runs. But you can try to break it gently and gently, without unnecessary heroism.

What do you know about Pilates?

Pilates is based on a harmonious combination of breathing practices and a detailed study of all muscles to restore the natural flexibility of the body. It combines Western forms of gymnastics and elements of Eastern practices.

This system was developed in the early twentieth century by Joseph Pilates to rehabilitate soldiers wounded in the First World War. Her goal was trauma rehabilitation. But very soon the Pilates author said: “Ten sessions and you will feel better. Twenty sessions and you’ll look your best. Thirty sessions and you will get a completely new body. ” However, it is hardly possible to call Joseph Pilates an adherent of a healthy lifestyle. At the age of 84, he said, “I have to be right. No aspirin, not a single day of illness in my life. The whole world could do my exercises. They would be happier. I eat what I like. If people could see how I live – smoke, drink, make love, they would not believe. “

Ten sessions and you will feel better. Twenty sessions and you’ll look your best. Thirty lessons and you will get a completely new body

Today Pilates classes are held in many clubs, but only one has approached this professionally. We can happily say that the first Pilates studio appeared in Volgograd in Wellness Park. There is a unique specialized equipment for training, which allows you to practice Pilates at a different, higher and higher quality level.

But the most important thing in any business, and even more so in fitness, are competent professionals. In Wellness Park, Pilates classes are taught by professional instructors, under whose supervision you can not only regain your vigor and harmony, but also carry out high-quality rehabilitation of the spine and joints after injuries or postoperative rehabilitation.

Olga Romanova, elite trainer at Wellness Park, 12 years of experience.

Education: VSPU. Certified instructor in myofascial relaxation, as well as in the course “Modern approaches to physical training for overweight people.” Work experience since 2001.

The main area of ​​work is Pilates (since 2009) – basic level and small equipment, work on large equipment (reformer, Cadillac, chair) – Michael King’s school, the original version of Pilates (Keti Corey), the non-original version of Pilates by Alan Herdman, as well as correction posture, work with protrusions and hernias; arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis; rehabilitation after joint arthroplasty; training with the elderly, pilates for men. Analysis and correction of a person’s gait during movement. Working with functional limitations of movements using the “Anatomical trains” techniques. Currently a student at Polestar Pilates.

Rodion Krasnoslobodtsev, elite trainer at Wellness Park, 4 years of experience.

Education: VGIIK. Certified instructor in myofascial relaxation, Pilates small and large equipment, diagnostics and posture correction, currently a student at Polestar Pilates.

Ekaterina Turchina, work experience – 2 years.

VGAFK teacher, certified instructor in myofascial relaxation, Pilates small equipment, diagnostics and posture correction, currently a student at Polestar Pilates school.

3 main principles of Pilates

Correct breathing – saturates the blood with oxygen, increases the volume of the lungs, coordinates the body’s energy, restores the nervous system.

Natural movement – gently redistributes the load from overloaded muscles to previously inactive ones, builds a power muscular frame around the spine, restores flexibility to the joints.

Healthy blood circulation – the combination of breathing and movement normalizes blood circulation, enriches it with oxygen, and the release of muscle clamps restores the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle and returns you vigor.

Pilates is right for you if you:

Overworked physically and emotionally. Instead of strength and cardio exercises, choose Pilates – it will help to relax not only the muscles of the body, but also to stop the “internal running”. You will rest and relieve the stress of the day.

Lead a sedentary lifestyle. Pilates will help you to feel your body flexible and alive, and you will forget about stony back, headaches and heavy legs.

They have never been actively involved in sports. Pilates does not require prior physical training and stamina. The instructor will select a program within the framework of the strengths and capabilities of your body, without overworking it with loads.

You do not lead the healthiest lifestyle: you smoke, you drink alcohol periodically, you are not preoccupied with a healthy diet. For all this, it will not hurt to have high-quality resources of the body: a flexible muscle corset and elastic vessels. Do you plan to live happily ever after and not get sick? Practice Pilates.

You have age restrictions, which are manifested in the form of problems with veins, joints, bone and cardiovascular system. All these problems are associated with a decrease in the mobility and elasticity of body systems. Pilates solves them gently by relieving stress on muscles, joints and blood vessels.

Are pregnant or have recently become a mom. During this period, power loads may be contraindicated. And Pilates in this situation is perhaps the best way to relieve the spine and strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Are overweight. A smooth and unhurried rhythm of exercise will relieve you of shortness of breath and increased heart rate. And if you start to combine Pilates with proper nutrition, the weight will begin to go off evenly and without tension, restoring flexibility and lightness to the body.

Have joint or spinal problems. Pilates is actively used in rehabilitation programs after injuries and surgeries. It strengthens the muscles of the back, removes muscle clamps and blocks, creates a strong and flexible muscle frame, as a result of which the load is relieved from the spine. With the help of Pilates, you can get rid of osteochondrosis, lumbar and cervical pain and curvature of the spine. And the study of small muscle groups will strengthen the shoulder, hip, knee and elbow joints.

Suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. The harmonious combination of oriental breathing practices and exercises that restore flexibility will give you not only free posture and ease of movement, but also inner confidence, joy and a positive outlook on life. After all, now it is easy for you to live!

Why Pilates?

“The body is created by the mind” – so said Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates system. In his method, Pilates tried to combine all the best from various bodily practices, but control was always at the core – this is the most important component of the approach, because it is it that makes you do the exercises not mindlessly, but use your mind.

Effects of Pilates:

A healthy spine will help relieve back pain, joint pain, morning stiffness and headaches.

Correction of posture and, accordingly, the normalization of the work of internal organs. Posture is an indicator of a person’s physical health.

Muscle strength and endurance required for correct posture and movement.

Elasticity to provide the required range of motion.

Graceful, beautiful movements, which means functional and safe. Improving the sense of balance and coordination of movements.

Pilates is freedom and self-confidence, the ability to hear and understand your body, a way to relieve tension and lift your spirits, and most importantly, it is a way to achieve physical perfection – the primary prerequisite for happiness.

Success begins with self-improvement!

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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